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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Nice. China could really do a lot to help Somalia.
  2. Man jailed faking to be asylum seeker to get £10,000 in benefits A BRIT who posed as a struggling asylum seeker so he could claim more than £10,000 in crisis loans was jailed today. Mohammed Hassan, 36.
  3. A couple struggling for months to have a baby were shocked when doctors told them that their laptop was to blame. Doctors had told 30-year-old Scott Reed that having the electronic appliance on his lap had caused heat damage to his sperm, which made it harder for him and his wife Laura, who is also 30, to conceive, according to the Daily Mail. Read more at
  4. Humans may be gradually losing intelligence, according to a new study. The study, published today (Nov. 12) in the journal Trends in Genetics, argues that humans lost the evolutionary pressure to be smart once we started living in dense agricultural settlements several thousand years ago.
  5. oba hiloowlow;887625 wrote: when i was 18 sent 50 dollars to my abti. Rageedi. Saas kuwad. Qof hadii uu Abtigiis u deceeye, weligiis waxba kama xumaadan.
  6. You do that Apo. But also know you wouldn't be the first one on SoL to be arrested. On another note, since some of these arrests are from few yrs back and some people complained about it, i'd now only post those that happened within 1yr. So those of you that want to continue this, pls post arrests that are very recent.....atleast within the yr we are in. Thanks.
  7. 1 Somali 1 madow convicted of robbery Arlington, Virginia. An Arlington County jury this week found two men guilty of a Christmas Day robbery of a gas station and recommended to a judge that they serve at least a decade behind bars. Liban Jama, 24
  8. Abwaan;887807 wrote: I guess they are all winners cause they are representing Somalia. +Boqol. Nice thread by the way, Macalinka.
  9. Abwaan;887815 wrote: not that I condone his actions but did you see his wife? And the lady he had the affair with? Paula Broadwell way nuuraysaa compared to his wife, she is younger too...:DA lesson for islaamaha inaysan weligood xarragada ka tegin haddii kale gabar yar baa duqeeda isbaaro u dhiganaysa. She was officially stalking him for a while and alcohol might be involved. I wonder what her doctor husband will do. I was sorry to hear this David Patraeus is a proffesional man whp earned respect for his work over the years. Will be interesting to see who replaced him. LAWL. Could be true....but we are talking about the CIA, it's probably something little more than extra marital affairs for him to step down. We would never know 'bout it. Yea, i saw his wife too and i said, geez....."Ninkaan maxaa si ka'ahaa, markuu qoftaan guusanayey"? I would've cheated too. LoL
  10. Man they keep revising those numbers down yr after yr. I remember some guy on TV saying the U.S didnt' had to worry about China overtaking them until at least 2025. But now it's 'Four Yrs from now'? China has already overtaken the U.S in a lot of things. According to Wikipedia/CIA facbook/BBC thingy/google search, China is already: 1. World's biggest Exporter 2. World's biggest Cellphone/Mobile phone Users (1 billion +) 3. Has the largest Internet Users (513 million) 4. Biggest motor vehicle manufacturing in the world.... And those are just some of the the list's that i was able to find on the Internet. And for Haatu, if you think Somalia could overtake China, well than bro, I just hope that happens in my lifetime. I hope to see Somalia beating the USA, Europe, Japan, China and the rest of the world to become 'Wadanka Aduunka ugu fiican'.
  11. CIA Director David Petraeus abruptly resigned Friday, citing an extramarital affair and the need to sort out the “personal and professional issues” involved.
  12. Somali philosopher;887575 wrote: I sent my first paycheck to my grandmother and aunt Wajib bay igu leeyihin as they have raised me +2
  13. wyre;886878 wrote: + MiIIion.
  14. Hate to say it, but Romney took VA. That puts head in the EC thingy, for now.
  15. Apophis;886530 wrote: Who is this Sangub dude? And why isn't he in NY's convict thread? LoL hes' there.
  16. Hope Obama wins. It's very close to close in a lot of important places.
  17. Nin-Yaaban

    Laila Adem

    LoL Caadi marnaba maahan. Quruxleey.
  18. Sawirkaan meel kale ayaan ku arkay....taloow waa kuma.
  19. Ninkaan danbiga Minnesota ayuu ku galay. Danbi ha galo maxumee, cararitaankii uu cararey ayaa ugasii dartay oo malintii maxkamada uulahaa ayuu dhuuntay. Danbi kasta oo lagugu eedeeyo, weligaa haka cararin, LAWYER qabso isna difaac. This is the warrant on file for him at the Hennepin County Sherrif's Office: Warrant: Felony Bench Warrant Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree: Isse is charged with sexually molesting a 10 year old female in December 2006. Isse visited the girl’s family, got into bed with the victim, and raped her. The victim later spoke to Isse via the phone and recorded the conversation where Isse admitted to having sex with the victim and that he wanted to see her again. Isse did not appear for a June 24th, 2007 court date and is believed to still be in the Minneapolis area.
  20. LoL. Except for some of the politically charged Ad's, i think he has a chance. AB you gonna have to hire people to work on your campaign. Mario B, Wyre, XX iyo dadka shaqo la'aanta ah ha kuu "campaign gareeyaan.
  21. Odey i think it has to do with different time zones. By the time this hits the media, it's probably done and over with it. But then again, this a Somali site reporting this (couldn't find anything on Google) so you have to take it with grain of salt.