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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Safferz, try volunteering somewhere helping and working with those less fortunate. Makes you appreciate what you have in life.
  2. MMA, sxb, war ileen ciyaalka xaafada ayaad aheed yaraantaadi? Nairobi markaan joogay, ayaan kuwaas saaxibo aheen. Ayaga dhanba waa shactiro iyo shaxaaarinimo socota. LoL its funny i use to know a guy called TACBAAN back in OHIO.
  3. Aniga waxaan aqaanay mid aan saaxibo aheen oo la dhihi jiray CAATO. This guy was anything but CAATO...he was 240lbs solid. Somalida waxeey jecel yihiin naa neesta bil cagsiga ah.
  4. According to the U.S. department of Homeland Security, “the criminal was arrested by U.S. customs officers in Niagara Falls on Tuesday. The fugitive is a Somali man, wanted for two rape charges and a charge of sodomy in the United States.” Being a citizen of Somalia, the fugitive is a permanent resident of the United States named Abdinasir Abdi, age-27. He was arrested at the Rainbow Bridge while trying to enter in the United States. Abdinasir Abdi, 27.
  5. I hope they do something about the Qashin in Karmel Mall. Weligeey dad ka anshax xun, ama ka edeb daran ma arkin. Waxaa kaloo meeshaas ka buuxo, ilmo yar yar oo aan edeb lasoo barin, oo waxeey doonaan suubiya. Baabuurta dadka meesha u imaaday Shopping ayeey jabsadaan, oo xadaan. Khadra, abaayo shaqo culus ayaa ku sugeesa. The first thing the MPD should do is to clean out the juvenile delinquents who bother and threaten the shoppers in that mall. Waa ilmo ilaahay soo nacay, cirbado kuwada duran. Badankood khamro iyo Geedo hadeey soo cabaan, ayeey darbiyada iyo parking lotka wada joogaan. Mindiyo iyo dhac iyo boob ayeey meesha u joogaan. What would 15yr old kid doing outside at 1 oclock in the morning? He's definitely not upto something good. Waxaaba ka sii daran, markaad aragtid hooyooyinkii dhaleen ilmahaas, oo aad tiraahdid naa cesho waxaad dhashay, beey ku oronayaan, *Alla, my son is special, oo waa wiil fiican*. Well newsflash lady, ur son is Mujrim cirka laga soo hindhisay oo dadka meesha yimaado dhibaato ku haya. When i use to live there, and i saw these kids bothering people, i'd always call the cops on 'em (u can't talk to 'em, cuz most of 'em carry MINDIYO IYO HUB) no one wants to get stabbed by 16yr old kid GEEDO iyo Khamro kasoo dhargay. I can only imagine it probably got worse now. What needs to be done now is, to drop couple of MADFAC iyo HOOBIYE when they are there. You'd solve 50% of the crime Somali crime rate in Minneapolis overnight...instantly. Waa fikradeyda.
  6. Went to my local CVS to get some smokes, and they had like 7 snowblowers parked right there. I guess VDOT learned from the last blizzard we had.
  7. Holac, you ready for the snow sxb? 11" of snow is forecasted for the the Nova area.
  8. Send these coworkers to sensitivity training or even better yet, sue the company.
  9. <cite> @Khayr said:</cite> Hassan, How old are you? Stop snitching on her and let her be. She has her own family now. Nin Yaaban, Why are you always out to tell on other Somalis and sell them out? Maaxa kaagaley aarintaan. Ma qof dhiigyo cab'ah ayaad leedahay maxaa kaagalay oo u sheegeesaa? Dadkoo dhan beey waajib ku tahay in gacan ku dhiigleyaasha la sheega...hadii kale, qof maskiin ah ayuu hadana beri dilaayaa.
  10. Check to see if there is any reward for her and turn her in.
  11. Wow this is so wrong in so many levels. She was so scared of her family finding out about her pregnancy that she aborted the baby and killed him. And then the same family now smuggled out of the country after they learned what she did was murder. Shit is so sad. Sometimes, tough love has its consequences. If kids are so scared of their parents that they have to resort to killing a baby cuz they can't face you, maybe you are doing something wrong. Just out of out of curiosity, if someone kills someone, and the parents of the killer hide it or sneak him out of the country....isn't that DANBI? What do the Islamic people in SOL say about that? Becuz this happens a lot often then people know about it.
  12. Its business, and the bottom line for any business owner is to maximize profits. Hiring Kenyan, or anyone else wouldn't matter much if they make money for their employers. Same is true in America. They'd hire anyone, American or not, if you can do the job. This idea that they need to hire just Somalis is just stupid in my opinion. I am sure if he had a qualified Somalis, he would've hired them.
  13. If these Lesbo's kept quiet about their sexuality, none of this would've happened. Just curious, was the kid they were trying to adopt a boy or a girl?
  14. Nin-Yaaban

    Sochi 2014

    So Somalis only participate in Summer Olympics and not Winter Olympics? Why is that?