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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Safferz;945161 wrote: lol it looks like the PR firm the Somaliland government recently signed a contract with is doing their job. A well placed article (The Washington Times is read by all the policy folks) and taking the heritage site preservation angle to bring up the recognition question is clever work. Ummm, the Washington Times isn't read by anyone (well, except for the weirdos). You probably mean the Washington Post (WaPo) which is completely different from the Times.
  2. I dont think i've seen this before. Good job for being the first to post this here. Always on top of things DK.
  3. N.O.R.F;942956 wrote: Its nearly 12pm here saxib and I'm in the office on my weekend. Mansha'allah. Sxb, at least waaba Shaqeesataa....that's good enuff. Ohio waa Shaqo la'aan. Obama ayaa wadankii ku cayaaray.
  4. NGONGE;942959 wrote: NY, it's too late to change it now saaxib. I thought about it once but worried that Allah-ubahane* may come back to us one day and not find me. * Allah-ubahane was a member that used to think I'm an alcoholic. He was a very good guy though. LoL. Allah Uhabane. Caadi maahan. Maybe he was here markaan maqnaa.
  5. NORF, sxb it's. Laakinse, xalay oo dhan ayaan soo jeeday. Amuuro ayaa igu furnaa. Adiguna?
  6. Well, Subax wanaagsan Ngogne. Sxb, maad magaca badashid. Waa magac adag.
  7. Maanta laga bilaabo, waxaan ahay Jabuutiyaan.
  8. Is't me or has there been an upswing in 'Tribe' topics here on the General? Looks like the disease has made a jump over from the Politics to the Generals. Nasiib daro.
  9. Well if you ever need some Turkey for Thanksgiving, at least you know where to find 'em.
  10. Alpha Blondy;942392 wrote: ^ $22.50! inaar. taa laa soco. That's a lot of money. Especially considering where you live.
  11. A Farah high off Khat kills another Farah, get's himself 26yrs of Xabis. A petty criminal who almost decapitating a rival in a cafe selling the legal drug khat was today jailed. Ayanle Adan, 26, of Southend-on-Sea, Essex, was sentenced to at least 26 years in prison after he launched a surprise attack on Hanad Osman, 24, after buying two knives from a Sainsbury’s store. Mr Osman, who was looking at his phone, suffered an 8in gash to his neck and bled to death at the scene in front of shocked customers at the Waaberi Business Centre in Streatham, south London. Ayanle Adan, 26. Victim, AUN. Hanad Osman (right), 24
  12. Carafaat;941031 wrote: Imagine if Somalia would name her ships after clans. The Majurtunia,the Sheick Yzaak, the Barawanie, etc. They might risk torpedoing eachother. Well, why not. The U.S names it's military warships after states (code name for Qabiils).
  13. And it got torpedoed and sank by the Germans.....the irony isn't really lost in me.
  14. LoL Tribal Class. Maybe the English had a better sense of humor in those day's than anyone could've guessed.
  15. oba hiloowlow;940636 wrote: true, but i wonder tho, if the song created any controversy? Not really. Back then, Somalis were more laid back and didnt' care about anything. They were Cool AF. Not like what we have here.
  16. Alpha Blondy;940930 wrote: p.s - so does that mean... we're like dating or something, now? Lawl.
  17. Only redeeming thing about that video is the girl in blue. The two little Qashin's can't sing to save their lifes.
  18. Safferz;940015 wrote: Nope, I've just seen her in articles/interviews like the one someone posted above and recognized the photo. Very strange for you to recall that, but cool.
  19. Carafaat;940881 wrote: Nin Yaaban, inaar, as you know I have a preference for light skinned cuties, the reer Xamar cad cad type. This place is one caramel parqdise I tell ya. Even the Somali girls are all light skinned, I cant even tell which ones are Somali, arab or reer Xamar. LoL sxb, i hope you have a good time there nin yahow. Take some pictures and share it here.
  20. I hope you have a good time there sxb. Be safe.
  21. Safferz;939812 wrote: haha I forgot I commented in this thread and missed the backlash. I wasn't calling her a prostitute as an insult, I know of her and she really is one. I think that pic is pretty bad*ss too, for what it's worth. Just curious, do you know her like personally?
  22. Alpha Blondy;939913 wrote: jimco wanagsan or wacan akhyarta. i have some special guests over today. very important political figures. Wanaagsan oo wacan sxb.