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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. This is so weird walle. What is she hoping to accomplish from doing this and acting like Naag Waalan in front of all these people?
  2. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;925155 wrote: In Kanada, they don't need to keep it. They will issue you a new one while cutting a few inches by manqas from the top of used baasboorka's cover. The cut makes it invalid. By the way, meeluhuu tagay my brother-in-law haddaa arki lahayd yaab toosan yaabi lahayd. Dalalkuu tagay waxaa ka mid ah intaa xasuusan karo: Jabbaan (Tokyo - transit) Hong Kong (transit) Indonesia Malaysia Bakistaan Hindiya Carabaha badankood: Kuweyd, Qadar, Imaaraadka, Sacuudiga, Urdu (Jordan), Yeman, Masar, Suudaan... Yurubta: Ingiriiska, Faransiiska, Iskaandineefiya (Scandinavia) Mareykanka: Meela badan Kanada: Gees ka gees (from Vancouver-Alberta-Ontario-Quebec iyo inta u wada dhaxeyso...) Afrika: Kenya, Soomaaliya, Suudaan, Masar... LoL@Maqas, old school huh. Caadi maahan. But that's good though, cuz i would hate to have been to all these countries and to have all these stamps in my passport only to give back to them. That would suck. It's amazing how many countries Somalis have been to though. In the past year alone, people that i know personally went to China, Angola, Brazil, South Africa, and Thailand. The day i see Somalis in North Korea would be the day that nothing else surprises me.
  3. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;925142 wrote: Soomaaliya: Xamar, Dayniile, Cisaleey, Afgooye, Baydhabo, Waajid NFD: Gaarisa Kiinya: Nayroobi ( Numerous times I visited and stayed: Oktoobar 1992; Abriil 2003; Janaayo 2009; Diseembar 2009; Nofeembar 2010; Oktoobar 2012; Janaayo 2013) Holland: Amsterdam (four times) Ingiriiska: London (four times) Wales: Cardiff Denmark: Aarhus Imaaraadka: Dubeey (two times) Mareykanka: Baltimore; Alexandria, Virginia; Washington DC; Detroit; Pennsylvania (passed by car); Ohio (passed by car) New York (transit) Kanada: Windsor; London, ON; Waterloo, ON; Muskoka, ON; Toronto (and GTA); Ottawa; Calgary That's a lot of traveling Miskiin. Your passport must look something like this... Horta, what do they do if your passport is all filled out? Do they let you keep it and send you new one, or you gotta turn them in and get a new one?
  4. N.O.R.F;925129 wrote: Here we go Somalia (Xamar) Somaliland (Burco, Berbera, Hargaisa, Sheikh, Caynabo and bari) Djibouti (transit) Saudi Arabia (Jeddah, Makka, Madina) UAE Oman Syria Egypt Qatar Bahrain (transit) Malaysia UK, France, Italy Canada Wow, seems like you've been to most countries in the Middle East sxb. It's nice to have all kinds of stamps in your passport from all these different countries.
  5. Wow, some of you guy's have been busy. And to think i am the only person in my immediate family to have traveled the most, is crazy. Insha'allah someday i can travel even more than i have now.
  6. Just curious about how many countries the average nomad has been to or visited. List any country, city you have been to, even if u were transit. Aniga: Somalia (Xamar, Afgooye, Baraawe, Kismaayo) Kenya (Nairobi, Mombasa, Utanga) France (Paris, transit to the U.S) USA (NYC, Detroit, Atlanta, St.Paul/Minneapolis, Seattle, Houston) Canada (Toronto, Montreal) Do you guy's think that's the average for people, or have others been to more than that? I know some people here that haven't traveled outside of Minnesota in 10yrs, and some that seem to travel almost every year.
