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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Blackflash;892115 wrote: What he did is not something you should be expected to "grow out of", it's something you shouldn't do at all. Runtaa, but society has been lowering the bar for quite some time. This wouldnt' have raised any concerns if it was some 20's something Ciyaal doing it. But at 34yr old and to be doing that...? Now that's just crossing the line. SMH
  2. chubacka;892107 wrote: Scary stuff. Why would an adult commit such a random act of violence. This happy slapping crap is usually associated with teenage boys in hoodies. Well its' just some people never learn to grow out of it.....they are forever stuck in perpetual ciyaalnimo.
  3. Kani aduunkuuba ka dhacay. Hala talaalo sidiisun ilmo danbe u dhalin.
  4. Juxa, if you have anything to do with the hiring process for this job u posted, Fadlan, take a good look at them. Walahi, dadka qaarkood iskaba daa ineey meelahaas ka shaqeeyaane, they wouldn't even hire them for cleaning positions. There is this Somali women (again, probably single mom) who works at the local DMV office who is just mad at the world and everyone else. 3 bilood ka hor ayaan tagay inaan new driver-license cusub soo qaato....'swear, weligeey qof ka dabeecad, ama shaqsi xun ma arak. Aduunkeey ka dhacday, so she takes it on everyone else. I've noticed some of the Somali people that get a job with either local/state gov'ts are just there so they can feel they are better than everyone else, and take it on dadka masaakinta ah.
  5. Juxa;891975 wrote: ^^ ma amaanta yar baad ii quuri la dahay Wadani thanks, but this really is not ixsaan, more like shaqo which actually takes over noloshaada oo dhan LoL maya, waxaan ku qoslay wuxuu ninkaa yiri. I dunno about Canada, but some of the Somali people i've seen working in those places (3 different states i lived) couldn't even get hired at Mcdonald's walahi. They got those jobs either because of someone they know, or affirmative action. It's either the middle aged single mom, or the retired bully fadhi ku dirir Oday who think 'ineey aduunka ugu weyn yihiin'. I am sure inaad ka duwantahay, but it's just been my personal experience from dealing with dadka noocaas oo kale.
  6. Wadani;891844 wrote: Juxa, u seem like a strong woman who is an asset to her community. I wish we had more people like u here in Canada. We have useless people here propping themselves up as leaders of the Somali community. IoI
  7. Che -Guevara;891921 wrote: I thought the locals say Torono not Toronto. Is she from really there? Or Koronto like MMA would say.
  8. oba hiloowlow;891897 wrote: Im making too many threads these days so im gonna put everything in here. Hadaaba garatayba waa wax fiican. Alpha Blondy and Jacylbaro already have their own. We just now have to get Dr.Osman, XX and Somalia to do the same.
  9. Yunis;891887 wrote: ^Good thing you added a question mark after that ridiculous title. I couldn't read on after 'Anyway,' That's to show that 'Somalia iyo Kenya' ineey isku dhex jiraan oo aanan kalam maarmeen. Waxa hada socdo, markeey dhamaadaan, ma maleeynayo ineey wax saas u weyn is badali doonaan, ganacsi ahaan.
  10. Ok. I got it off this BB board.
  11. The Somalification of Nairobi Written by a somali 27th November 2007 The Somalification of Nairobi And the Nairobification(And somewhat Kenyanification) of Somalis.... Home is where the heart is they say, my heart is divided and split between my ancestral home and my adopted home. Kenya is home and so is the USA; I am torn between two homes. I missed Minneapolis when I was back in Kenya am missing kenya now that i am in MPLS. I wish the distance wasn’t that far .Oh well, I hope to make up my mind one of these days. Anyway, i was talking about Nairobi and how it’s been somalified. Theres roughly about 1.7million Somalis in Kenya today; of this number a good number of 700K of these millions probably reside in Nairobi and the number is fast increasing. Nairobi is undoubtly not my home, although it?s become home to thousands of Somalis, well to do and really commercial Somalis. Sometimes I wondered if there were Somalis left in Somalia and anywhere else Somalis live in this world, I mean Nairobi has become little Somalia, it's becoming a Somali city, and when I say Nairobi, I don’t mean Eastleigh(Islii) and the Somali dominant boroughs, I am talking about downtown Nairobi and the larger Nairobi area. Entrepreneur rich Somalis have taken over the central business district of Nairobi and transformed those formerly Indian owned shops into stalls full of affordable clothing for all east Africans(yes, Uganda Tz and Burundi Rwanda and the new Sudan included). Estates that were formerly owned by Indians and Kenyans have been demolished and in came new modern houses, owned and operated by Somalis. Old Nairobi estates are being demolished, Most of these homes are owned by Somali expats in the UK and us and the larger Diaspora. Nairobi has been somalified. Kenyans have been somalified, Somalis have been kenyanised. The trend is not about to stop. Matter of fact it’s on an upward surge, a non stop build up. Pretty soon Somalis will be CEOs and CFOs of large Kenyan companies. They are buying shares and stakes in large Kenyan corporations from cell phone companies to small corps to buses. Nairobi has become the city that has the richest Somalis anywhere in the world. Not even