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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Runaway, walaal saa maha. Khalad baad iga fahantay. Soomaalida dhaqankeeda wuxuu yiraadaa, nimanka ayaa GURIGA ka masuul ah, ayagaana ka kaabo ah.
  2. Hi first i dont post here in this part of the forum. I am more interested in talking about the dhaqan to women than posting politikaal posts. I am also from Kismaayo and would really love to see Somaliya united. Having said that, i want to add something else. I have been seeing alot of posts about Soomaliland (and Puntland to some extent) i want to tell those who post anything about another group are just weak people who only seem to complain about things. I have been seeing alot of negative posts about Soomaliland, and i think those who do that are mostly some dumb ****** weak people. In kismaayo i was raised up to believe complaining was a weakness. If someone wants change he works for it, so please if you see something wrong with anyone group instead of complainig and painting anyone as a bad person work for a change and help others. Like i said, posting a positive thing about someone is encouraged but posting about a negative inflamming thread just really shows how someone is either incapable or is weak.
  3. Originally posted by harmonyangel: This is not a very useful suggestion. Do you mean that we (women) must be stuck in the house 24/7? Can you honestly see that happening? Attacks will happen whether it's night or not - you could get attacked picking the kids up from school or buying some groceries from the corner shop. Would you rather not have a fighting chance? Also, how likely is it that your (Insha'allah I hope this never happens to anyone) attacker is a martial-arts expert? Even if you have the slightest knowledge of defence you can wound the attacker long enough to get away. In traditional Soomaali society it's still normal to see women spending more time inside their home, than outside of it. It's just recently (when people came to Amerika?) that many people started changing their ways and picking up the GAALO dhaqan. Walaal marka staying home is something thats really good for you. I try to convince that to Lucky but she seems to be offended by the whole idea. I can't see why. Believe me walaalayaal, its unheard of women getting attacked inside her home. That happens unfortunatly all to often on women walking outside by themselves.
  4. How about men demanding their respects from their wifes? In Kismaayo, it use to have been something you never had to demand, it was always given to the husband asagoo xataa weediisan.
  5. Lucky walaal there is nothing wrong in staying home, it may even bring a good name to your family. Its the best thing to do. Women who stay home, are said to be, NAAGAHA ugu fiic fiican. So, walaal staying home carries a honor for the somali women. I would strongly suggest that you stay home.
  6. Originally posted by BARWAAQO: quote:Originally posted by Gediid: I will either run for my life or cry like a little girl LoL! One better than me...I would probably faint as soon as I saw the knife. Ilaahay hay naga qabto. Batuulo....that is scary sis. Nin Yaaban, It is not just women that are attacked, u kno. I read a newspaper article not too long ago which claimed men (especially young men) were 4 times more likely to get attacked in London than young women. I don't know if its' the same in the States or not...but apparently, men get involved in fights more easily, they are not careful or aware of their surroundings when they are out (especially late at night) and most importantly they are too over confident. So, it is important for both sexes to learn some form of defence. Insha'Allah, ur skills will never be tested, but whether it proves useful or useless, you'll at least have more confidence. It is also a good way of staying fit....a good thing whichever way you look at it. Maybe you should try it b4 u knock it. I'll try to find that article now. I dont understand you. Hows fighting related to being attacked, or assaulted? Fighting is a different thing from being assaulted while walking down the street on your own. Anyways, walaal it doesn't matter if you have marshal art trainings or not. There are some really screwed up people out there, who only seem to be preying on women. So i would suggest that women stay home, and not even bother giving those screwed up ones any chance to assault a women.
  7. Batuulo, abaayo thats nothing. Even if you had a bazuuka, it wouldn't do you any good.
  8. Originally posted by Lucky: And you wonder why that is! Men are psycos(i dont mean all of them)that is why they attack women.They should be put to a mental institution-that way people are safer-no pun intended. And thats why i think you should stay home.
  9. Yea, but the percentage is much higher for women than its for men.
  10. Staying home? Yea, that sounds a better alternative, to going out places on your own.
  11. Originally posted by BARWAAQO: ^^ I don't get the point you are trying to make. :confused: "you would learn different" Different what? Yes, there is a lot of violent crimes committed against women. Isn't that another reason why women should learn to defend themselves or carry weapons? Sorry for my poor wordings everyone. What i want to say is, even with all the world's training women are still being assaulted everywhere in the world. Of the 50k women assaulted in Northern United States, 80% said they had some trainings on self-defense. So this training isn't all its crunked up to be. And for the *Keyboard-Commandos* statemant, what it means is, PEOPLE like angel talk really taugh behind computer screens but the FBI annual report suggests different. Why the hell was my other post to opinated removed? :mad: :mad: You could have simply edited out the NAYAA part and not had to delete the whole post. Now i have to repost the whole thing again.
  12. Originally posted by harmonyangel: Harmony angel, lol..thanx sistah! You're welcome, Oppionated, sis! And while you're at gouging his eyes out, I'll break both his legs (for telling me a faaarx can beat me :rolleyes: ) and severely damage his chances of carrying on his bloodline (if you know what I mean). Then he will have to crawl on his hands. Patchy-eyed-no-legs-sorry-excuse-of-a-man. Serves you right, Nin WALAAN...oops (I keep doing this) Yabaan. ~harmonyangel~ Harmony Angel. Most women (and sometimes men) are really what i call *Keyboard-Commandos*. But if you take a look at the annual FBI reports on violence on WOMEN, you would learn different.
  13. Nin-Yaaban

    DO U KNOW?

    N.I.N =13+9+13 =35 N.A.A.G =13+1+1+7 =22 Thats very suprising. It should've been something like, half of what we are. Somalidu waxa ey tiraahdaa, nimanka waa boqol (100), naaguhuna waa konton (50) ama bar.
  14. I would have to agree with brother Zak here. Juxaa abaayo qof aad iyo aad u maskax furan baad tahay, ilaahay hakuu daayo. Walaal welkome to the forums. I hope to see you around, and please enjoy here.
  15. I think Guraad needs to be banned from here, or atleast told to tone down his ISKU-DIRNIMO.
  16. I think we are about 20 million in this world. This is due to the fact, we breed alot for example i have 7 brothers, and 1 sister. I am guessing there are alot more who have very large families with 5 or more brothers/sisters.
  17. Brother Zakariye, my cumaamad is off to you. Dadkan in runta loo sheego beey u baahan-yihiin.
  18. Originally posted by king_450: the only sentiment that i have with Dhaqan is mentioning it over and over , so Nin-yaaban as long as you giving us ur wisdom ,i should follow this thread, no place to be hided.Keep coming with new invention, i bet like i said several times,why do i have a feeling b/w you and sorry sister opinion, am i right here. LOL Thank you brother king. I will always continue to talk about our beautiful DHAQAN.
  19. Hello brother king. Its good to see you again. I mostly listen to Soomali musik, with sometimes bit of Afrikaan Amerikaan musik (Jazz).
  20. Waawareey!! This is a good news. My son told me he started flight school. He said something about flight sims, where he flies planes in a simulator. I am so glad for him, ilaahay u badiyo.