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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: too much files open in your computer ,,,,,, lol and still using Microsoft Windows.
  2. do you ever stop to think most people simply don't care and have more important pressing issues to worry about? just because people don't take sides in this silly issue doesn't mean they are what u said they were. i for one don't write on politics, because of all the grade school topics and propoganda that passes for discussion. but hey, it's whateva that makes you happy.
  3. thats what i thought Norf. but his court appointed free lawyer wont do anything. we are trying to get him a real lawyer. from what i little i have read, the law is not that clear about it. hopefully, this new lawyer could clear things up.
  4. lets say you get arrested for something (lets say you violated a probation), and while you are in jail - you miss a court date for a traffic ticket (driving on suspended) from another jurisdiction. so they isssue a warrant for your arrest because you didn't show up for court (because you were in jail, duh). after you finish serving your first sentence (the violation) they wont release you because of that warrant and they have to hold you until that other jurisdiction that issued the warrant comes picks you up. so my question for those that are familiar with the law is, can you fight being held for the second charge which was missing the court date and the warrant being issued for you. this is for a friend who is in that situation.
  5. aaliyah ninkaan weyn oo caytamaya yuu yahay? war ileen tano kale.... so what is J.STOR?
  6. Originally posted by -MARX-: Its still the most superior and widely spoken language in the World!!! chinese mandarian (sp?) is the most widely spoken language in the world, not english. superior? probably Somali and half dozen others.
  7. do you guys do requests for movies? or atleast know where i can download them?
  8. its shame SA doesn't have the death penalty. public hangin woulda been appropriate for this scumbag.
  9. Originally posted by TopGirl: i dont know how the GPA thing work n the UK, but my mojor is International Relations. 3rd year. so what do wish to acomplish with that major topgirl?
  10. well my trusty notebook works fine for now, even though the shift key gets stuck and i can't capitalize words.
  11. i was in school for Criminal Justice before my little incident with the messieurs. haven't finished it, but hope to go back. Marx, gpa is just grading numbers for how well you done in a course. they take the average of all your grades and you get your gpa.
  12. how do you get around about the super small keyboard and screen? i sometimes have trouble typing on reg sized laptops.
  13. well congratulation abtigiis on your promotion. life has been good to you. as usual, we are wasting away our time here on SoL on silly rumors. so what are you now, the drive-thru manager for McDonalds? Joke
  14. Nin-Yaaban


    Originally posted by Caano Geel: soo Yaakiis, when was the last time you considered knee-capping them (just a little)? can't do that, especially when your on probation. but i agree with you, some of them need more than knee cappin'. they need dirt sleep.
  15. so it was born from the OLPC thingy. i have seen them in stores and on YouTube. they seem too small, and you can't do everything you can do on a normal laptop.
  16. Nin-Yaaban


    i don't scream but i do talk loud when i am getting my point across. it helps once a while to scream though, helps you release all that bent up frustration/anger or whateva is inside you.
  17. I didn't click on the link so I was thinking he was finally appologizing for that horrible 'ice ice babby' thingy. if that's what this is about, than its long overdue.
  18. What has he done he is sorry for?
  19. 2011 isn't too far. but everyone might not make it through. i sometimes wonder, how many people have died that use to be regulars here on SoL? and no one knows. thats the way of the internet i guess, annonimity
  20. Nin-Yaaban


    how about the weather? its nice and warm oneday, and snowy and freezing the next. this is how people get sick people, especially for us old people.
  21. Nin-Yaaban


    malika, I hope ur not being serious. do you know how hard it's to find any work nowadays? the job itself is not hard, it's the people I work with, and those we deal with.
  22. Nin-Yaaban


    i am stressed the hell out about so many thing, biggest one being work. I work with some of worst people in the world. So i really mean it. just going to work is stressfull enuff without Oxi to calm my anxiety down. and it's only certain people that push my buttons and always eff up my day. haven't found anything else that helps, so if any of u know anything let me know.