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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Haha, GG waad iga qoslisay. Adiga noocee marsataa, dadbaa rabaan iney ogaadaan.
  2. Taasi waxey muujineysaa iney waxbarashada da laheen. Nin naftiisa wax taray ayuu ahaa.
  3. Nin-Yaaban


    Originally posted by Urban: *Puts on his simon cowell trousers* *Waan qoslay*
  4. Lol war waa iska caadi, da'da ayaa keenta.
  5. Kee? Ngonge mise JB? inan Facebook isku soo qoro weeye, meesha wax fiican baa iliigaga sheegay. inantii yar aad aragtidba waxeey kuleedahay facebook baan kujiraa. EDIT: iga raali noqda, farta ayaa iiga dhacday tan labaad
  6. Kee? Ngonge mise JB? inan Facebook isku soo qoro weeye, meesha wax fiican baa iliigaga sheegay. inantii yar aad aragtidba waxeey kuleedahay facebook baan kujiraa.
  7. Haha, what was that thing about beauty being in the eyes of the beholder. Lol if that's what he likes, by all means go for it. I am sure the 'women' there are more beautiful and intouch with culture than the ones here. But that's just me. Did you see any good ones on your last trip to Hargeysa Ngonge?
  8. JB sxb sawirada facebook ka dhaaf ee inta soo geli. Meesha wax qurxoon ma joogaan? Aniga intaas unbey iiga ga dhegantahay.
  9. Depression = soma aheen qofku markuu isku buuqo, AMA wareero isla hadlo?
  10. Abwaan hambalyo, ilahay gabar waalidkeeda iyo dadkeeda anfacdo haka dhigo.
  11. Horta idonkoon xanaaqin aan su'aaal aan idin weeydiiyo. Dadka af "Swahiliga" ku hadlo maxeey Somalida iskaga saaraan, AMA iskaga weeyneeysiiyaan? Waa wax aan marbadan meeshan ku arkay...fadlan xumaan ha u qaadinina waa wax aan la yaabay.
  12. Morocons. No question about it. Not too light or too dark. They are the definition of SEXY.
  13. That's what life is all about, too bad it's taken some of us a longtime to realize it.
  14. JB wish I could travel as much as you. Post away some of the pictures from your travel destinations. Goormaad Mareykanka iyo Minnesoto imaan doontaa?
  15. Tuujiye adigoon labo soo xareen hasoonoqon. Safar wacan.
  16. The joker picture is not racist. People need to lighten up a little.
  17. The 'white' man is behind all of this no doubt. :-/
  18. We need to know who its so we can laugh at them.
  19. Labadaba waa uu suubiyaa, tom & jerry ma fiirsan miyaa. Dooli wax weliba subiyo kaas baa iigu horeeyey.
  20. YoniZ there is no child abuse going on. It might seem that way if you don't really know what's going on. I have seen this same video on youtube, Click it here. They are watching another dumb video called BME. Its disgusting, and shows some horrible shit. But there is no child abuse, or molestation going on in that video.
  21. Khamriga wax la mamnuuco wale in ey tahay.