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Everything posted by Somali_Friend

  1. Does he really? fake "Mahdi" IndaCadde for Negash. "If for nothing else, ICU should be punished for making Islam as mcdonalds and cocacola comercial with actors fashioned in arab and pakistani garb. We did not become moslems and kept being moslems through the millenia by allowing imposters and fly by night "Mahdis" to play with our religion" A shiek from Afar state, ethiopia "Here, we were Muslims before the Mecca people, before the Medina people," he said. "We have the original books, and we are sharing the original Islam. They cannot tell us what Islam is." Elias Redman, vice president of the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (EIASC) "Deeply down in that criminal showbiz were also some side kickers, and floor dancers, Sheikh Aweys, an army colonel in the Al-Itihad destroyed late Somali Army, and his top lieutenants in the current top leadership of the ICU, were part of it, were they willfully wanted, and sacrificially desired the dark destruction of Somali people, and their land from bottom to top!" Radio Jijiga editorial Al-Ithad to make us good moslems- stranger than fiction
  2. Taliban, It doesn't matter the numbers wether 15-22 million is a big gap estimation of 7 million.... Even the 4 million you have put is bigger than population under the areas controlled by the imposters in Mugadishu. Somali State is bigger than any of the units anywhere, its bigger than puntland, bigger than somaliland, bigger than Bay&Bakool, Bigger than Hirran...etc. The point is why wait for arabs that are so hipocrites as you can see from palestinian situation. Why not talk among somalis?
  3. "If for nothing else, ICU should be punished for making Islam as mcdonalds and cocacola comercial with actors fashioned in arab and pakistani garb. We did not become moslems and kept being moslems through the millenia by allowing imposters and fly by night "Mahdis" to play with our religion" A shiek from Afar state, ethiopia "Here, we were Muslims before the Mecca people, before the Medina people," he said. "We have the original books, and we are sharing the original Islam. They cannot tell us what Islam is." Elias Redman, vice president of the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (EIASC) "Deeply down in that criminal showbiz were also some side kickers, and floor dancers, Sheikh Aweys, an army colonel in the Al-Itihad destroyed late Somali Army, and his top lieutenants in the current top leadership of the ICU, were part of it, were they willfully wanted, and sacrificially desired the dark destruction of Somali people, and their land from bottom to top!" Radio Jijiga editorial Al-Ithad to make us good moslems- stranger than fiction
  4. There are close to 10 million people in ethiopia that can speak the Somali language, out of which 6-7 million are ethnic somali. why can't we talk to each other in Somali, rathere than waiting and expecting arabs to do good for both of us?
  5. I have heard that an ethiopian cleric met Shiek Ahmed and the speaker in Yemen, He stated the following and left: "how dare you" People think it means how dare you play games with Islam. There was no time for them to answer. The speaker was going to say something, but the ethiopian cleric was not there anymore.
  6. Originally posted by Garaad Caanood: Egypt prepared to help Somalia parties overcome differences: FM I can't, don't want, play the AllMighty, but if there is anyone that should pay Karma here on earth, its egypt. They have always done the same with Somalia, as they do with the poor palestinians. Hassan Tahir can go and get strategy from their Intelligence chiefs and threaten us with our survival, because we are building few hydro electric dams, but this time is different.
  7. They need Shiek Ahmed badly just to present even the untruths. The only presentable person in ICU. His credibility is shot though after so many untruths about ethiopia. He also was willing to compromise and offered to respect the border,in yemen along with speaker, thus angering ONLF.
  8. Originally posted by SomaliResistance: ^Hadii aad saas victory Amxaaro ujeceshahay, meesha aad Somalia kadagantahay orodoo kudarso. One thing is very clear here, you host Xabasho soldiers to kill Other Somali people, you should expect no better treatment than Xabashis. Did the poor somali get any different treatment than what you wish for Haabesha? In 16 years in southern somalia. What did your "Islamic supremos" do in Kismayo? This is even while they have only a small piece of somalia.
  9. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Sadly, nothing is off limit to Amxaar. They could target innocent women and children in Xamar as well as Raas Caseyr or Kimbooni. Just like Yahuuda. Wrong people at the wrong place at the wrong time. If you loved and cared of humanity so much, You could have told Hassan Tahir and IndaCadde that they are imposters not eligible to call for Jihad on anyone let alone on Negash. They got drunk by your support and wanted and said so, to march on Addis Ababa and go through our country until the north most thats Tigray. You should have had the foresight to tell them that was wrong. We also have the inalienable right to defend our selves against imposters and fake "mahdis". How we do it, when and where is all left to military experts and commanders. Before you give me another excuse let me tell you that by coincidence or choice at this time the highest military commanders in ethiopia also happen to be moslems.
