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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: quote:Anyways, I am goin to pick those meds up from the pharmacy since I don't have to pay for 'em anyway ( Medicare). Medicare? Nin Yaban,are you 65yrs old? You could tell that from looking at my pic could you?
  2. Originally posted by -MARX-: There are things to laugh about, this topic isn't one of those things. Marx, I wasn't laughing at those with depression, and I said on the first post. But the idea I could be depressed made me chuckle a little. I know depression and other mental illnessess are serious things and joking matter. I do have family members who are that way, so I know what it's like.
  3. Runtaa, laakinse taasi ma dhacdo. Hadii eey dhacdana, saas uma badna.
  4. Or maybe they're wondering what a bunch of lowlife online trolls with no life outside of SoL we are, and just laughing. hope they would start posting if they went thru the trouble of creating a screen name.
  5. I don't think I have seen this many people online onetime. Sorry this thread is few yrs old, but I made a screen shot at the time of so many people here (both members and guests). There are as many people here today too, some one take a screen shot!!!
  6. Originally posted by Valenteenah: ^ Hiya...coming along fabulously, alhamdulilaah. Hope you're well. If the woman is happy the family is happy, dheh. I guess that's true. The well being of the father or his hapiness isn't much of a concern I guess.
  7. Originally posted by juxa: it is always agreeable as long as the lady gets what she wants (majority of women are quite reasonable me thinks) hi val, how is the trip coming along? Ha, and if she doesn't get what she wants? what now? Maybe call the cops and report abuse? Scream 'n moan about how she is so badly mistreated and the husband doesn't do anything? Not taking anything away from women and some of them might be "reasonable", but you'd be surprised how some act and falsely accuse men, and have 'em arrested. You'd be surprised.
  8. LoL you do have to 'sample' what they give you, to see if it'd would work as promised. Don't u think
  9. One thing is for sure though about anti depressants, they do make you like a zombie or like ur on 'drugs'.
  10. GG, I rather have other Muslims coming up with the idea and 'profiting' from it, than others to do it. Nothing better than helping people and making a nice little profit at it too. Just my opinion.
  11. LoL take it from someone who's been thru two, and hasn't had the "perfect" ones. In a sense, it kinda helped me a little by knowing more about myself. But anyways, just remember marriage might seem fun because all your friends are doing it, but it doesn't add anything to your life. Infact, ur quality of life goes down with marriage.
  12. It might be perfect for the first few yrs, or until u have ur first child, but it goes down hill from there on. That first spark when u first met is never gonna be there, and as long as you two can tolerate each other without having to kill each other than it's close to perfect in my opinion.
  13. Well I guess ur in ur prime yrs in life not to be on any meds or need to go get ur annual physical check ups. I hope you continue to be healthy as long as possible. But checks ups do help you in finding things that could be problem down the road and it's not always a way for docs to find things wrong with you. There were few annual check ups I got a clean bill of health. My advice to you is to go get checked especially if u haven't had one in a longtime.
  14. Make a wish, ur "immune system" sometimes needs little help from meds for whatever reasons. It's always good idea to follow the advice of your doctor, since for the most part they know what they are talking about. The one I had obviously didn't know what he was talking about, but most are ok. Meds are fine with me as long as they do what they were 'spose to do.
  15. ....maybe Xaaska ayaan labo cabitaanka ugu qarinayaa sideey qeeylada iiga dhaafto.
  16. Jacylbaro, I can Fedex it to Hargeysa if u are interested... mid baan qaatay, si si kale uuba iga dhigayba.....maybe Anaa iska heesanaayo oo markaan xoogaa rabo inaan si si kale noqdo si aan u qaato. Hahahha
  17. Haha, this is the funniest thing I heard. Sorry in advance to those with real depression issues, I know it's not funny. I went to see my doctor for that annual check up thingy, and no less than two mins after asking me how my life was and me telling him it's been very tough with up comming court cases. He goes Aha, ur depressed and writes me prescription for 3 different anti depressants. I didn't know if to laugh, or just walk out on him. Man, this has been very eventful day. Anyways, I am goin to pick those meds up from the pharmacy since I don't have to pay for 'em anyway (Medicare). And if anyone needs 'em and lives around the St. Paul area, you can get 'em.
  18. LoL waa iska caadi, tii cunugeyga kobaad dhashay lama yaabi laheen hadii eey 'STD' amma wax kadaran qabi laheed.
  19. You want updates between stops here on SoL jacylbaro?
  20. Google phone, mise iPhone? Aniga iPhone ayaa il a dhaama, inkastoo ka qaalisanyahay wax yar.
  21. KK ma oron sigaar baad cabtaa, waxaan ula jeeday badankood waxey shitaan markeey xoogaa isku buuqaan, AMA 'stressful' yihiin. Tuujiye, mid waxaa jiri jirey markuu afuraba BARKA aadi jirey oo Oran jirey 'intaan suxuurta la gaarin ayaan ka gaarsiinayaa'.
  22. It looks very modern, better than the Metro system we have here in Dc which were build in the early 70's. Someone mentioned bullet trains, but aren't they for long distance travels as apposed to short distances? Or it could be used for both? No fare evading now Norf, we wouldn't want to read about you here.