Mogadishu and the UK and US have that many millionaires in one area! You cannot tell anymore the difference between a sujuu (native Somalis) and mlendos aka soo galotis (refugees). Of course non Somalis can never tell the difference between a sujuu and a non sujuu one, but even I could not tell the difference. The sujuus speak flawless Somali(Finally!), the mlendos rap in the latest sheng and Swahili, the kenyatis now speak Somalis. Theres a new found mutual respect between the Mlendos(Fugees) and the Sujuus. An understanding and a business relationship. The sujuus have realised that somalis are here to stay and that they must respect the shrewdness and their business prowess.The Mlendos have accepted that the need the sujuus to survive.In came a symbiosis like relationship(Hopefully this will last forever).They finally saw that they needed one another. Somalis have gone beyond Eastleigh; they have now started moving to downtown Nairobi that is because Eastleigh has become too small for their vast growing pace. Also because eastleigh is unsafe and the roads and the sanitations are bad. Indian shop owners of the early 90s are being forced out (Business wise) by young and very business minded "Walalos" or "Waryaas" as the kenyatid fondly call us. It’s beautiful i tell you folks.One time in downtown Nairobi, this kenyati taxi driver was calling on me. ?Kaalay abtii, taxi ma rabtaa!? I laughed and I ended up taking him. He impressed me really. He knows his clientele. Schools are full of young vibrant Somali kids, uniform and all topped with a cute hijab. Somalis will be Somalis though?, I saw a bunch of youngsters speaking loudly(in somalis) in downtown Nairobi in a fish and chips cafe(Yummy,i miss it). Gone are the days where Somalis were harassed by Kenyan police. That is because the police commissioner is a Somali. He issues a staring order not to ever arrest a Somali. No more "Leta kitambulisho"(Bring your ID) and the money extortion. Of the 2months I was there, never was I ever asked for my I Compare that to the previous years when I was in a fight with Kenyan police almost every night. (They expect me not to roam in the night, hey I was a night crawler, still was on my vacation ) So for those worried and afraid of Kenyati police, NO NEED TO WORRY!! .Nairobi is now owned by Somalis waryaada. Even Some Somali words have even been incorporated in the local street sheng language (sheng is the combination of English, Swahili and native languages). I was shocked when I heard Kenyans speaking Somali words. The Kenyans have accepted Somalis (about time, we liberated them from Indians) and they appreciate it for real. It’s something that is unimaginable. The rate at which the Somalis are investing in Nairobi is really a trend that’s somewhat worrying; in the sense that traditional greater Somalia towns are being ignored (including Nfd & ******ia.).But in the world of global business, I think one need not to worry. Nairobi was fun;I really enjoyed it so much. I need to go know. I have not edited this piece, so if it doesn’t make sense, oh well. See you anyway.
  12. Blackflash;891779 wrote: They've found oil and weapons of mass destruction, the Martians should prepare themselves for an overdose of freedom and democracy. LoL not with Obama in office. I hope they show pictures of whateva it's.
  13. Oba, adiguna waadku mahad santahay canbaareentaada.
  14. Results of soil sample analysis by NASA's Curiosity rover may have yielded a significant scientific discovery on Mars, possibly of organic compounds, but until NASA makes a more detailed announcement at a conference in early December, the public will have to sift through available clues.
  15. Tanlabaad, Somali Kenyans are Somalis in my book. Apophis, Nin yahow, meeshaadaas kawad ayaan ku oron lahaa. Koley dad badan Somali kusheeg ah ayaad dhaanto.
  16. Labo Qashin sentenced for beating an innocent Somali man to death AYAGOO cabsan London, UK. TWO men who beat an Uxbridge man to death in a 'drink induced unprovoked attack' are facing life in jail. S.a.d.e. Samatar, 21. Ibrahim Dualeh, 34.
  17. The toughest looking Farah's in aduunka sentenced. London, UK. A GROUP of drug dealers have been jailed for more than 29 years following an under cover police investigation. Detectives from the Violent and Organised Crime Unit (VOCU), which is funded by Greenwich Council, dismantled a criminal network selling class A drugs in Greenwich. Jibril Jama aka Khatar, 22. Hassan Hassan, 29 Ibrahim Jama, 24
  18. Man jailed for stairwell stabbing London, UK. A 21-YEAR-OLD man involved in an unprovoked knife attack has been sentenced to a total of 14 years. Duale Jama, of Hoppner Road, Hayes, has been convicted of stabbing Shameem Momin in Austin Road, Hayes, as he returned home from an evening out on March 22. Duale Jama, 21
  19. Two Barawanis arrested for gang shootings. PORTLAND, Ore . - Two men are under arrest in connection with a gang-related shooting at a local park. Abdalla Burey Sheikwali, 23, and Fahad Abdalla Abdiaziz, 24, are both facing charges of attempted murder and first-degree assault. Fahad Abdalla Abdiaziz (left) and Abdalla Burey Sheikwali (right).
  20. Women who ran 3 people over with car given 2yrs (Video) Fargo, ND . 23 year old Sumaya Hassan was arrested for aggravated assault and reckless endangerment. Police say it happened in the parking lot of Holy Cross Church in West Fargo, around 2 yesterday afternoon. Sumaya Hassan, 23