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Everything posted by Somali_Friend

  1. ICU is getting tired simply by information warfare. ICU is falling for it every time. Weeks ago there was announced visit by President Abdullahi Yusuf to central somalia. ICU jumped to war right away, afraid that the president is coming to start war. Its now believed the Dinsoor area skirmishes are also for the same reason. Its now being reported by some outlets that the president visited the armed forces in that area and the ICU jumped the gun afraid that the president is going to start war from there. I think all the president need to do is move around and the ICU will run out of breath this way. It would be funny if it didn't involve suffering of the innocent and families. There is additional information that the president was in uniform when he visited the armed forces.
  2. Its amazing to what length dictators go when about to collapse. The Eritrean dictator has written an article that was manifesto of his organization that reads like it was written by a crusader. One visit to can show how he treats moslems in eritrea. He seems to have finished his services with the US now or he is playing games still under CIA as he did before in you shall make wars by deception. This is perfect example why Hassan Tahir is never going to be credible in anything with the somali ethiopians. Thats why he is called an imposter.
  3. Originally posted by Didi Kong: That is like asking is Meles Zenawi good for Ethiopians? The anwer No, Where did you get your question and the answer my friend? Meles is definitely better than the man he overthrew, for ethiopians. That is never in doubt. The ethiopia of today is much better for all ethiopians, but those who were "elects of god to rule ethiopia". The facts are on the ground for all to see. If you are Somali, watch an interview the deputy for education of somali regional state did and you can see why Meles is better than mengistu for ethiopians. But we should not compare and focus on individuals. It is the system that should be compared. On that issue, in ethiopia, there is absolutely no comparison that the current system is better.
  4. There was one person left in ICU that has not been in the mad of untruths. There was one erson which most somalis gave the benefit of doubt. There was one person the ICU brought out when they are in trouble or to show a good face (not physical). That was Shiek Ahmed. Now they have overused him and are using him in questionable and some outright untruths. All one can say is the ICU has hit a wall and has landed in quick sand sinking.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: No women and children with AK-47s. No visable displays of anger, or threats to any nation, region, city or group or even individuals. Somali people marching in peace wearing white with our national flag in hand..Stark I don't think the ICU propagandists understand one fact that has been proven everywhere. If people who called for peace and brotherhood are denied of peace under and guise or cover, they become the fiercest fighters. The people you see in Baydhoa seemingly relaxed, would be the fiercest fighters when pushed.
  6. The difference is starkly clear. The Shiekies used small children. That should be condemned in any country. No one should teach hate to a child. The Shieks who are supposed to be peacemakers and guardians of community are showing war preparations and speaking untruths every day, while these people in Baydhoa are showing their wishes for peace. Can't be more reversed roles than that. The followers upholding what those who call themselves leaders and teachers in Mugadishu against.
  7. The ICU could not have picked the wrong name from ethiopia. They have been misled and misinformed by Eritrea and ethiopians(who are menelik and mengistu nostalgic). Isn't it the Tigray that ethiopian opposition accuse of being on Somali side. This is not just a gossip anymore. It was raised by the leader of an opposition party in the ethiopian parliament. The opposition leader accused the prime minister and his Tigray organization of being on the Somali side. I think the Shieks from Mugadishu are repeating the same accusation od Aydeed sr. when lost Baydhoa. He also had eritreans and OLF with him. The Shieks would have been expected to say truth and face the fact that there are somalis who don't agree with them, rather than calling their fellow somali as foreigners.
