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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. They probably can afford to work a whole yr for free for the millions they been getting and the other perks they receive.
  2. Wow! That's such a big number. I am now concerned too.
  3. Another reason why alcohol isn't the thing for Somalis, or for any1 else.
  4. I remember seeing it on the paper not too long ago. AT&T, and Verizon were the two mentioned, will see if I can find links when I make it home.
  5. If only the CEO's agree to it too.
  6. LoL, war ileen tano kale.
  7. Hello Rudy, I hear most wireless carriers are going to give it away for free if you sign up for 2yr service. When my At&t contract ends in few months might as well get it if I will be signing up anyway for 2yrs.
  8. Must be "the twin gene" running through your family Libaax. And the guy asking if anyone has seen twin Somalis? Are you serious? I am sure a nation of 10 million would some twins.
  9. Marx has reached his goal in life, to post 1k here on SoL. Celebrate, take sometime off, make some more YT videos and find other things to do. You achieved your goal here. Good Luck in what you decide to do from hereon.
  10. Its asking you not to litter, what are you suppose to do with the trash you have in hand...? I would throw it down a block, or see how much more trash i can fit in into that thing.
  11. Ms DD, outstanding here in the sunny state of MN. 'spose to get later today, maybe with lil showers. How's ur end?
  12. So all those that can't legally get married in states will be flocking to India.
  13. For the Airbus vs Boeing competion, I have to say Boeing because Boeing has been in business lot longer and are coming with even more. I don't know the specific details about each one, but those pics Tores posted are nice. I hear some Arab king has fleet of those that he jets round the world.
  14. LoL you'd have to reread few times, and maybe some more to really understand it ghelle. Jaclboro definetely gets the brain computer connection.
  15. This thread is still alive, I was thinking it would die out and move all the way bottom.
  16. It wouldn't matter Rudy, funds are going to run out in few yrs anyway. More is being taken out than put in. 2012 is 'spose to be when it dries out. I know in LA there are places u can buy legit SS if ur undocumented.
  17. Gangs are graduating from Knife violence into gun violance in England it looks. Torres, if gun possession is illegal how do they manage getting into the island.
  18. Hopefully the Saudis would send the bodies (along with the heads) so they could be burried by their families. There was issues last time they did this and there was some legal issues with the Saudis refusing to release the bodies.
  19. The kids ur seeing on the video are bunch of juvenile, that get into trouble when school is out for the summer this time around. It's the pack mentality, and they're doin it because of their other deliquent juvies are doing it. Hopefully they look back at this in few yrs and see what a total douches they been. This might come to bite them when they apply to schools or try to enter in the work force. YT is permanent, and potential employers and admission officers would see it. Good luck them. Edited: for spelling errors
  20. I am gonna have to had say I lost comfort in flying after that frech airplane and more recently the African aircrash that has happened, not too enthuist about planes on anymore.
  21. LoL nuune digging up 6yr threats. Thanks for asking about the lil man. He has since been discharged and is on the commemorative civilan side of the fence. He in Cali on some contracting assignment. Anymore questions about it, and I will get him to answers it, or atleast give me the info to let you folks what little he can he
  22. Both inside and out, and for humanity in general.
  23. this is just beyond sad, grown men killing an 8yr old girl. I feel bad for the future.
  24. WoW! Kids nowadays, just imagine when these grow up.
  25. Tii iigu yaab badneed waxeey aheed markaan arkay suuli dumarka loogu talagay in eey istaag kuxaajoodaan. War ileen tanoo kale...