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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Nin-Yaaban


    Virginia is a state, but yes it's beautiful.
  2. LoL maxaad kabaqday....
  3. Nin-Yaaban


    It's better in Minnesota. Or Virginia.
  4. Kuwii, hargeyso iyo meeshii kale aad aaday halkeey aheed? Garoowe? War aniga wax dumar eey kujiraan hadii aad I tustid waan is qanci lahaa.
  5. Nin-Yaaban


    LoL MarX moving anywhere outside of the UK? It's surprise. Don't worry, it would feel just like home with free health care, and other social programs Obama is implementing.
  6. Sounds like fun, taking trains beats driving with all the nuts on the road.
  7. Norf, hopefully it won't be crowded with so many people wanting to take it on first day of service. Just remember to 'mind' the gap as they say . Take pics and post it here. Jaceyl whatever happened those pics you promised?
  8. Add drive thru ATM machines to the list, I guess people can't be bothers to get out of their car to get their money. The list just just goes on. As for me, if I have to rate myself I would say I've gotten very lazy in the last few yrs. I think it's to blame businesses for making it that easy and complacent in this. But o'well.
  9. Speaking English does not mean in aad 'isku dhaqan' tihiin. Dadka af ajnabiga barta, ma waxey u bartaan dhaqanka AMA iney wax kaga fa'ideystaan ayagoo weli dhaqankooda heesta. Again, nothing to take away from Oromos or the others that u said 'were' closer to us than Arabs, we just share skin color and thats where it ends.
  10. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: quote:What peace doesn't realize is, Somalis are much closer to Arabs (think diin, dhaqan) than we are to any other group Actually, if you really want to do know of all people who are closer to Soomaalis, it is Oromos and Canfars, especially Oromo people like Boorana. Pre-Islaamic period xataa same God called "Waaq" ayaa isla caabudi jirnay. Some of them still do. Our language is as closer to Oromo as any. Dhaqan too. Dad aan ugu dhawnahay noo egna iyaga waaye. We might be close to them in terms of our skin color, but that's where it ends. You don't see many Somalis speaking Oromo, or traveling there. Maxaa dhaqan ah oo naga dhexeye, ayaga iyo anaga? I am sure in eey dhaqan fiican leeyihiin, laakinse u maleyn mayo in aan isku dhaqan nahay. But that's just me though.
  11. What peace doesn't realize is, Somalis are much closer to Arabs (think diin, dhaqan) than we are to any other group. That's not to say that we always agreed on everything, but for lack of better words - we are family. So my advice to Peace, remember the actions of those on top and gov't don't necessarilly represent the majority which I am sure are good people.
  12. Peacenow has an agenda, look all his previous posts and you can see he's anti Arab. I personally don't care about this oneway or another, but atleast be more subjective in how you present your point. One link from a random site is not gonna make Somalis think all Saudis are bad and embrace Americans. Maybe you personally had a bad experience with them, or whatever but it's no reason to bash 'em.
  13. This is few yrs old, the guy obviously lived around Somalis for him to speak that well.
  14. Kaniiniga "Tylenol Pm" ladhaho katuur, adigoo khuurinayo ayaad iskarkeysaa.
  15. Faarax, afurka waa soo dhowyahay ee waxyar isxaji. Anagoo dhan ayuu Ina hayaa dee.
  16. Hey, I am sure I have seen another wizard screen name around here somewhere. But it's no biggie, people change their names around here often, so maybe he's changed his.
  17. Aar maanta waxa igu dhacay hadaan idiin sheego...
  18. No relations to the "other" Wizard that's seen 'round here? Wlc to SoL, it's friendly lil site, speak ur mind. Try not to offend anyone (especially the regulars) or u might get ur self a lil timeout, or get a "friendly" warning from my friend Nuune iyo xulafadiisa. Ramadan Karim!!
  19. Originally posted by Amadeus: quote:Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: It looks very modern, better than the Metro system we have here in Dc which were build in the early 70's. Someone mentioned bullet trains, but aren't they for long distance travels as apposed to short distances? Or it could be used for both? No fare evading now Norf, we wouldn't want to read about you here. I think the tragedy that happened a few months ago in DC made their trains lose credibility for quite some time They've been having quiet few of those lately. They had a maintenance worker get killed while workin on the tracks. And few suicides with people jumping in front of moving tracks. All in the last few weeks.
  20. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: ^Wiil yaroo jam jam ah baan arkaa anu koley. Odey Ciroway,ma arko Unless the pic was taken during Kacaanki Sawirkan aniga ma aha nin yahow, meeshan ayaan ka helay. Kii runta hadaan soo gelin lahaa, meeshaan waa laga carari lahaa hadii la arki lahaa.
  21. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: Nin Yaaban, Anti-Depressants do interfere with your brain to act against what they call "chemical imbalance" so I would be careful if I were you seeing that you aint depressed and all. Yea I got that from reading this black box labelling they have on the medication. One of 'em even said it might cause suicidal tendecies and such. So much for helping you feel better I guess. You said I don't look depressed, yknow what they said about looks and how deceiving it's.