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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. digging up old topics. Arabs or Africans. Discuss.
  2. digging up old topics. Arabs or Africans. Discuss.
  3. I never knew there was a Death of a salesman book, but I have seen the play on TV and it's one of those plays i watched on my early years in the states and would never forget it. had to watch it twice to really understand it.
  4. or just get those songs from pirate bay or the dozens of others that offer the peer 2 peer sharing thingy on the internet.
  5. this will only get worse from now on. implicating Somalis with al Qaeda, Somali pirates hijacking ships almost everyday. but I can understand where they're coming from though.
  6. all that talk about shooting it down was just that - talk. Jacylbaro, i was disappointed neither Japan, or the US did anything. nothing better than to see China vs. US vs. Japan war. woulda made for interesting weekend. this is a let down.
  7. i read some of them might be resettled in Kismaayo. anyone know anything about this? they're keeping it hush hush.
  8. does this mean war since this missile can reach Alaska? discuss
  9. Macs are somewhat safer when it comes to viruses, but there still are viruses out there for macs due to increasing number of mac users. install all the apple security updates, and don't visit questionable sites. i think this conficker is not real. if they've known about it for 2 yrs, why ist an issue now?
  10. this is the best time especially if your unemployed to get all the degrees, and certificates you can. volunteer if you can't get internship, and do anything you can to get your foot in the door. good luck, hopefully things will get better for everyone insha'allah.
  11. Originally posted by Nephissa They would also demand to see a male salesperson, would not deal with women in stores" LoL
  12. de cartels taking over. anyone watched the CNN report on them? they are as far up north as in Minnesota.
  13. Toyota camry gaari ka fiican in uusan jirin ayaan hubaa...
  14. i was reading an article on the Washington Post of the shrinking pop in Europe. The US had it's most newborns ever- 4 million in 07. Any of our euro friends has any input on this?
  15. i understand what your saying, hopefuly they'll come around and it's just a phase. it's not unique to Somalis only. i see it happen everyday with the Hispanics I work with. the ones that speak better English identify themselves as Americans and call the others estupido.
  16. LOL there were no cars in confucius time. probably a horse or some other animal.
  17. when I see some of the post counts some of you have, makes me wonder if you guys do anything outside of SoL.
  18. Why did they do it after spring break, well that's when kids go drug/alcohol binge. it's no different from random testing at work place. they are starting to randomly test high schoolers. kids start out young nowadays.
  19. 6 of the 10 moderators are dumar I think, is ilaali oo geesaha iska EEG.
  20. how many posts before someone gets the "Master Nomad" status? I am tired of being just a nomad Libaax, can i get something like "Boqor" on my status?
  21. ...oo eey kamidtahay, xarraarad macaan aad kaheleysid, duqooshiyanka oo isku kaadilaya, kalsoonidaada oo sii badnaaneyso, wax garadkaaga oo labo jibaar noqonaayo. faa'iidadiisa inta laguma soo koobi karo.