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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Mohamed Omar Osman, the defendant's eldest brother, said the family grew up speaking Af-Maay and still uses that dialect with each other. He said his brother's knowledge of Af-Mahaa was similar to that of a tourist learning a new language, in that he could understand a word here and there, but had no comprehension of complex issues. Afkaas waa fudud yahay....
  2. Kaalay, maka baqaayo miyaa inuu Masas AMA Yaxaas qaniinaan? LoL@ kuwa reer baadiyaha waxaan umaleynayaa dabaal mayaqaanaan.
  3. lol, aniga "signatureka" waaba iliiga daran yaheey....maxaa ku dhacay sawiradiii, oo seebaan sawirkeeygii hore u heli karaa?
  4. lol, runtaa. Atleast Magaciisa ayaa loo bixin lahaa. "Planet Jacylbaro". That's best name.
  5. Waa su'aal fiican. Waxaan u maleynayaa, "Profile.Setting" button waxaa jiro aad riixeysid oo SAXiiXa automatically qorayo markastoo aad wax post gareysid.
  6. Damn. He didnt' look alive when they pulled him from under that car. Glad he made it. I bet a chick was driving that car.
  7. Jaceylbaro meeshaas haloo diro. Hasoo indho indheeye. Calankiisana hakuu soo tagee.
  8. Obama waa beenloow. Aaway shaqooyinkii, iyo dadkii uu yiri waan caawinayaa?
  9. They were doing a background check on you, and the fact that you are says u passed it. So welcome.
  10. Aaliyyah;743588 wrote: ^kaban maxa la dhaha??! hahah, wax lacuno waaye kulahaa. Wareerka wareerkiis
  11. Very True. Technology/Internet made people lazy and ******.
  12. For those of you that live on the East Coast (Virginia (NoVa), Maryland, DC and even NY) hurricane is expected to hit on late tonite (for the DMV). Hope everyone is stocked up on CAANO/ROOTI/BIYO/iyo Feynuus hadii uu nalka tago. Hope it isn't as bad as they say its gonna get. Ramadan Kariim.
  13. Dunida waxa ugu liita... Nin Daaloow, dantiisana ka durugtee...
  14. Dunida waxa ugu liita... Nin Daaloow, dantiisana ka durugtee...