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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Dadkiinaan lacagta leh, oo wixii soobaxaba gadanaya maad lacagta wax iga soo gaarsiisaan? Computerka aan heesta 5 sano ayuu jiraa. iPad dhinaceeyga u soo tuura.
  2. Runta hadaan kuusheego waxaan ku oron lahaa.....Aroos intaad kacarari kartid, ka orod. Faa'ido maleh, aniga i weydii.
  3. Nothing like it....probably surfing SoL too.
  4. Filimada noocaas ah, HADAL maleh. Waa "ACTION" keliya, hadaad ifahmeysid.
  5. Nin-Yaaban


    What did you tell him?
  6. Probably caught his wife cheating on him, went crazy and just lost it. Poor guy.
  7. That's probably wat sells. No one wants to read about the millions and millions of Somalis all over the world that do good each and everyday. LoL the headline on Yahoo's main page was "Somali Pirates capture record ships for 2010". The comments were even more funnier.
  8. Imisa Wadan ayaad Passapoorkaada kugashay JB? Markeey arkaana maxey yiraahdaan?
  9. After all those killings in Arizona, I am sure anywhere would be better than there.
  10. Goormaa Internetka laga helikaraa filinkaas? Yaana kujiro,
  11. If he has been arrested "more than 20 times" and shot 2 girls, why is he still out on the streets? dont they keep these type of people behind bars? Kool Kat, amuu Contact Lenses qabaa?
  12. Heard he got shot in the face by a gang member in L.A. From the name, he sounds Somali. Lets pray for him that he makes it through.
  13. This guy I know does the same thing. He lives in Minnesota and collects Social Security, but also collects benefit from Canada. LoL he goes to Canada like the 1st week of every month.
  14. LoL waraa wiilka waa heesi karaa, ee hala dhaafo.
  15. LoL that number doesn't include all the illegal Somalis fresh off the boat and those with fake identities and stuff. So yea, we are way more than that.
  16. Lol hadii eey kuwa Soomaaliyeed nimam uwada egyihiin, aniga kuwa kale ayaan qaadanayaa.
  17. Kan darawalka gaariga Google asaga waxa uu ag maro u majeedo miyaa? Waxbaa si ka ah.
  18. Gheele, they might've found evidence linking them to credit card fraud. prolly a lil side job to earn extra cash. It would be interesting to see how this thing turns out. I am betting money they'd all turn on each other and snitch.
  19. LoL imagine the irony if these guys who are accused of sex crimes became sex victims themselves behind bars. Most of these guys are 18, 19 and prolly haven't seen the inside of a jail before and are easy targets for other inmates.