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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Whats the deal with Gordon Brown and his ongoing troubles? I remember seing it on tv.
  2. I could, but I am sure this is easier for him than everyone asking him induvidually in private. I am asking on behalf of three 3 people.
  3. Waxaan filayaa "Taxi Drivers" iney shaqooyinka fiic fiican kamidtahay hadii eysan KK waxba kasheegin.
  4. Waalagu salaamay ninyahow. Salaan kadib, waxaan rabay in aan ku weydiiyo "imisaad jirtaa"? Sida aad wax u qortid ayaan layaabay, oo waxaad u maleysaa in aad tahay nin aqli badan leh. Noosheeg inta aad jirtid nin yahow...
  5. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: I'll play the Eastern European sailor who is held hostage and develops an enriching platonic relationship with his captors, transcending all cultural and religious barriers, causing the audience to burst in tears at the end of the movie when we are all killed in slow motion by an American missile launched by Tom Cruise, who had to make the "tough choice". LoL
  6. Ngonge, just adding fire to the fuel aren't you? I would do it too for the right price.
  7. Take lots of pictures for those of us that only dream about visiting but would probably never do.
  8. Originally posted by NGONGE: Like a shot. I would do it for free in fact (but would not mind some money for it). At least it will be more factual than 'Black Hawk Down'. What if your role was to play the "bad guy" portraying Somalis in a negative way? Would you do it?
  9. Hopefuly they would use real Somalis and not fakes.
  10. If only Microsoft would stop making crappy software and charging for it, I think they have a shot at catching up to Google. Talking about PC's, anyone know how to disable the security update thing? It always freezes my computer, and I have to reboot it.
  11. Damn I am way behind than the rest of the people, when I just finally figured out how to use Myspace/Facebook they come up with something new. What's this Linked thing now.
  12. Nimam yahow xabiska dadka indhaha ayuu ufuraa, oo waxaad ogaaneysaa aduunka wax ka fiican freedomka inuusan jirin. Halkii sano iyo barkii aan kujiray, ayaan waxaan fahmay wax aan weligeey fahmi laheen. Wax welibaan ku arkay meeshas (Somali, madow, cadaan etc), oo qof weliba case-kiisa ayuu kawataa. Marka wax laga barto ayeey aheed. Sheekooyin badan ayaan meesha kahayaa, ee markaan wakhti helaan qori doona.
  13. if a war ever happened between those three countries it would def be a WW3 with more countries joining. hope it doesn't come to that.
  14. Nin-Yaaban


    it depends on alot of things. the time u joined the site, your post count, how many people you met in person, if you traveled back home to somalia and have stories to share, if you belong to SOL facebook group and so on.
  15. in my oppinion religion is a private thing. no one should be asking you about it, and u shouldn't be telling people about it. its between you and allah.
  16. good points Tuujiye. Originally posted by Tuujiye: When I say live as, I’m talking about keeping the culture the deen and holding to our nationalities 100% or do we become accustomed to this new culture and new ways of life? thats the only thing that worries me. if this conflict goes on for another 20yrs, where will we be as a people and what would our children become. its very sad.
  17. it's called hacking. people hack phone systems to make long distance calls.
  18. it has alotta meanings behind it, it served us well before the war, during the war, and long after it ends. just like the flag, it shouldn't be changed.
  19. puts so much in perspective for me. Thanks.
  20. Just like they change their screen names, right Sabriya. ur stuck in trying to figure out what they used before.
  21. af somaliga ku hadal kiisa dhib-ma aha, ee waxaa dhib ku aha dadka qaarkood sida loo qoro. dadbadan oo waxaa jiro so fiican ugu hadli karo, laakinse qoritaan hadii ladhaho aan sifiican u qori karin, oo aan sidii loo qoro labarin.