  10. Northerener, I posted it in response to Castro who wanted proof that the government of ethiopia has moslem support. He is not convinced by the results of the first day of campaign against the imposters of Mugadishu. Castro thinks that IndaCadde coming to Addis Ababa to be our supreme islam leader under Aweye the most supreme Islam leader of the
  11. This was a direct answer to IndaCadde who wants to come to Addis Ababa to be the "Immam" or "Mahdi" to Negash: "Here, we were Muslims before the Mecca people, before the Medina people," he said. "We have the original books, and we are sharing the original Islam. They cannot tell us what Islam is." Elias Redman, vice president of the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (EIASC)
  12. Originally posted by Castro: ^ So you have no proof. That's what I thought. Now, let me ask you this, did you think you could talk out of your rear end around here and not be called on it, friend? That's three hogs in one night. It's got to be a bloody record. LOL. This answers you in a nutshell how ethiopian moslems feel about the Mugadishu gang of imposters: "If for nothing else, ICU should be punished for making Islam as mcdonalds and cocacola comercial with actors fashioned in arab and pakistani garb. We did not become moslems and kept being moslems through the millenia by allowing imposters and fly by night "Mahdis" to play with our religion" A shiek from Afar state, ethiopia
  13. Originally posted by Castro: ^ I said proof, not lyrical waxing. P.R. .F. Proof. Don't give me a lame statistics 101 sob story. Prove to me that more "moslems" than christians approve of this aggression. The onus is on you, friend. Or did you go to general duke's school of talk nonsense whenever asked for proof? Castro, lol You want proof, wait a few days and tell me the where abouts of imposters of Mugadishu, if you haven't seen enough proof in the first day. That will be the best proof.
  14. Castro, Why don't we make it short and to the point: 1. There are more moslem ministers than christians not only for the first time, but if there were moslem ministers in past governments was at times just one. 2. There were never police or intelligence agency commanders or superintendents, now a "dime a dozen" (joke) 3. There was one general during mengistu now where do you want to look generals, general staff, special forces command....take your pick 4. Let alone supreme courts chief justices as is now just a moslem judge was hard to find. As for Somali ethiopians half of the somali officials of the federal government in Addis Ababa and most of somlai state officials are persons who spent half of their adult life in WSLF. The Afar are also the same. The demonstration in Jijiga was a lot bigger and more enthusiaistic against Hassan Tahir and his gang of imposters than the imposters ever could come up with in Mugadishu which probably is at least 10 times Jijiga.
  15. Soon as the TFG makes the round in the set up of State and region governments, election will start. Why don't you wait until then. We have been through that experience in ethiopia, where some states changed two governmenors in few months time. and some are still there from begining.
  16. Jimcaale, There is a story I remind participants here: Last year the BBC had a story with a picture where they met a Sudanese man, who is traditionally almost naked, but had a Kalashnikov on his side and solar charged cellphone. It was so incredible that all the centuries of human development (technology) all in one man of centuries ago. Bring me any lie from ethiopia or the TFG and I will be the first one to accept and congradulate you. Eritreans, ICU, OLF have been caught so many times on a lie, I wonder what kind of people advise them with media statemnets. Its the quickest way to lose credibility. If we are in Somalia, we will say we are there. Remember an ethiopian soldier can refuse if its not legal.
