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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Nin-Yaaban


    The iPhone is really great, but whats up with signing up for 2yr contract and $80 monthly plan? I think thats turning alot of potential buyers away.
  2. LoL marka waa dad horay usii fakarayo haa. Caadi ma ahan.
  3. LoL kaalay, waxaas dhan biyo meey u suubinayaan? Aduunkan biyo la'aan maa kudhacday?
  4. The aliens who live in the moon won't be too happy about this.
  5. Men taking out their front teeth to facilitate ? Anyone see what's wrong with that?
  6. If it's some kinda party, I didn't get invited.
  7. LoL who is bumping up these threads? One thing i missed about SoL was the ability to post anonymously.
  8. ...and how can I forget all the rest of the girls here, KK, Val, and GG. They all seem cool, even if we have our little disagreement here on the boards, I enjoy and look forward to reading their postings here.
  9. In all my time here I never tought "Fu Fu" was a girl, and would've never guessed it. Fu Fu, could you deny or confirm this....?
  10. Nuune adigaba Sadex ayaad Signatureka kuugu qoron, anigaana ku markhaati furay.
  11. Waxaan filayey Jacayl in uu meesha komment aan caadi aheen la'soo galo. LoL
  12. Canjeex, haha. Asagoo dhanba 3 baan ka qaatay. Intii kale, closetka ayeey weli ku jiraan. Jacayl baan rabay in aan u diro , laakinse waa iga diiday.
  13. Fu Fu I don't see why not sxb. Hadii eey adigaba murqahaas ee ku siisay, waa in qofwalba loo fasxaa. GG, no I haven't been involved in "processing" in coke, or even seen one. But you are missing the point, if they were legal and regulated it wouldn't be as harmful or have chemicals in 'em. O'right, let's take GEEDO which I am sure you are familiar with it, just how many people died from either overdosing or otherwise and compare that to the millions that die from everything that is "legal" that's pushed on us. The whole point of this is, why should drugs remain illegal while cigarettes, alcohol are legal and could be purchased by anyone? If someone chooses NOT to use drugs, it's all well, but why should it remain illegal for those that want to use 'em? You should really watch that documentary about the food industry, it's not just the "additives" or preservers that are put in everything which cause all types of diseases. Not everything your putting in your body is healthy.
  14. GG you prolly got that off one of those sites that are anti-drugs. It's all lies, and mislead people with made up facts. Once again, Coke has some chemicals added to it during it's processing, but like I have been saying it before what other food product we eat has no chemicals in 'em? The gov't is making it worse by banning it, and dealers adding more impurities to what lil coke they can smuggle into the country. If it was legal, we'd be getting top shelf coke, heroin, Khat, and Geedo. Watch this documentary film called Food Inc. about the food industry and you'd promise urself to never eat supermarket food. Remember, everything they say is bad for you is really not that bad. It's all LIES! Few addicts are giving the rest of the responsible users a bad name.
  15. Originally posted by -MARX-: quote:Originally posted by Fu-Fu: Personally I think the idea of legalizing drugs is absolutely ludicrous. YES! Fu-Fu this is true. I agree with you for once. Laakin was your decision made by your ethics or because you work out. there is a big difference. I dunno how I missed this one. . Fu Fu steroids are partly considered yknow that right. soo marka alaabtan kale waxba haka sheegin. Lol ulama jeedo in aad bahashaas qaadatid...qof weligiis dhahayo waan qaataa ma jiro.
  16. Orighty then, we're on the same wagon. Legalize it!!! Haha, funny I've seen a young kid with that on his shirt walkin around today.
  17. I read the paper in my downtime when I am at work. I usually skim through it and just read the interesting ones. And for online, I read Google's news thingy which pulls news headlines from variety of different news sources.
  18. I read the paper in my downtime when I am at work. I usually skim through it and just read the interesting ones. And for online, I read Google's news thingy which pulls news headlines from variety of different news sources.
  19. Originally posted by SeeKer: quote:Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: Seeker stop scaring people. :confused: How was I scaring people? With your stories of how drugs are bad and should remain illegal.
  20. GG you do know those plants are more potent in terms of the amount of coke they have right? They aren't processed or dilluted with anything which actually makes it more dangerous and gives you more high than what u buy from the low drug dealer on the street. Granted the stuff u find on the street has more other things in them (dealers do this to increase their profit) and aren't pure, but it's still not as dangerous. The fact of the matter is, if the gov't would stop their war on drugs which hasn't worked and legalized it would solve a host of problems.