Keyz 1-8-7

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Everything posted by Keyz 1-8-7

  1. Gediid, I hope u know what ur saying or the kind of trouble u r getting urself into. One thing u could be happy about is that my main player is injured but I think I can throw in my superb 17 yr old since its just an exhibition game for my boys. And I still dnt know who the manager of Didas Utd is, inform me. some of the players in that pitch could not see the ball It is obvious my opponent used dirty tricks but it worked against him. Cheating always comes back to haunt you. Top of the league and lets see who can pose a challenge!!
  2. Ill try not to boast too much about my effortless 5-0 thrashing of Didas Utd. BushWacker you are next!! btw what is the sol name for didas utd??
  3. I can't join the cup compettion, because whenever I search for it it comes up with a message saying i can not join because my team quota is full????
  4. Hold it right there!!! Hamann?Hamann? How could you actually compare hamann to pirlo? You actually put hamann ahead of pirlo? I can name sooooo many other players that would go waaaaay ahead of didi. Besides he was about to get kicked out of the pool team if he didn't do what he did in the final coz his contract was running out. I think our little convo is over man, u obviously are seriously ill or high of some sorta drug.
  5. NGONGE I'd thought about that, but then again I also thought about the fact that suicide is suicide nevertheless. However, condemning a young kid to hell seems wrong, but what if she wasn't a young girl anymore, if you get what I mean. She would constitute as an adult, no? Speculations, speculations, speculations. P.S. Castro's pic reminds me of an old dugsi teacher I had. let's just say I have not so fond memories of a certain pool stick P.S.II Athena, do share with us plz what you were so eager to delete.
  6. So how come everyone is quick to bless this girl for killing herself over a rupee but then so quickly condemned a father's suicide for a son's right to asylum? I think (and I never thought this day would come) that Castro has got a point here.
  7. • Judaism: Why does this shit always happen to us?
  8. In my opinion I would choose Pirlo over Makalele any day. Pirlo not only does what Makalele does but contributes with goals and creativity. Now, have you ever seen a defensive midfielder with such skill? His freekick, shots and ability to beat players abilities are incomparable to old claude. Besides, whats with you getting all UPSET about this, im sure if i said xabi alonso u'd be over the moon. Pires is not over-rated, its just his time has gone and he is gettin on in age. I think the only reason he is there is because hleb is still adapting, half way thru the season he will lose his place to Hleb. And by the way, dnt u remember that goal he scored against ur team in our unbeaten season, it went like zoooooooom past poor dudek.
  9. I agree with Viking, Soma ur too biased. Yes u did say gerrald (not gerrard but gerrald) should be ahead of lampard. Still players like makelele should give way to pirlo.
  10. I would remove Lampard for Gerrard - Eto'o for Henry - Dida for Cech/Buffon. This poll is a load of sh8t. How can u have dida as a number 1 goalie?? When there is Cech and Buffon. For all his good qualities for me Lampard would make way Gerrard? Even if we follow what northener is saying I would pick gerrard because it was him who lifted his team in CL Final, wasn't it??
  11. How come I never got this kinda treatment, i had to wonder around on my own but eventually i found my true home in the sports section. 7, That picture u have scares the living out of me. It stares at u like, "man I'm going to kill tonite!!" I have to look away wheneva i see it.
  12. Yeh guys dnt mix up the threads! Besides whats this ray sumthin talkin bout, evryone knows biggest game in the english calendar is arsenal-united. Arsenal are still not playing at full throttle, they are playing ok, but are missing a midfield boss You deserve a gold star for that comment Norf. Seriously, this is probably the only time you mentioned arsenal and didnt say something bad. Maybe this is the start of a non anti arsenal northener. I shall pray for you!! Amin! Chelsea has the got right weapons to gun down every team? Woah,slow ur roll Soma. I know u would probably kill for ur team to called something to do with guns. Stick to that plastic badge and so called lions. Everyone knows a lion can be killed by a gun but not the other way round.
  13. 187, Van Persie clearly played the ball there PS What the hell is wrong with your team these days? Lost two games already! That was a complete accident you can tell because he's always looking at the ball and immediately puts his hand up to recognise. What about Rooney im sure he was alright.
  14. Funny, I read an article bout that when I went kenya this summer.
  15. Send the spanish team back to Spain.. Soma, they are playing in spain. HAHAHAHA
  16. that game was far away from lively. No skills whatsoever! The ball was never on the groud floor, always in the air, may be that is a skill. Your a chelsea fan, u should be used to that by now.Even drogba complains that he likes to recieve the ball on the floor but only gets inthe air. Besides that Ivory Coast Cameroon game was of the chain man. Non-stop attack, its true towards the end teams got desperate so went for the long ball, but that game was real good.
  17. Keyz 1-8-7

    The Ashes

    Damn! All of that effort and energy just for that little trophy size of the palm. I'd rather watch my champions league.
  18. Up in the cockpit, the copilot breathes a sigh of relief and tells the pilot: "You know, one of these days the passengers aren't going to scream, and we aren't going to know when to take off!!!''
  19. Im good brother, although I see me and you will never settle our argument. When have you seen me dissing chelsea, u should give credit where its due bro. Last season we finished top of the fifa fair play league thus preventing spurs from qaulifying for the Uefa cup. How can u say were dirty, we had one of the best disciplinary records last season. Rafa, man I'm done with u bro, u just hate arsenal with passion, for reasons not obvious to many. One fluky night and all of a sudden u think ur team is sittin on top of the world. I have to say I was rooting for liverpool that night simply because I like watching good games unlike chelsea. Viking, not thats a guy I like, he tells it like it is and keeps it real. Rafa Soma u might wanna take a chapter out of Vikings book altough u might be too stubborn to do so. As you see I have decided to be a lone soldier because I can't stand my team being dissed like this. Every season the reigning champions get hyped up by the media. Look at what they were saying at the begining of last season about the gunners being the best team and all that? Now all of sudden 6 months later they are nothing. The media changes it idea with the weather and you guys seem to believe them everytime they say something.