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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Horta su'aal......why is there so many Somali songs for HOOYO (Macaan) but not as much for AABE (Aabo) in our community? As much as fathers have to deal with, i think it's time FATHERS should be proud for what they did for community.
  2. ILMO (Ciyaal), first they step on your toes and then they stop on your HEARTS. Such is life as a FATHER.
  3. Wow, that's kinda sad. Even though i haven't used MSN for at least 2yrs now, i remember when i would to talk people from everywhere and spend hours and hours on it. Nothing lasts forever i guess.
  4. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;936165 wrote: Marka caddeey Minankii Awcismaan Ninkii mooda Munaafuq waaye +1
  5. Bluelicious;935958 wrote: These are not facts lol but good one nevertheless. IKR
  6. Never even knew it even existed.
  7. Somalia;935591 wrote: He should limit it to texts or images of max 90px in height. That wont work.
  8. I'd say it, SoL has missed a lot of people who have no business in being here. Just tighten it up little bit more in who you allow to post in here. But good job overall though, for weeding out the Qashin.
  9. Since there is the potential for misuse (with hidden background scripts), I don't think Libaax or the Admin would do it. But I don't mind it back though.
  10. So what are some of the 'Questionable' parts of this constitution? Anything most of us SoLer's should be worrying about?
  11. MMA just returned from Mogadishu. Send him a private message, i am sure he is more than willing to help.
  12. Apophis;934560 wrote: Btw, I think you can only hide someone's posts not block them completely. That's how I understood it. With the new 'Ignore' that's how it works. You can still see the topics that they started, but it wont completely hide it. Back when SoL had the Signature thingy, there was a script that allowed you to 'completely' hide posts and threads started. That's why Libaax and the Admin got rid of the Signature thingy, because of people inserting scripts into signature message box.
  13. Oba, it only took you what....3yr's to figure out how to add people on your ignore list? Congratulations.
  14. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;934524 wrote: Probably a kitaab. LoL istaqfurullah.
  15. Sensei;934505 wrote: Good riddance brotherman, Allow ee taa jinn raacdo. But, no need to give up on hope, Yes We Can! This I will tell you that there are plenty of beautiful Somali sisters, oo wax kasta loo dhameeye, out there waiting for you. +2. How is Fairfax sxb horta? Meeshaas, mar hore ayaa iigu danbeesay. Mexicankii weli maka buuxaan?
  16. How much did the REVERT paid for the girl horta? If he came up with the $20k that the family demanded and he married her, well i dont see antying wrong with it. Maybe you need to start saving more LACAG, so you can afford to marry ur DREAM Xaliimo. He probably paid the $20k so he can marry her and then probably become unemployed. That's what me thinks.
  17. Isn't Araweel the lady that use to do 'you know what' to men a longtime ago? They should've chosen someone else for that comic. LoL i can't see many men reading it.
  18. STOIC;934428 wrote: ^Maadey is actually a cool dude..He knows when to take jokes..I used to like how he referenced members opinions whenever they challenged him..Good for him if he left those ******.... Yea he is one of the coolest people here on the boards. Doesn't take all the jokes people say about him personally. Waa rageedi walle. Waryaa Maddeey, wali saaxibo ayaanu nahay, soo maahan?
  19. STOIC;934356 wrote: ^ Tell your boys not to blow it up and create some Crater in the little pavements the Turks built....j/k LoL. I think Maddeey has kinda repented and isn't the same person he was few years back here on the boards. Or at least i haven't seen it.