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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban
East Coast: Survived the massive spike of influenza?
Nin-Yaaban replied to AfricaOwn's topic in General
Alpha Blondy;909681 wrote: and what do you suppose Homeland Security will do to me? water-boarding and other rendition type torture methods? i love America okay! i don't want to destroy it, i just feel america needs a better foreign policy. U-S-A, to me represent ultimate human freedom and when i move to ATL in 2014, the american will ask me to pronounce certain words again for their amusement because i'm BRITISH. never forget that! BRITAIN OWNS the USA! Alpha, of all the places u could move to, why ATL sxb? That place is a damp. -
East Coast: Survived the massive spike of influenza?
Nin-Yaaban replied to AfricaOwn's topic in General
I thought it was just me who had the flu all this time, since no one else in the household got it. Shit, I took everything I could to make it go away in the last two weeks. I finally feel got better 2 days ago. It wasn't pretty and almost went to the ER. I am glad it wasn't just me though. -
Lance Armstrong 'confesses to Oprah Winfrey that he used drugs'
Nin-Yaaban replied to N.O.R.F's topic in General
Why is he admitting to it just now though? Wasn't it only few months ago that he was still denying that he ever used drugs? LoL he's probably going on tv and doing all this to get sympathy and for people to feel sorry for him. I don't watch cyling, but he looks guilty as F. Take responsibility for what u did and move on with ur life hommie. Hope he was smart enuff to have stashed couple of millions from what he did. -
Nansen Refugee Award Ceremony 2012 given to Hawa Aden Mohamed
Nin-Yaaban replied to Gheelle.T's topic in General
Good for her. -
Taleexi;909020 wrote: Some justice is better than no justice at all but do rape and murder have same penalty code either in the religion or the law of the land? Rape = firing squad. Murder = firing squad.
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;908740 wrote: Waxaa Xamar kusoo arkay anshaxxumo wey dhaafeysay. The relative availability of drugs is beyond shocking. Xashiish, qamro, so-called 'blue pills' ayaaba la isku wada daroyaa, hal mar la isla qaadanaaye by both dumar iyo ragba. Jaadna ha sheegin. Liidadaasna waa tagay, habeen iyo duhurba laba jeer. Labada jeerba caadi ayee ahayd oo wax 'anshax'xumo' kuma arkin. Maqaayad shidan ayaa ku taalo oo qiimaheeda loo dhawaan karin. Eebbaa u maqan dadkeena. MMA, sawirada hanaga soo hilmaamin. Be Safe sxb.....
Wadani;908588 wrote: How is it poor? What deficiences have u spotted in the article that are a result of limitatons within the language and not the writer? +5
Two somali soldiers gets executed for commiting rape
Nin-Yaaban replied to oba hiloowlow's topic in Politics
That's a good start. -
Caadi ma'ahan. It looks like a stressful job though.
Failed French! (France confirms failed Somali hostage rescue)
Nin-Yaaban replied to SayidSomal's topic in General
LoL what's with the .9mm/.40 calls these guys carry? They were no match for AK 47 rounds. -
Ameena maa laweydiiyo, ileen ayada macalin school ehe.
Juxa;908309 wrote: i was called professor in my recent visit and had to repeatedly explain i was not. then i saw few with community college certificates being called Dr and smiling without telling the truth Injineer is the new thing now.
Che -Guevara;908082 wrote: He is here, landed yesterday with wife and kid. Which one of the 3 wives?
How many people browse SoL from either an iPad or mobile phone?
Nin-Yaaban replied to Nin-Yaaban's topic in General
For most of you, it's basically more convenient to do it so from a cellphone/iPad than to wait to do it when u get home. LoL I wish iPads/iPhones were so cheap here, at least I wouldn't have to wait till i was on a PC to make a post. Waryaa Apo, sup sxb. How u been. -
LoL waa sheeko Yaaban. Bal aan tagoo soo eego Anshaxxumada la sheegayo.
Haatu;907493 wrote: Gartey waad mahadsantihiin. Aaliyah su'aashaas waan kula qabaa. Ma jiraa erey Af Soomaali ah oo u dhigmada ereyga 'Imtixaan'? Oba, sidee bey kaa noqotey sxb? Baasay ku lahaa Ereyga ugu dhow Imtixaam soomaahan Kadis? Mise waxbaan isku khaldayaa?
Alpha Blondy;908049 wrote: FLIGHT 13 generation miya sxb? LOL Maya sxb, Flight 13 waanka dambeeyey, oo waxaan imid 2000's. Adiguna?
Buugii ugu horeeyey oo aan akhriyo wuxuu ahaa...Somali. Englishka akhrintiisa waxaan kubilaabay Nairobi, Kenya.
Acclaimed/Famous Somalis in your Community
Nin-Yaaban replied to SomaliPhilosopher's topic in General
Taleexi;907799 wrote: She is in my town now. Search for someone else Mr. NY. LoL. -
Acclaimed/Famous Somalis in your Community
Nin-Yaaban replied to SomaliPhilosopher's topic in General
Abwaan;907784 wrote: lol...Nin-Yaaban does she still make her annoying youtube videos? I have not seen any recent ones. Or may be she is locked up in some CA jail and you have missed her on your update. LoL. I haven't seen any of her latest vids. She still is one of my favorite Xaliimo on YT. I hope she is doing ok though and hasn't gotten into any trouble. -
How many people browse SoL from either an iPad or mobile phone?
Nin-Yaaban posted a topic in General
90% of my time on SoL is done from PC. But I noticed few posts here with YouTube links that start with "m.youtube" etc, etc. So you know its someone using a cellphone. The few times I used a cellphone to post here, it was lil frustrating because you don't get the full function and u have to look for things. So those of you that post here using iPhone/iPad or any other mobile device, is't easier than using PC/laptop? -
+2 for pursuing higher education.
Acclaimed/Famous Somalis in your Community
Nin-Yaaban replied to SomaliPhilosopher's topic in General
Well YouTube sensation Mahubo Fab lived in Ohio briefly, does that count? -
Failed French! (France confirms failed Somali hostage rescue)
Nin-Yaaban replied to SayidSomal's topic in General
Ambassador;907513 wrote: Splendid news! How many western countries currently operate in Somalia? Officially, none. But i am sure there are few intelligence services conducting some type of covert ops.