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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Grasshopper someone posted the name/phone#, address,and social security # of that chick online. Haha, she's done.
  2. Well it won't be long until western media start calling the Chinese the new colonial masters. As long as they are not actively meddling in the internal affairs of others, no one cares what they're called.
  3. Wolfman and Clash of Titans are probably the only two I'd see on that list. I can wait until the rest come out on DVD.
  4. hope everyone made it out ok on this one. they are calling even more to fall tomorrow. I could use some help digging out my car if anyone wants to help.
  5. 'nother to reason for me to quit smoking. it's not only bad for ur health, but would cost u thousands and thousands of more dollars in supporting this habit. ;(.
  6. LoL aniga topigan taaban maayo, umana soo dhawaanayo. . Meeshiina kawata!!
  7. Those two kids are losers through and through. Probably guri waxey kusoo koreen aan AABE joogin, oo odaygu markuu hadlaba la leeyahay 911 baan kuugu wacayaa, oo ilmihii baad abuse gareysay. Just another family destroyed by Somali women abusing their powers.
  8. ilmo kamiro heleen oo wakhti haya, maxaad kafilan? Waa kuwan oo kale. Atleast hadii eeyan, dad dhaceen, AMA dileen sidii kadhacday Minnesota - Youtubekiina sheekadiina kawata.
  9. Peasant, it should last you even more than that if u keep up with the security and the software updates Apple pushes out. I only had to take mine in onetime for repairs, because someone visited a questionable site and got it infected with a virus. If I could afford it, I would probably be gettin the new higher end Macs Apple puts out every yr or so.
  10. The no fly list has been broken here in stateside for many yrs now. They've had kids, members of congress and so many others with Arabic/Islamic sounding names on that list. If ur Somali and u happen to share same last name with any of the people they are supposedly lookin for, then ur pretty much screwed, and expect to be singled out for special treatment by the dumbasss airport security people.
  11. Apple is not bad, just little pricey compared to Windows. I have had the same Macbook since '07 now. Except for few minor issues, it's been good to me. Only because I use it to browse, and watch movies. From what I read online, this new tablet thingy does pretty much the same thing a Macbook, but would prolly cost much more.
  12. Poor Macbook was no terrorist, he didn't deserve to die. RIP Mr Mac.
  13. "Peacenow" to jump in and to defend this in 3..2..1..
  14. Google knew wat it was getting into when it opened it's offices there. For them to whine about censorship and gov't control now is just ****** and shows how retarded they are.
  15. Looks like a good waste of Macbook.
  16. Kuwa danbe waxaan ku jeclahay ****, AMA dharkoo la tuuro caadi ayeey latahay. Marnaba ha joojinina! YouTube soo geliya, oo halkaa kawada. Nabad gelyo.
  17. Going off of the topic (Men's Preservation, Mens corner) I totally agree.
  18. Try them as adults, and throw the book on those two losers. Lets see how they like being another man's Gabdho. Mom should also do time for what she did. Hip Hop and the ghetto mentality is corrupting our youth. WTF, who kills 3 people at 17?
  19. Give me a break, the US does the exact samething it accuses of others. You'd be naive to not believe they're not looking to see what you do Online. How the hell do you think they catch all these people that are looking child porn. It wouldn't even surprise me if they are watching us here on SoL.
  20. Allaha u naxariisto. But when this finally comes out, I am betting money it will be other fellow Somalis that carried out this. Ciyaalkeenii waa eey kasoo dareen, hadana hadeey tan keeneen.