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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Originally posted by humble.: I will, only if it is a man beating a woman but if not I will not. If they are two men I would find it offensive on their honour to even stop them from finishing their unfinished business. If I realise only of them is beaten and almost giving up, I will take his position and fight on his behalf. It doesn't matter who he is. It's not nice interrupting two guys settling a slight disagreement. The best you could do as a man is to give them the privacy they are entitled to. Or else it will continue on and on forever, which is a waste of time and boring. I co-sign.
  2. Seeker stop scaring people, drugs are like anything else if used in moderation. Food could be bad for you and detrimental to your health if abused, and so are many things.
  3. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Should prostitution be legalized? It's already legal in Las Vegas, Neveda.
  4. Originally posted by G G: quote:Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: Ok, religion aside, anyone else? Yeah you're right, let's go to the table and snort some coke! Get your dollar bill out! Actually, coke was legal until the turn of the last century when Europeans came in and made it illegal. It wasn't even considered a drug by the natives of south America. Believe it or not, Coca cola use to have coke in it, hence the name Coke. Coca leafs are still chewed by the natives in those countries. Gives you energy.
  5. Hahah, I don't think I am that important to have enemies. Very often people take disagreements, conflicts, and disputes with others overboard and label it has having enemies. Its part of life, and those things happen. I am generally not paranoid to think there are people out there plotting for my downfall. But that's very good discription of different kinds of enemies.
  6. Waad iga geesi santahay AZ. I wouldn't stand between people fighting, I would've just kept moving. Jacayl is cold hearted, but that was funny though.
  7. Originally posted by SeeKer: Personally, I think anything that alters a human body should be banned including caffeine. (Whistling as I drink my extra light, hold the whip, triple shot, orange truffle grande starbucks) My bank account would be forever be thankful to congress. Anywho ,Nin would you clarify what drug in particular you are lobbying for? I sense you really meant Khat but threw in the word cocaine as an afterthought. If you think about it smoking cigarettes or shisha will ultimately kill you, but they aren't illegal. Even the food you eat isn't that much healthy with all the chemicals they add to it. You'd be very surprised how some of the processed things we eat has more harmful things in them than the drugs they tell us is bad for your body. And no, I am not talking about any specific drug. I am talking about in general.
  8. That father was lacking parental skills if he couldn't get his 4yr old son to listen to him without causing a scene and strangers getting involved. Hitting a child is really bad, wonder what else he does to that boy, if he did that in public. Sounds like child abuse to me.
  9. I would guess the best way not to have enemies is to be nice to everyone. Well, atleast it worked for me for long time. That or just avoid people.
  10. Kamaba degi laheen, aad buu u qurux badan yahay.
  11. LoL and later post it on YouTube for the enjoyment of everyone. Like the way you think Ngonge
  12. Sheesh, I can't smoke in restaurents in DC and Maryland anyways. I am glad I live in tobacco country (Va). And I do believe you, they were talking about banning smoking in restaurents and in public places not too long ago. So I know it's coming. It's hard out there for a smoker, having to stand outside to light one up. But o'well.
  13. Hala ii camiro kulahaa, hahaha. Aniga waxaan oron lahaa, Drugska nooceey doonanba hanoqdaan in legal laga dhiga oo dadka Tax laga qaado, sida sigaarka iwm.
  14. Tuujiye gacan ayaan kuu taagay duqa. Marka danbe aan Ottawa u soo socdo ayaan pm kuu soo gelinayaa. Makhaayado khatar ah aad leedihiin, oo Shuwarma aan marnaba caadi aheen ayaan wax ka cuni jirey.
  15. Norf, personal feelings aside why do you think they should remain illegal. Do you think the harm it will cause would outweigh the personal freedom of someone wanting to use them? Ok, should some of the drugs be legalized than others (geedo, khat, etc).
  16. Kat, waa caadi oo qofwalba cool ma aha, laakinse weey iska fiicnaan laheed dadka inta wax ku qoro iney mar is arkaan oo eey iska sheekeestaan. MMA I goto Ottawa alot, but last time I was in 'koronto' was I think was around '07. I met one person here back from '04 I think. Si fiican ayaan u soo dhawweeyey. waxaan xasuustaa mar aad tiri Border ayaa lagoo soo ceshay adiga VA u soo socotid....waanka xumahay, laakinse hadii aad inta u soo socotid PM ii soo tuur. Fairfax ayaan ku soo Kala Bari lahaa.
  17. Ok, never posted anything like this and knowing majority of Somalis are conservetive when it comes to alot of things, I want to gauge the feelings of those that post here. I know it's Ramadan and I appologize before hand for this (ilahayow I cafi). Should drugs ever be legalized, for responsible adults that want to use them? I am sure everyone knows the friend or the family member that smokes GEEDO. Do you think drugs whatever they maybe (Geedo, Khat, Cocaine, etc) should be legal for those that use them without CEEB, AMA Xabsiga eey dadka uga baqaan? My feelings are they should be legal, sababtoo ah, qof walba asagaa noloshiisa iska leh, markuu dhintana waa asaga iyo ilaahis. I was just thinking about this, and thought alot of people on SoL have much to add. Fikradiina soo dhiibta, ayadoon wax la iska sheegin, AMA la isku wacdin. Haa AMA Maya, iyo sababta aad fikradaas u dhiibatay.
  18. Fufu, hadii eey dadka dadey runta ah ogaan lahaayeen....
  19. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: Inkastoo aan sanadkaan 'Kanada' aadin, hadii aan aadi lahaa waxaan jeclaan lahaa in aan arko wajiyada ka danbeeyo MMA, Kool Kat iyo garab tuujiye oo kuligood 'Koronto' degen. Oo Aan koob shax ah Tim horton kacabno. waa dadka ugu dhow meesha aan hada joogo. Imagine NY, MMA, KK iyo tuujiye oo meel wada fadhiyo sheekeesanayo. Caadi mahan. Yaad jeclaan laheed inaad meeshaan Kala kulantid, dad stateka aad degentahay AMA magaalo kuudhow degen.
  20. Inkastoo aan sanadkaan 'Kanada' aadin, hadii aan aadi lahaa waxaan jeclaan lahaa in aan arko wajiyada ka danbeeyo MMA, Kool Kat iyo garab tuujiye oo kligood 'Koronto' degen. Aan koob shax ah Tim horton kacabno. waa dadka ugu dhow meesha aan hada joogo. Imagine NY, MMA, KK iyo tuujiye oo meel wada fadhiyo sheekeesanayo. Caadi mahan. Yaad jeclaan laheed inaad meeshaan Kala kulantid, dad stateka aad degentahay AMA magaalo kuudhow degen.
  21. Originally posted by The Zack: Leave the poster a lone people, he is SOOOO in love with Italy and the west. Waagii hore bey ka jajabneyd odeygoo. Mise waa la soo tarxiilay. LoL sorry Peace
  22. Nin-Yaaban


    I wouldn't move to the US just now with unemployment at 10% and the other hosts of promblems it's having with rednecks in the south talking about becoming their own country again because of Obama. But since you said you had two degrees, you are in better position than most I guess.
  23. Ngonge, I agree with u sxb. I wouldn't want to drive in London too. The streets were too small with cars parked on both sides, and still have too way traffic coming down. I would walk too, or catch those two decker buses that were everywhere. And then you'd have to remember not to drive on the right and get used to people honking you and cursing you from their window. Very scary.
  24. Afurka markii lagaaro kadib...