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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. That's the difference between the U.S and most of the other western countries. When something like that happens here in the U.S, they dont go out and attack Masjids or innocent people. I thought when that Arab guy in Texas killed the 13 people in Fort Hood, they were going to retaliate against Muslims in Fort Hood and surrounding Texas neighborhood, but it never happened.
  2. wyre;953562 wrote: NY odayga waa 160 jir yemeni ah, oo gees ka soo baxay, haddana markuu 120 jiray buu geeska kasoo baxay, shan jeer ayuu iska jaray, wuu kasoo baxaa mar walbuu jaro Wrye, hadii uu ninkaas jiro 160sano, anigan waxaan jiraaa.........80sano. Sxb, naga dhaaq waxaas hee. Hadii ees ugu badato, ninkaas wuxuu jiraa 60sano. Smh. Anigana waxaan is oranayey, Arabta weey dhaantaa Somalida....but i guess not.
  3. Alpha Blondy;953404 wrote: ^ my older brother was a somali music junkie. he killed somali music for me but i kinda appreciate its rich sounds, these days. i'm all about the 'classics' and stuff. but i don't mind the occasional nimco dareen and ikraan caraale pop tune... i feel listening to somali music is helping to bring me closer to the centre of our culture. i'm desperate to be accepted here and i always surprise these id!iots with my knowledge and exquisite taste in somali music. i've even translated some stuff recently and my friend, whose a poet and i, recently composed a song. it was a nationalist song but i want to explore different themes in the future. This is how i look at it sxb. If you listen to ONE Somali song, you have listened to 'em all. I dont like any of the new singers, just the old ones.
  4. Alpha Blondy;953398 wrote: ^ seems alright. i listen everything too......but songs represents more than songs to Al, you know. i'm all about the lyrics and stuff......the dhuux is in the lyrics, inaar. these days, i'm listening to somali music again....especially qaraami/qaaci. you know stuff like xabiibo xasan toxow, abdi tahiil, omar dhuule, abdinasir moalin aydid, mohamed mooge, kooshin, caqarta, nimo yassin and shay mire etc. i find their sound very relaxing, you know...... You really do have a good taste in music ina'adeer. I use to hate Somali music, but just like you, i am starting to listen to it more now than before. But i like to kinda mix it up though from now to then. Maybe when i go back home (like you) and have no other choice but to listen to, i'd get into it more. But now, i am enjoy my 'culturally diverse' music.
  5. Hip Hop, Reggae, Mexican Rap, Somali. Anything as long as it sounds good.
  6. SomaliPhilosopher;953315 wrote: Ah D.C dee d.c... will you come join me now? You in DC now? Maybe i'd meet you while i am here.
  7. Safferz;953321 wrote: That's cool, I was just curious about all the French music Ottawa is my hometown. Nice. I've been to that city few times in my life and i always enjoyed it. Very laid back with nice laid back people. Ottawa was where i met the first Djiboutian person in my entire life. And from that time on, i always had a soft spot for Djiboutians.
  8. No Abaayo. I just like Djiboutians. Ever since I've been to Ottawa, Canada and met some really cool Djiboutians.
  9. Waryaa wyre, sxb, Inoo turjum, Akhi. Waxaan aad meesha soo gelineeyso asagoo Af.Ingiriis, ama Somali ah soo geli, hadii kale Wakhtiga hanaga dhumin, Akhi.
  10. Jacaylbaro, sxb, Sawriro wanaagsan. As for Somaliland and Somalia, i am still sitting on the fence and really try not to get involved in 'em. But laakinse, nice pictures.
