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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. And so does smoking Sisha, which has ALOT more cancer causing nicotine than a whole pack of cigarettes. We are going to die someday, so why worry about how it happens.
  3. It's very hard for me to stop smoking (even though I started recently). As KK said, I smoke when I am under duress or I am around smokers. They are thinking about banning smoking in public areas. For me it calms me down and I try not to around those I think are no-smokers.
  4. I stoped smoking sisha a while ago, it's Marlboro now. With one cigarettes I can atleast get as much nicotine than a whole shisha. And it's cheaper too. It's not healthy, but meh.
  5. Ninbeey wajiga iyo intakore ugu egtahay...inteesa kalana garanmaayo. Maxey adi kula tahay?
  6. Nin-Yaaban

    Online Dating

    JB casharkii uu soo waday maxaa kudhacay? Dadbadan ayaa ka faa iideysanayo ee soo qor sxb.
  7. As long as your not representing child molesters, killers and the likes you'd be fine. And you can choose which cases you want to take on.
  8. If you were born in Somalia I don't think anyone can deny you a citizenship. I am guessing it's for that were not.
  9. With better practice and training he could Do much much better, and get us a medal.
  10. Nin-Yaaban

    Online Dating

    I have no qualms with Internet dating, I met few people through varies sites including this one.
  11. Dunno exactly which one it's starting from, but from what I read it's 'spose to be interconintal connecting much of west Africa to the eastcoast. Much kudos to the Chinese if they can do it.
  12. I hear the chinese are building a rail system linking the west coast to east coast. Imagine that.
  13. Those people aren't smart. What did they hope to accomplish bring a gun into Obama meeting? Hopefully the FBI would get on their job and pay them a visit to see if their papers are in order, and haven't been cheating on their taxes. Great way to bring attention to yourself.
  14. Nin-Yaaban

    The Wire

    Yea, there are few families that live in the county. Most Somalis in MD live on the DC, MD line and far away from Bmore.
  15. Nin-Yaaban

    The Wire

    I haven't watched this show, but whateva it shows about Baltimore is true and some more. I have been to that place few times, and it's gritty and ghetto.
  16. Atleast ninkan af Somali ayuuba ku heysayaa, waxa uga duran ciyaalka somaida oo Youtube kujiro af ingiriiska ku heeso. Ninkaan wax lagartay waayaba.
  17. Originally posted by The_Siren: Yes it looked like crap and probably is which is why I wont bother wasting money on it. I do however recommend you watch Mesrine- starring La Hane's very own Vincent Cassel. It was brillaint-more realistic and rather amusing in a gruesome and dark manner. If I can find any theater around here showing it, I might see it.
  18. Originally posted by Torres: Not just lately but for many moons. Movies with big budget marketing are usually rubbish. I agree with you on that. Most of the blockbuster movies I have seen this summer so far have all been a big disappointment. You'd think with the million it takes to make a movie, they would atleast put little effort into it.
  19. Hahaha, kan ismooday inuu yahay massagada aa duran. Hahah caadi ma'ahan.
  20. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: I heard of a woman who did that because the groom did the Maid of Honor one last round! She beat him silly and wasnt even charged. did he not wanted to press charges? That's the only reason I can think of why she wouldn't be arrested. Either way it's not surprising, cops look the other way when the victim is male. The system is effed up.
  21. Nin-Yaaban

    G.I Joe

    Is't me or the quality of movies coming out lately have been trending down lower. This one was no diferent with it's mindless over the top action and simple storyline. Who comes out with these thing.
  22. Too many to count. Seems there is no real talent out there, and most of what passes for music now is subpar and retarded.