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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Chimera;900028 wrote: Another degenerate from Somalinet. Another Qashin from that site? That's just par for the course.
  2. AT &T fikrad ahaan aniga waxaan qabaa iney danbi tahay. :0
  3. Somalidu waxeey tiraahdaa, balo'aankaa yaabin balo maahan. SMH
  4. In the off chance that ur not troIIing, yes it's rape and it's iIIegaI. Spousal Rape: is non-consensual sex in which the perpetrator is the victim's spouse.
  5. Well u learn something new everyday. Before this post, I didn't even know there were Somalis living in Zambia. I guess most people that choose to set up shop in any country know very well the risk involved. This is no reason to insult a whole group of people because of what few people did. That's just my opinion.
  6. NGONGE;899816 wrote: This site is either full of ****** people or the quality of trolling has gone down the pan! +2.
  7. Planned deployment of US-made Patriot missiles in Turkey is a "provocative" action which could bring about "uncalculated" results, Iran's foreign minister said on Sunday. "The deployment of Patriot missiles will achieve nothing but to provoke and, God forbid, result in being forced into an uncalculated action," Ali Akbar Salehi said in remarks reported by the official IRNA news agency.
  8. Mareykanka waa meel soo waalatay. Waa sheeko ayaga utaal.
  9. Well happy Birthday Maxi...errr, Alpha. Well atleast yours isn't Jan 1st like most of us Flight 13's.
  10. Blackflash;899076 wrote: A man in China stabbed 22 elementary students today, none of them died. So while guns aren't the cause of these incidents, they just make matters worse. I couldnt' have said it any better. Sooner or later they would have to come up with sensible gun control policy....or they'd just have more of the same thing. Waxaan ka quustay markaan arkay mid yaroo aan saaxibo ahaan jirnay oo pistolad soo gatay. And he was the last person you would trust anything with, let along a gun.
  11. Che -Guevara;899086 wrote: The killer murdered his mother as well. I am going to guess its' a Cadaan guy?
  12. N.O.R.F;899081 wrote: Nin Yaaban, I take it they keep it at home for safety etc mise they carry it? Concealed carry if you have the permit, so you can keep it with you at all times. Others use it for home defense.
  13. Nope, never owned one. But got family members who own one.
  14. Anyone could own a gun, as long as ur not a felon. Gun shops do a quick background check, and u could walk out with a gun on the spot (if nothing else comes back). There are plenty of Somalis who own firearms (both legal and illegal).
  15. The Zack;898553 wrote: Hadhow markaan qaadka soo qaato ee aan qayilayo baan daawan bal. Markaas baan si fiican wax u fahmaa. IoI istaqfuruIah.
  16. Qashinkii baa meesha loo fasaxay, ee ha ubixin.
  17. Nin-Yaaban

    1 in 5

    Most of those are probably recent converts, inmates who join Islam either for protection or its the new thing to do. Not what we'd call true Muslims.
  18. Abwaan;898594 wrote: Carafaat....he is second now. Sure he is.....
  19. Taleexi;898564 wrote: Ma saasuu obsessed ugu yahay? War nin yahow, adigu sheekada SoL lama socotid ileen? lol. War meeshan sheeko aan caadi aheen aa ka socotoo sxbkeey. :)
  20. Taleexi;898559 wrote: Narniah. Mar horaad ka takhalusi lahayd balse I've sense that you've a crash on this elusive figure. LoL Haatu yuusan ku maqlin.
  21. What to do? Make it clear to him you are NOT his girl. Like SomaliCentric said, talk to the jerk and tell him to cut the shit out. Nip in the bud, goori goor inteey tahay. On your previous post (few months ago) you said this was ur first job, and you enjoyed working there. If it's the same guy (the somali guy) who was ur supervisor, just be nice, polite, but also firm with him. You seem like a cool person who likes doing what she's doing....just tell the jerk to back off or you'd report him to HR.
  22. Nin-Yaaban


    LoL it would've been nice if you made this threat at 12.12.12 at 12:11:11. I was gonna reply at exactly at 12 oclock, but SoL ruined it by using some weird time zone and the military time thingy.
  23. Che -Guevara;897644 wrote: Wow, you are already done. Unfortunately, I don't know any Somali docs in Boston. I know one kid but he's dentist. LoL I think dentist are doctors too. Back when I lived in Minnesota I use to know this Somali girl who went to school for nursing, but would get upset with you if u didn't call her a doctor. And then there was this Somali guy who worked at CVS as a pharmist, but liked to pretend he was a surgeon. LoL that kid was delusional.