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Everything posted by Somali_Friend

  1. “The only forces we are pursuing are Eritreans[shaibya] who are hiding behind the skirts of Somali women.” PM Meles Zenawi
  2. Originally posted by HornAfrique: This war was a given the day Kismaayo was invaded. For us ethiopians, Kismayo was invaded for the sole reason to be oprations base for Alqaeda and Eritrea/OLF. Both were present the day it was invaded. Alqaeda wanted a secluded closer to kenya tanzania coast and Eritrea wanted away from Bay Bakool, Puntland and Somaliland. ICU had no other reason to capture Kismayo. I had a thread by that title at the time and most people here agreed. Kismayo was ICU gift to Alqaeda and Eritrea/OLF for their gifting of fighters. There is nothing religious or human reason in this, its dirty political game and high stakes game. Now I am glad ICU did that. They gave away their bad intentions and fakery. Kismayo made it open. It also convinced one of the most staunchest opponent to peacekeepers from neighboring countries realize that he only have two choices. Ether he clears the danger or allow us to join him clear the common danger. He did allow and played leading role. Due to his network a convoy of Eritrean/OLF that was supposed to save Bur Hakubo didn't make it. Comepletely destroyed by airstrike on the road.
  3. Originally posted by Observer: quote:Is this Ethiopian a gaal? Not only a Gaal but he is Tigre (agame = they eat all kind of insect and dead animals) He came from this ethiopian site called I guess he been banned from that site. He is Woyanne and the rest of Ethiopians see him as two legged donkey. He is here merely to divid the somalis. wrong observation. Get some diagnostic from Taliban. Your answer is: I HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE OVERLY CRITICAL OF OTHER.
  4. Originally posted by Northerner: Who is Isayas? Fieldmarshall, doctor, "shiek" Isayas is the eritrea's fascist dictator of a banana republic. He sends his soldiers whereever arabs pay him, all human suffering and ugly wars from Darfur, to LRA Uganda, Congo...etc.
  5. Originally posted by AAliyah416: Asalaamu Alaykum, Lets be real, if the Islamic courts didn't threat the transitional government in Baidoe then Ethiopians wouldn't have been able to invade Somalia. Unfortunately, the Islamic courts facilitated that by threatning them and giving them certain days to withdraw from Baidoe; naturally they thought that the transitional government wouldn’t get support from Ethiopians just like the Mogadishu warlords. What they forget to differentiate was the fact that the transitional government is established government for Somalia. Do not get me wrong, I am not content with the fact that Ethiopians are invading Somalia, but I am just holding responsible the Islamic courts. Why didn't they just stick to Hamar? They were allowed to conquer Hamar? If they were fighting for peace as I thought they were don’t you think they would have found a way to establish peace and negotiate with the transitional government. Wa Salaaamu Alaykum. I guess Mugadishu and area is too small for the supreme Islamic leader (Grand Ayatollah -shiia equivalent) Hassan Tahir. He wanted to connect from Tanzania to Egypt.
  6. The developments on the ground are faster than I can I am personally pleased that Aweye is in a Pickle now. I know a relative of some of his Al Ithad victims. There are also WSLF members who accuse his group(Aydiid sr. times)of collusion with Mengistu. Thats why Radio Jijiga had an editorial with a picture of Aweye and Mengistu in one. It resonated with a lot of people.
  7. Originally posted by Taliban: quote:Originally posted by Rahima: Is this Ethiopian a gaal? Rahima, Somali_Friend is an Orthodox Christian from Ethiopia, and works for the propaganda department of the Ethiopian regime. My initial analysis; Somali_Friend is 35-45 years old and suffers from a form of eye disease or disorder (no offense intended, this is about a physiology analysis I deduced from his writing style/signature). I recommend Somali_Friend to see an ophthalmologist to correct his glasses, and limit the amount of time he spends in front of the monitor. Taliban, Only one guess right out of 4 so your second chance is which one was right. Not the first and not the last.
  8. Originally posted by Duufaan: I have to stay militarly the court made good decision here. this tactics has it is own risk, moral issue and lost of the public support. But survival point of few and long run strategy this very good tactics. It is very much now if moqdisho will stand with them or the former warlods. Now they can hide inside at same time infiltrate the enemy back line but they must hold two weeks. Kismaanyo will soon fall. The court have good chance to defend Jowhar and first time stop other side. If TFG decides Jowhar has strategic importance, everything will be thrown at ICU and they don't stand a chance. Eritrea and OLF are already crying because ICU over used them and to add insult to injury Kismayo , which the ICU took it for the sole reason of Eritrea/OLF and Alqaeda secluded operations base has fallen. Failure always brings blame game. The talk between them must be now: You mejnun told us to do this, no you mejnun said you will do this...some angry pakistani shoots some demoralized supremo...thats how it goes.
  9. Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea: what a joke,the Jihad is on. Allahu Akbar. Don't play with religion. Its not a commercial product to be promoted with some pakistani or arab garb. That fake imposters Jihad call is getting Aweye embarassed for the third time. Find another reason to fight us. We can fight over a goat, a river, a hill, a farm land, a mine..whatever, but unless you have brought a new sect there is no reason for somali and ethiopians to fight on religion. Try as you can, but the fakery will be exposed and the hipocrisy called upon in the street where you live, before you reach us.
  10. Originally posted by Jimcaale: In the meantime, the Arab League, the African Union and the regional Inter-Governmental Authority on Development, which brokered the installation of Somalia's shaky transitional government in 2004, were due to meet in Addis Ababa on Wednesday to discuss the situation, Fall said. The Arab League coming to Addis Ababa. lol Djibuti and Sudan must have reconciled with TFG with Yemen help for that to happen.
