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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Nin-Yaaban

    Lucky kid

    ****** kid, where are his parents.
  2. Well there have been many cases of wrongful convictions too. There was a story not long ago on the Internet where this women accused this man of rape, and sure enuff he goes to trial and is found guilty. 3 months later chick comes out and says she made the whole story up becuz she was afraid she'd get into trouble with her husband. He got released from prison, and nothing happened to the chick. WTF kinda thing is that. I am all for killing or stonning to death men accused of rape (if its proven beyond reasonable doubt), but the system doesn't work like that.
  3. LoL markii maxkamada lageeyo, saa hayiraahdo.
  4. Black is the new white. Look out for more of this to come...
  5. Originally posted by SeeKer: quote:Originally posted by FatB: i wonder if their nationality played a part in the jurys decision to convict? What is their nationality? I must have missed it......I am not sure what the court was playing at. If she was allegedly assaulted why didn't they follow through with a rape kit? That she switched her story is all the more reason to throw out the case. :rolleyes: And that's whats exactly wrong with the system. A women can come out and accuse you of rape and they'd lock you up in a heartbeat and throw you in jail before even getting your side of the story. Even if later they found out she lied, or it was consentual its too late by then becuz you've already spend some time in jail, and had ur whole reputation tarnished. Sucks.
  6. LoL i really wish this wasn't true, but he is Somali. And unfortunately for him, i just found out they cought him and is in custody. He is from Virginia and alot of people know him. O'well, Bank Robbery 101: Wear a Mask, leave wallet home.
  7. Here is the video..... Here is the link
  8. And hopefully someday Minnesota would become part of that greater Somalia too. Can't wait to see the Somali flag flying all over Miineapolis.
  9. Nin-Yaaban

    Clinical Trails

    nothing wrong with it, as long as ur gettting paid for it.
  10. good luck bro, get a good lawyer and fight it.
  11. LoL, just take ur few days in Jail and get over with it. It's not really that bad. just make sure not to drop the soap. Sorry, i had to say that.
  12. Probably means ur making MORE money than the average person to be paying $ back to the Feds. Find someone to claim on ur taxes, it helps. :)I got a decent tax return from both state and the Feds. So I have no problem with uncle Sam.
  13. Nin-Yaaban

    Life is

    ....very complicated?
  14. why people would pay so much money for something like this ipad thingy is beyond me. carrying that thing around to check ur email is just lame. you could do that and more on a laptop. wish I had that kinda mone to buy every useless thing apple makes.
  15. those videos are just too funny, all 5 stars. . he's just putting what's already available on YT in one channel, nothing wrong with it.
  16. ...and in Somalia they would've been called "Reer Xamar, Barawaani, iyo Xamaraawi"
  17. Runtaa Tuujiye, Ethiopian ma nihin, laakinse waa loobaahanyahay in eey dadka ogaadaan wixii xun oo meel kasta kasacda. Marka labaad, see tahay sxb, oo mala fiicanyahay?
  18. Don't worry folks, this will all pass and we'd be better people because of this. Many countries thru out history went thru what we are going thru now, and came out for the better. Might or might not happen in our lifetime, but all this will come to pass someday. neve give up hope.
  19. Nin-Yaaban


    Just program the address for the local police station and pray to god they're dumb enuff to believe it's ur house and rob it. )
  20. LoL tuujiye, Val sawirada waa eey soowadaayee waxyar fadlan samir. adiga kaalay, kuwii YURUB meeye?
  21. Val, adiga kuwii aad kujirtay meeye? Kuwaas ayaan sugeenaa.
  22. Nin-Yaaban

    Losing Friends!

    I will be your friend.