  17. 25 Dec 25, 2006, 02:38 BELETWEIN, Somalia Dec 25 (Garowe Online) - Ethiopian troops and allied Somali militias rolled into Beletwein town in central Somalia on Monday without meeting armed resistance from the Islamic Courts forces in the region, according to residents. Some of the troops went further south towards Buulo Burde town where the Islamist militia are believed to have retreated to. One resident reported that officers loyal to ex-Hiran governor Yusuf Dabaged were in government offices in Beletwein. Dabaged was appointed by Somali Prime Minister Ali Muhammad Gedi but expelled militarily by the Islamists in August. Ethiopia admitted on Saturday for the first time that its military was fighting inside Somalia against the Islamists. Ethiopian warplanes hit targets in Hiran region yesterday, including a recruitment center in Beletwein. SOURCE: Garowe Online New
  18. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Stop the monkey business and advocating for Amxaar invation. At least if you're gonna take sides, take the peace initiative side and start caling for abrupt cease fire and back to the table. Jimcaale, Some ethiopian clerics are calling for Hassan Tahir Aweye, IndaCadde and a lot more others heads. Even if the government wants to stop, Ethiopian moslems now will not want it until: 1. ICU repents on all radio stations and media declaring the call of Jihad on Negash was illegitimate. 2. Arrest and dispense punishment as per the book to the imposters in ICU that made macdonalds and cocacolla style commericials of Islam in arab and pakistani garbed actors 3. Any cleric who "legitimized" the fake Jihad and brought bad name to Islam be either arrested or excluded from any position of teaching or advising. 4. Immediate stop of petrodollar arab sectarianism which we never had in east africa. If this is not stopped it will create moslem on moslem wars to come. Conflict has already started in Sudan because a few villages declared they are Shiia. If you think Hassan Tahir is in big trouble in Jijiga for Al-Ithad terrorist murder of women and children, you have no idea whats in store for ICU gang of fly by night "Mahdis". This is not a joke. This ethiopian government has been supported by ethiopian moslems, percentage wise more than christians.
  19. Originally posted by Caaqil: I have never been sickened this much. What we are seeing is a blant move by Ethiopians on the lives of innocent people. The diaspora somalis are those you see on websites such as this- and it hurts to see them backing ethiopian aggression. Caaqil, I just saw a demonstration on TV. It was bigger and more angrier than any JIhad demonstration ICU did. I will let you guess where it is, but hint: It was not in Tigray, Amara or Afar of north ethiopia, It was not in Addis Ababa or southern states...the rest take your guess. It was in a state capital. If you think some imposter in Mugadishu will go unpunished after calling ethiopians "less moslems" you don't know ethiopians. Ethiopians are poor materially, but are not prepared to create or introduce sectarian Islam to their neighborhood to make some petrodollar crazed arab.
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: Where is Xasan Dahir Aways, wehn you are insulting Hiiraale a man who is in the front lines backing up his chat? Why is IndaCADE hiding out in Mogadishu? These people are a complete joke. I guess they both made it in time, before TFG ordered Somalia air space closed. It has just been announced, that means the cabinet decision has already been communicated to neighboring countries.
  21. Somalia air and sea closed, Beletwene falls Mon. December 25, 2006 02:38 am. Send this news article (SomaliNet) The spokesman for the interim government read a decree signed by the prime minister which closes Somalia's air and sea indefinitely. The decree came after a long meeting of the prime minister's cabinet. The Ethiopian fighter jets will most likely enforce this closure of Somalia's air and see space. In other development, the Islamic Courts retreated from south central city of Beledwene after two days of aireal and ground bombardment by Ethiopian war planes. It looks like the tide has been reversed and Ethiopia's full participation of the war is weakening the Islamic Courts who have no effective defense.
  22. Taliban, "Here, we were Muslims before the Mecca people, before the Medina people," he said. "We have the original books, and we are sharing the original Islam. They cannot tell us what Islam is." Elias Redman, vice president of the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (EIASC) If you call fake Jihad on us led and called by imposters, be prepared to listen what comes as an echo. You will not like it, but it only comes from people through thick and thin have kept their faith and culture without giving in to the sectarians of petrodollar or the fake "Mahdis", cheaters and thieves. You think you are angry, because the people of somalia told you this is fake Jihad, be prepared for ethiopian moslems anger now at playing with religion. The punishment is severe, but we have confidence in our brethern in Somalia who will ignore you and if you don't get the message they will punish you first.
  23. Originally posted by SomaliResistance: The war is between Tigree[defenders of Christian hegemony of all Ethiopia] and the ICU[defenders of Islam and those freedom loving Somalis].. Xaniinya Xabashi Somali badan ayaa laga fujin. "If for nothing else, ICU should be punished for making Islam as mcdonalds and cocacola comercial with actors fashioned in arab and pakistani garb. We did not become moslems and kept being moslems through the millenia by allowing imposters and fly by night "Mahdis" to play with our religion" A shiek from Afar state, ethiopia
  24. Taliban, "If for nothing else, ICU should be punished for making Islam as mcdonalds and cocacola comercial with actors fashioned in arab and pakistani garb. We did not become moslems and kept being moslems through the millenia by allowing imposters and fly by night "Mahdis" to play with our religion" A shiek from Afar state, ethiopia