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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Sxb reer meksiko soo kuwan sideey qaansirka ucunayeen cudur aanan wiligiis jirin dadka kuridayo?
  2. is he Somali? if not, than this is not relevent. just stay away from Mexicans and you'd be fine.
  3. couldn't be worse than the ones I see here. video isn't bad either.
  4. Sniper soo dhaaf, I haven't seen you since the days of the DC sniper. how's alex.
  5. LoL he wasn't smart criminal since he never got away with it. but hey, atleast he tried.
  6. Haha ur funny. DUI is a *****, ain't it? well atleast ur not like some people I know who get arrested for that every other weekend.
  7. so stoic what did you got arrested for?
  8. Don't worry BOB, when the world resets itself Somalia would be among the best.
  9. Originally posted by STOIC: Niin yabaan, I'm learning the trade of a carpenter.How to make Luxurious Custom Cabinets for Kitchens and Bathrooms.When I get out of "prison" I'll be making a DREAM kitchen a reality! Inmates weren't allowed near any tools that could made into weopons in the one I was in, even though it was a minimum custody facility. the most learning you could get in that place was to complete a GED program.
  10. Stoic what are u studying in 'prison'?
  11. I was there for four days and stayed in midtown (or was't downtown) to visit family. I didn't get out much, but the little I was able to see was impressive, and seemed nice. i never got on public trans, even though I have seen a great deal of buses and undergroung train stations. I am sure you'd get to where u want to with trains and buses, but most people drive. there is a Somali community in ATL but not as big as those u'd find in Ohio, MN, California or NY. it's a huge *** place, so ur closest Somali might live quit a drive. Nightlife is ok, traffic sucks (unless ur on pup trans). the place is predominately black (and ur hispanics, asians here). I dunno if there is issues between blacks and Somalis but my guess is no. If it's ur fist time, enjoy the city, explore it and make as many friends and connections as possible. i am sure there are members from Atlanta here and they could help u more than I can.
  12. MMA it's 3:22 am now, hadaad soo jeejid, ilmaha soo seexi oo iskeen.... ). Iyo wixii kalo soo jeedaba, meesha iska xaadiriya.
  13. we could have phone chat since the text chat is down on SoL. Everyone call 218-339-2500. and let's make our own room number. how about Ext. 916. I will be there for 30 mins if anyone is up this early and wants to chat...I'd be there for 30mins before I hit bed. Subax wanaagsan. See ya 916
  14. what a retard, can't believe it's people like these sitting on jury finding people guilty.
  15. waxaa ilaga helikaraa,,, 703, 202, 301
  16. Originally posted by bint hamid: as-salaamu alaykum unknown1 was banned in ramadan walaykum as-salaam don't worry, he be back on next Ramadan. just tell him to behave himself, when he returns or he'd be banned for another Ramadan.
  17. Originally posted by -MARX-: Very strange to see a bunch of 30+ something year olds talking about a movie aimed at teenagers! I havent seen it but should be interesting! Its rated "R", I dont think they are allowed to see it.
  18. Nin-Yaaban


    Originally posted by Indhoos: Ilaahay ha u naxariisto, idinkoo dhan samir iyo iimaan idinka siiyo insha allah. Intii islaamana ha uga daba naxariisto. Aamiin, Aamiin.... aamin
  19. goto the politics section of the forum where everything "clanism" is discussed. people there could be much more helpful.
  20. Originally posted by Ismahaan: The singer calls for killing pigs. The song contains lyrics like, ''it's not just birds anymore it's pigs as well, if you come across a pig or a sow, you need to quickly get the hell out of there''. ''May Allah protect us from cats and dogs too''. The song is very funny, enjoy it!! this is funny because, the total population of pigs in Egypt is like what, 20 the most. :-/
  21. Nin-Yaaban


    i too tought it was that dexter that i always catch the young ones watching on cartoon networks.
  22. give him a break, he got done watchin Xmen.