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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Daawooyin, iyo kaniiniyo laqaato ayaa hada soobaxay oo timaha kuu soo celinaya. Waana Kala fiican yihiin o waxaad eegtaa kuwa TV commercialka laga soo saaro oo aad arkeysid kuwa bidaar gashay oo daawadaas qateen oo hadana timihii u soo laabteen. Cirada xataa mid loo marsado aa jirto.
  2. Everything I said above.
  3. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: I bet Michael will become more popular than ever now! You can expect to see commemorative album collections from record companies. More popular in death than his last few yrs.
  4. I wish I had my pics and videos to share it with you here. Unfortunetly they got stolen after our new neighbors from Xamar started moving in to the city. Nice weather all year round, no crime or general mayhem, unpolluted beaches. What else is there really to say about? All that is now gone after people from Xamar moved in and acted like they own the place. I would guess good 75% of the people living there are from somewhere else.
  5. All you people that paid tribute to MJ in here report to downtown Xamar for your beheadings.
  6. Kismaayo was the place to be when Somalia was peaceful. Life was much more laidback and enjoyable. Alot better than the crappy Xamar.
  7. When your stealing from the gov't (and evading bus fares is) your not really doing anything wrong in my view. They do it to us too (through taxes, traffic tickets, fines, etc). Alot of people steal from the gov't, it's no biggie. It's only wrong when you do it to your fellow citizen.
  8. The death of MJ gets more attention than Somalia's independence here in SoL. Happy Independence to all Somalis all over the world.
  9. MJ was the man. I'm gonna watch his videos on YouTube in his honor.
  10. Ha, you'd be the first one to live outside of the three counties: Fairfax, Arlington, Loudoun.
  11. Originally posted by Indhoos: Nin Yaaban, are you a Sheldon fan? Oh yes. I have read all his books, and probably read them all a second time. And i hate reading books.
  12. Check Sidney Sheldon. He writes very great novels. I am sure Fairfax library has some of his books.
  13. Its wise to leave those type of things to god.
  14. No glasses on this video Marx?
  15. Half the fun is reading other people's comment of the video.
  16. Post here any YT videos you think other people would enjoy.
  17. Originally posted by nuune: ^^^ I like that Nin yaaban, make sure inaad qandiga ku shubato, kheyr bey noqon sxb, waad raja wanaagsantahay Meeshan danbe mala igu arki laheen, mid dhan baan suubsan lahaa.
  18. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: Nin yaaban maislaanti xirtay buu rabaa diyaarad inuu kubooqdo ...baari sanaa igaarka Maya dee, waan tusi lahaa keliya oo ugu faani lahaa.
  19. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: quote:Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: Hadii aan lacag fiican ka helo kuwa aan "sue" gareeyey, bahashan oo kale ayaan xaaska ku booqanayaa. Garyaqaankaaga wuxuu kaa reebto haddee wax kaaga soo haraan ma'ahoo hortaba. Rajo weyn baan qabaa ineey wax soo hari doonaan, case-kana aan reen doono.
  20. Hadii aan lacag fiican ka helo kuwa aan "sue" gareeyey, bahashan oo kale ayaan xaaska ku booqanayaa.
  21. yaa lacag joodari ku tosha, hadana hilmaama oo joodariga iska tuura. Cajiib
  22. Afkaan waa iska caadi oo waa iska casriga cusub ayaan filayaa. Koo yar aan adeer u ahay ayaa Englishka iyo of somaliga isku dhex walaaqo, oo labadii ereyba oo English ah, labo Somali ah waa inuu kudaraa.
  23. Allaha unaxariisto. Minnesota is getting bad too, homicides among Somalis stands 7 since the start of the yr. Time to move out.