  11. "We strongly appeal to the Islamic Courts to put down arms because the government has made a decision to give them complete amnesty." Thats very generous of the Government, but it comes from victor who has to reconstitute a country and bring it back to the world.
  12. Originally posted by Tahliil: plus don't you think once the Tigrian army ar bogged down in-between Afgoye and Baydhabo, other resistances armies inside Ethiopia namely Oromo and Amhara will take advantage of the situation... Why don't you reconcile with your own brothers first before waiting for others foreigners. If you wait for Amara against Tigray I have to laugh at this. What a turn of events a somalian(not somali) waiting for Amara to avenge on Tigray. Its sad comedy. Do you know that two sub-sub-clans in somalia have more friction than Amara and Tigray. I guess those in Addis Ababa who call themselves Amara have cheated you. They are imposters, not Amara.
  13. Its called hail marry in american football and throwing everything mad including the kitchen sink. events are happening so fast the mad cannot stick, but these ICU imposters have lowered the community title of shiek.
  14. This man showed how incompetent the courts are and he seems he will have the last declaration not ICU. He can now go to Baydhoa and give a big thank you to TFG.
  15. when a school teacher got so much sympathy for the story of the abducted student of his from somalians that gave him benefit of doubt and ethiopians who sympathized with his predicament... It got to his head that the TFG will be wiped out. Now the shock has hit him and is using his last call. He should have stayed the old way before the uniforms and kalashnikov. That for me was the deadringer that he has no authority.
  16. 90% of our forces in somalia only moved there based on tuesday's decision and announcement 10% was in Baydhoa as trainers and some small force to defend the trainers.
  17. q. do you think ICU will have guerrila war PMMZ: first of all if they do, it will not be with us, but each other secondly the radical ones do not have the situation conducive to this kind of war
  18. q. where are most of terrorists from PMMZ: Eritrea and middle eastern countries are of course known sources, but from what we have seen so far, i think most countries are represented.
  19. q. Don't you think terrorism will be more in somalia PMMZ: This is a dumb understanding. Terrorists don't become terrorists when you attack them. You attack them because they are terrorists. The killings in Kismayo are best example of the fallacity. I don't understand why some people think that terrorism will come as a result of attack on terrorists.
  20. q. Some organizations are questioning ethiopia's involvement PMMZ: We are not involved in the Government affairs of Somalia. Most of fighting was on purpose pushed away from populated areas, where it cannot be avoided the TFG took care of it. The people of somalia can see and know that its their local sons that are doing the fighting for TFG and this was important. We have the right to defend ourselves. The UN recognizes, but doesn't give freedom to any country or people. We defend ourselves. Any country in the UN have not shown any disagreement on this except Eritrea and few others which we know who they are and why.
  21. q. How was the operations PMMZ: The main starting point was that the ICU forces mostly foreigners including from countries not yet mentioned, that had sarounded the TFG had to be removed and that has been done. We have information even the wounded ones that have made it to Mugadishu about the foreigners. ICU is gathering around Jowhar.
  22. Originally posted by Caamir: The BBC Somali service, which is nothing but a clannist media, hypnotized the population into believing the Islamic courts was the legitimate power after the people, but it wasn't. Caamir, Good to see you here. I hope for the sake of the innocents in Mugadishu the war ends as fast as it did so far. In our culture we celebrate for end of war more than victory. We have civil wars in the past where the victor and the vanguished celebrated together. BBC Somali for you is equivalent to VOA Amharic for us. Sometimes it makes you wonder what the purpose is, but its not our money.
  23. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Camir, the BBC is starting to chnage its tune a little. Thouhg we need an alternative to this servive in the near to medium future. VOA amharic was the same for ethiopia. It almost was calling for ethnic strife. Now it has been defeated and ignored. BBC Somali will follow the same.
  24. Originally posted by Lieutenant Xalane: Retreat only is a disadvantage to them.They should have taken the peace they were given when things were good.What are they waiting for now? To wait in xamar so that they could devise guerrila tactics? Lieutenat Xalane, Good to see you. Here is so far from whats public statements and interview of PM Meles: 1. Air strikes are called by TFG and the main and only criterion is if the ICU force is foreigners. That was from defense ministry statement. 2. Ethiopian forces have never entered or did fighting in any place where its populated. Have not entered towns or cities. Only TFG National forces enter populated areas. Ethiopian forces go around towns and cities. From PM Meles interview 3. The TFG must be given credit for the preparation in Police and special forces. TFG has forces deep inside ICU areas and have dumbfounded ICU. The special operation forces see convoy determine nationality of ICU forces and either tell forward to get ready or call airstrikes if foreigners. From a commentator the connected ones 4. The TFG is ready with Public administration, police and handling of liberated towns and cities. There is no issue on this one. PM Meles Interview Question: Did Aweye follow Isayas 100%? Didn't Aweye learn anything from the 90s? Is this the case where mercenaries and foreigners have no interest in dying for ICU? Is this where major part of ICU is already federalist and is working hard with risk to the end of the Al-Ithad?
  25. The TFG is more astute and brilliant than people give it credit. There hasn't been situation where ethiopian forces are more than Somalia's. On the contrary ICU had more foreigners than somalians. Ethiopian forces have never entered any town or city. Some commanders (I am sure they are somali)have entered along with TFG commanders to see forthemselves how the people are doing. Its so brilliant.