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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. lol u can't be racist and have "the highest" moral. it's like a killer having a conscience, or sympathy for his victims.
  2. Jaclybaro is def # 3, and #2 on weekends.
  3. Originally posted by Cirdey: Interesting take. I shall, Insha-Allah, read it again and respond to it. This section of the boards needs revival of a sort. in three days I shall finish reading it and respond.
  4. post your number so jaceyl baro can call you and post a transcript of the phone conversation.
  5. u sure he is't on some time type of performance enhancing drug. jk. so many athletes take that to do better and perform better. i use to know one (Somali) who could do few lapses with no sweat without the help of anything and all natural. wish I could do it.
  6. u don't necessarily have to be in a gang to be targeted, could be a mistaken identity or being at the wrong place at the wrong time. i was watching something on Tv where these two brothers were gunned down because they were wearing blue in the wrong neighborhood. they were not in gang or had any affilitions with them. same could be true for these true, just unfortunate thing.
  7. Originally posted by peasant: do you know they pulled Prozac from alot of markets. something about making people more suicidal, and generally more depressed. the new "in" drug for you youngster who like to take anti- depressants is Ritalin. supposedly it's also 'spose to make you smart or something. And for Marx, easy on the big vocab words. some us didn't goto as big school as you.
  8. those are huge BOOKS. $20 says he didn't read it before he signed it.
  9. i guess that Al-Burj and the world Island thing wasn't enuff for them.
  10. how about if you only use it when talking to your friends and in your native language. like for example: adoonkan fiiri. qaniiskaan fiiri. gaalkaan firi. mexikaankan illigalka ah fiiri. is't still wrong?
  11. lol Marx would be the first one here complaining about mistreatment and police harrssement if it was him. and don't think it can't and won't happen to you. ur probably next on the chopping block boi.
  12. this is so true wallahi. Kids nowadays are more crazies, have emotional problems and much more violent. just look at Somali kids in the twin cities of Mn. This is not to say all Somali kids are disturbed, because there are good smart ones all over this State. i once picked this one kid up on my cab few months ago who was just walking around the street looking for a ride. the kid Walahi looked like he was 12, but said he was 17. this is when I knew there are some broken kids here in MN. This kid was drinking, and smoking Geedo which he told me. He said his mom kicked him out the house and he is staying with friends outside of St.Paul. Walahi if u look at him, he looked too small for his age. and he just didn't care about anything. and people can always say it's the parents fault because, I am sure they have done everyhing they could for him before throwing him out on the street. I know so many that are sending their kids back to Somalia hoping they would get better. Ohio is even worse than Minnesota with kids as young as 14 drinking and shooting each. WoW, just wow. And everyone thinks this bad, just wait until all these babies young single Somali girls are having grow up. This is true everywhere, MN, Ohio, Toronto, and in Ottawa. It's the same story everywhere you go, just sad. Best thing is not to have kids, and enjoy life without the burden of kids. i know some would disagree, every new generation of kids would be worse than the one before.
  13. to the OP, ur probably couple of years into your career now. i am sure it's been worth all the years and headache that came with getting that degree. I stopped at 2yrs and never finished. i want to go back now and get done with it. even though it won't be easy after this long. but inshasllah I can do it this time.
  14. ....and free. Feels good to be on the outside.
  15. is anyone else having problem with the chat room? it's not working for me, it says it's missing some weird stuff.
  16. war ninyahow Xabis baan galay. soo tii waalneyd oo jiniga qabtey been igama sheegan.
  17. war ninyahow Xabis baan galay. soo tii waalneyd oo jiniga qabtey been igama sheegan.
  18. war nin yahow barasho wanaagsan sxb. war nuune war si fiican uma aanan wada sheekeesan iney xaalad wayne igu furantay ma ogtahay, eey weliba hada socoto. 5 sano ma maqneyn, hadeey ugu badato 3 weeye.
  19. well as long as you don't take anything said here personal, you'd be fine. there are so many bait threads on here that people intentionally post to get a rise out of members. i am getting good at spotting them, so this doesn't bother me anymore. where else did you use to write at before here?
  20. Originally posted by nuune: ^^^ La ima tuhmin miyaad leedahay. Marka horeba waa loo sheegi oo waxaan orani second wife ayaa dhaxda ku soo jirto to make things easy for all three of us(me & the 2 wives ) waan kugu raacsanahay, maxaad ba uqarineysaa, marka horeba cadeyso in aad midkale laqabtid.
  21. Happy anniversary, and wish you many more on SoL. my 6th anniv is comming up soon. in my time here i got to know some really good people, and others not so good. this is the Internet, so don't get offended by wat a member writes here. if we can agree to disagree without anyone losing an eye than it's all worth it.
  22. well every time I get pulled over by the cops I make sure they tell me why they pulled me over. i won't sheepishly submit to their authority. that's just being a *****, and a dummy. they have to have a reason for stopping me. either i violated one of their traffic laws or might have sneazed the wrong way. there is this one Somali cop that always has it for me. either I refused him service on my cab, or we're not from the same qabil.
  23. LOL tuujiye, war ninyahow intii aan maqnaa ayaan afkii ajanabiga soo bartay. nuune waa iska caadi nin yahow ha u bixin ee waran.