  11. Nin-Yaaban


    wyre;952010 wrote: Xarfaan Ciyaalka Xaafada ayaa Gaari caasi soo koray kadibna intuu mobile-ka la soo baxay chating iska galay, Facebook waxyar kadib wuxuu dareemay inuu mid midigtiisa fadhiyo sheekada la,aqrisanayo! Asagoon dareensiin ayuu mowduuca u badalay.... Wuxuu qoray...... Akhii Fil-Caqiidah wali gaari caasi ah ayaan saaranahay mana gaarin meeshuu target-ku ahaa oo wadada jaam ah, kolleyna dhimashadu wey yaraaneysaa waayo 5 qof ayaan ku saaranahay baabuurta kalena firirku wuu gaarayaa maadaama ay wadadu jaam tahay, hadane 3 daqiiqo ayaa ka dhiman inuu qarxo bamku sidaas iyo nabad gelyo, xaqaygana sidaan ku ballanay xaaska iyo ilmaha iyo waalidkeyga u qaybiya..... Markuu hadalka halkaas wado kii ag fadhiyey asagoon darawalka joogi dhihin albaabka intuu iska furay gaarigoo xowli ku socdo ha iska tuuro Xariifki Intu Kursiga Qosol Dartiis La Seexday Kuma Laho Ma Adaa Mar Danbe Mopileda Dadow Aqrin Doona Nabeey Maxa Saas Ku Diiday Qosolkii aduunka. Boqol aanku siiyay +100
  12. A&T doing drive-by postings. Comes on SoL, posts something and quickly disappears. Waryaa Wlc back dee. How are things with you?
  13. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;952448 wrote: Yaaku martiqaaday dhulkaan dadkii dabada caddaa ee loogu wacaaye Columbus, Cabot, Cabral, Amerigo iyo xirtii kale hiirarka u yimid. Iyagaa iskeenay soo ma'aha. Marka xaq ayee u leeyihiin dadkii u dhashay dhulkaan inay imaadaan dhulkooda maanta, meel walba ay tahayba. Teeda kale, a whole junk of Southwestern Mareykanka awalba Meksiko laga dhacay. MMA, sxb runtaa, laakinse wakhtigaas waala soo dhaafay soo mahan. Mexicanka waa 'Cancer' camal. Hadii uu mid amaado, 1000 sug. Waa eey is faafiyaan, oo boqol ee dhalaan. Adiga, just wait until they come to Canada.
  14. I have no problems with those that came in legally. The illegals are what everyone dislikes. They leech off the system, never pay any taxes, and are into all kinds of general crime. As for the ones that are already here for a better life, they should be able to apply and become citizens after certain years. Thats what i think.
  15. Some very good advices and suggestions SoL, thanks alot. And no it's not me who is in this situation (Somalida iyo tuhnimo ). Waxaan rabaa marlabaad inaan iraahdo, waad mahadsantihiin kuligiin.
  16. Ummm, Nuune you fail sxb. This NY has way more on his mind than Dhaqan from my old day's on SoL. No reason to bump this up.
  17. Blackflash;948135 wrote: I'm for the legalization and regulation of all drugs. No good comes out prohibition unless it is pursued in homogeneous societies such as Japan and South Korea, where shame culture and strict cultural upbringing do more to prevent drug usage than any feel-good law. +1
  18. Anyone here on SoL ever had problem with substance abuse (Khat, Drugs, Khamro, etc) and got off of it? How do you deal with that? Let's say you had an addiction for almost 10yrs, and this addiction got you into all kinds of legal problems (from juvenile, to adult) to the point where u had to lose friends, jobs and the most important thing of all, family. Anyone ever made it over the buur (mountain) and is living a sober life?
  19. Carafaat;947523 wrote: Nin Yaaban, have you met Jabuutiyans before? Yea few of them when i was in Ottawa. They are some of the nicest people and are more than willing to help you out if you have a problem. Even learned few French phrases.
  20. nuune;947518 wrote: How did they calculated this massive numbers of 30 billion, is there a system to know when these insects produce yaryaruurac. I am also concerned about this particular cicada, they look blind to me(lack of proper diet), also the shape of their mouth is something that needs to be appreciated. 17yrs of being buried and doing nothing but 'Boom Boom' is enuff time to create all these babies. LoL that's what me think.
  21. Damn, that's a whole lot of cicadas. The good thing about them is, they don't bite. But they are scary AF especially during summer when you are driving and you have ur car windows down.