  7. NGONGE;924939 wrote: LoL, i see what you did there. Took me a while to figure it out.
  8. xiinfaniin;924758 wrote: ^^Awoowe, It does not matter who got rubbed the wrong way. But I take it that you are one of them. Positions I take seldom change, and there is no exception here. Some may say what got ultimately delineated in the SC resolution does not amount much in terms of what Somalia needs to revamp its security forces. But I am bit generous than that and see the efforts of the president come to a full fruition politically speaking. The president got a rough start...came across as an activist , and not a leader. Kismayo remains the biggest political test and we shall see whether he stays on his double talk course or appreciates the history of the city and the civil war expereince whose values seems to elude him. Horta adigu Faraskii barakeesnaa oo ina Islaan Faraxna waad sidataa, qofkii ka fikrad duwanaadana waxaad leedahay "your one of them". Saas maahan sxb, dadka waala kala fikrad duwanaani karaa, ee waa caadi.
  9. xiinfaniin;924742 wrote: Nin Dhoohan, I will admit a loss if Jubbaland does not materialize, if that is what you are after. This was predictable really, and the administration did a great job in presenting it a reasonable way. I respect your RAGANIMO sxb, it's just that you've been little too vocal about some issues here on the board. Nothing wrong with that, but it kinda rubbed people the wrong way. Even people that are normally on the fence about a lot of issues.
  10. Looks very nice. It's gonna things easier for a lot of people.
  11. SomaliPhilosopher;924277 wrote: That is true nevertheless it is truly a misfortune. The Somali government should welcome back such figures and provide them with a hero's welcome along with proper accommodation. That would be nice, but there is no MONEY.
  12. SomaliPhilosopher;923690 wrote: It has come to my attention the former Prime Minister Abdirizak Haji Hussein lives in Minnesota in the rundown Ceder Riverside Apartments. How does a PM of such stature end up in Ceder? Quite unfortunate That's because there are no retirement or pension systems in Somalia. The smart one took some money and stashed it away in foreign bank accounts for things like this.
  13. Che -Guevara;923705 wrote: It seems this man has united many Somalis. I wouldn't go as far as that, but he's ok. No different than the last 3-4 presidents Somalia has had. O'well, there are plenty more waiting to fill that position.
  14. Is he really his son? Mise waa qof un iskaga eg?
  15. Odey;923344 wrote: I had a truly horrendous experience last time I was there. One of them just walked up to me and said " Nigger" and then laughed!. His laugh was so innocent, I told myself the dude must have heard it on telly and didn't know the background info on it. The ones in Hong Kong are better though. I a not surprised this poor girl is facing such racism, it is actually quite ok for them. In fact, I have yet to meet a more rude people. I would've loved to see the look on your face when that happened. LoooooL. In Fairness, they themselves are discriminated against in most countries they settle. And they rarely complain about it, like blacks, Latinos, Arabs, Somalis do.
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;923342 wrote: Jacpher adeer, ma Af.Somaliga kugu adag? Soo qaado xaashi iyo qalin, ana ku yeerin. There Xaaji. Fixed it.
  17. Alpha Blondy;923343 wrote: ma ii sheegi karta ereyoo kale oo iska caadi ah? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Alpha Blondy, I have to say one thing sxb. Your Somali is getting better nin yahow. I noticed you have been writing in Somali in the last few weeks than you have been in the last few yrs. Ereyo iska caadi ah? I can't think of any right now, but there are plenty.
  18. Ma istiri, ama Ma istidhi labadaba waa eey sax sanyihiin. Ma istidhi Alpha Blondy ayaa nagu waalay ma ogiyee, sideeda kale waa erey iska caadi ah. I like saying.....'Ma is tiraahdaa'. Ex. 'Sxb, ma istiraahdaa mararka qaarkood waad soo waalan rabtaa'.
  19. Jacpher;923335 wrote: Ma fahmin waxaad qortay saaxiib. Ku noqo oo af soomaali soo qor. LoL the Irony.
  20. Alpha Blondy, i think this goes much deeper than just mixed race Chinese kids. Since the Indho yar rarely travel outside of their country, they have a totally different concept of what racism is. They aren't as sensitive as other people when it comes to race, and wouldn't mind saying stuff to your face. Like they would say 'Madow' or 'Cadaan' in the most stereotypical way. It's kinda weird.