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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Macallinka;883437 wrote: Ninyaaban kuu mawicin sxb ee waxaa la iisheegay inaad tahay sawirka meesha ku qoran looool maxaa kajiro arinkaas? Nin yahow see ku ogaatay?
  2. raula;883413 wrote: warya Nin-walaan dish dee..would love to know who the lady is so that i can pass some cookies to. Speaking of Safari-the one w/the becoming more stern being in front of the camera nowdays-I have seen him in some other community videos. **At first, my heart started beating...I was like..GOSH is this like TMZ..did Nin-waalan find some old videos of you back in your hay days then when you said "HE"..i was like alxamdulilah. LoL. You have nothing to fear.....YET. Laakinse, waanku soo raadin doonaa abaayo.
  3. sharma-arke451;883414 wrote: taloow ma xalimaad kawadaa, lol:p LoL Magaca SoL mataqaanaa hee.
  4. LoL guess who its. she posts here all the time, last post was like 2 day's ago. P.S she sent me this video. BTW, she is from Minnesota. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  5. Apophis;883384 wrote: Seems legit. Take the offer LoL. Seems like a such a nice guy. What could ever go wrong...move in with him and stay for free.
  6. I know this was posted here before, but couldn't find it anywhere. Sorry if you've already seen the video.. This is a video of Somali cops patrolling Minneapolis. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  7. Portland man get's 18yrs for stabbing. Portland, Maine . Abdi Awad broke down sobbing as he spoke of his squandered opportunities. He was hanging around with the wrong crowd, he acknowledged, and let his family down and hurt people. "I blew it, your honor," the Portland man told a judge Wednesday. "I wish I did what I was supposed to when I had a chance." Awad was sentenced in Cumberland County Unified Criminal Court to 25 years in prison, with seven years suspended, for elevated aggravated assault in the stabbing of a bouncer at a chem-free party at Morrill's Corner last year. Abdi Awad, 25.
  8. Naxar Nugaaleed;883129 wrote: What no review of the iPad mini? I haven't seen those. If you see one, you've seen all of 'em bro. They all looked the same to me.
  9. oba hiloowlow;883112 wrote: omg omg omg, i always wanted to do that but i never dared.. It's easy. Most of the display computers/ipads/ipods they have is connected to the Internet. You could stay on 'em for as long as you want them also. I just go there at least twice a yr to browse some sites that I would normally not browse from my home PC. I also played lil bit with the iPhone 5 and it's slimmer than the last one they put out. I wouldn't pay any money for it though. I have to go back to that Mall in December again and would def be playing with them more.
  10. Jacpher;883083 wrote: ^Is that you? What a small world. Shshshhh Gotta rush outta here now LoL Jacpher. Which Apple store...
  11. labellavida;882794 wrote: And, how did you come to that conclusion? What's that saying takes two to tango. Right. LoL "hypothetically" speaking maybe?
  12. Macallinka;882540 wrote: ^Gabadhan farah ka qaad sxb waa gabar yaroo camerada ku cusubtahaye Mahubo Fab waa gabar aan aad u xiiseeyo....markasto eey YT waloxoo soo gelisana, qofka ugu horeeyo oo daawaada ayaan ahay.
  13. Someone pls caption these's just too good to pass.
  14. wyre, you don't like that parody? By the way I saw this one floating around FB HaHaH. Caadi Maahan.
  15. What could go wrong....just tell him you like him.
  16. Labellavidda, well you are in such a good luck. Try contacting the Dept of Corrections.
  17. Maarodi;882472 wrote: As the saying goes, " if he cheats with you, he'll cheat on you. Ayadana beri mid kale ayuu uga tagayaa.
  18. Could be real, but mostly likely FAKE.
  19. Nin yahow ajar weyn ayaad ilahay aktiisa ka heleysaa, hadii aad Agoonta wax u qabatid. Ilahay hakugu garab galo.