  8. Djibuti somali, Do you think Mr. Gulleh will allow a single ICU to do anything against Ethiopia? If you beleive that, I give you a bridge for free, not sell you. Mr. Gulleh knows that if he antagonizes ethiopia in any way shape or form, Djibuti will be no more. It will be split between Somaliand and Ethiopia. Somaliland will not have to ask anyone for recognition, it takes Djibuti's place. The Afar are not interested for an independent country, as they are interested in having their people in one country. Their first choice is of course Ethiopia. Thats why Mr. Gulleh will bring by the collar or ear, anyone and everyone that enters his country and is suspected remotely being against ethiopia. You should know that he does this without discrimination on somali, oromo and others. He is the only head of state who handed ethiopia its hijacked helicopter with the hijackers all together. No ethiopian opposition considers Djibuti as separate country from Ethiopia for this purpose. Lets not mix the Almighty into the dirt of human political or economic greed and activities.
  9. Originally posted by Paragon: ^^Erm, and your point is? Paragon, My point is that Sudan is in a catch 22 of its own. They cannot do anything that displeases Egypt. Its the nature of the location. They now cannot afford to do anything that displeases Ethiopia. The referendum for south sudan is in 2011. There are 10,000 mostly american allies in South sudan as peace keepers. Khartoums only help comes from ethiopian nuetrality in the case. Al Bashir is also always under threat of a coup from his own Islamists. After all those whom he overthrew are still around Khartoum. His only luck was that the somali Islamists look down on their Sudanese counterparts. People like Hassan Tahir consider their sudanese counterparts less. Al Bashir wants African forces in Somalia and he was the first one who pushed it, inorder to prevent UN and US from playing a role. If he did that he can say the same in Darfur. There was an article on Somaliweiyn long ago that said the road to peacekeeping in Somalia is in Darfur. You need to know, if you don't already that Al-Bashir is a head of state that celebrated in Tigray the founding day of their organization no less than 5 times. People like Al-Turabi and Isayas of Eritrea have nicknamed Al-Bashir as "Weyane" the name of the movement of Tigray.
  10. Originally posted by duuliyesare: "We reject any such force for the same reasons that we reject an international force in Darfur," Beshir told the closing session of a summit in Khartoum of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States. Why didn't he send the force he had readied for Somalia peacekeeping? He waited too long and the UN got involved. Now he will be pressed hard in Darfur unless he comes back to his earlier stance of sending Sudanese forces. He is threading very carefully not to oppose African force in somalia, but to prevent UN in Somalia, because of Darfur. What are the 10,000 mostly Europeans doing in South Sudan? What is the African forces doing in Darfur?
  11. It means Djibuti strongman has learned very well the way Egyptians do it. Egyptians will talk against Israel 24/7, but when it comes decision time, they will be the first ones to modify arab league resolutions not to be inflamatory. Djibuti strongman who is hosting no less than 4 "crusading" powers speaks about crusade. He has already matured very well into the world of hipocrisy. That culture which the Saudis and Egyptians have perfected.
  12. South Africa and Nigeria are on side. Nigeria actually may be the country that may end up encouraging Sudan to send the soldiers it promised for peacekeeping. The Sudanese at the time were ready to deploy and they had their defence ministry officials in Ethiopia at the time, because they would do it on land and through Ethiopia.
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: Shabbale's usual " Victory for courts" has turned into "Quite in Diinsoor". Funny that. General Duke, I think Shabelle has saved itself. Read this from that's on SOL front page: Confusion in Somalia over call to fight Ethiopians (The Scotsman) It looks like something has gone wrong for ICU in Central Somalia and they are using the one person whom most somali looked with deference if not regard: Shiek Sherif to tell untruth and battles that never happened. ICU must be desperate to use the one person that had some credibility in a news which by all accounts looks like Fartaag moment. There was an exchange of fire 20km away from Dinsoor and some are saying that it started between local militia who support TFG against ICU.
  14. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: How can some one who calls himself a shaikh say such blatent lies? Thats the most revealing thing about ICU. The Israeli media can take any HizbAllah news as colsest to the truth or truth itself. The Taliban in Afghnistan win or lose always spoke what happened and you can accept it as closest to the truth. The Islamic republic of Iran was the most reliable to tell truth or closest to it, during their war against Iraq. The Syrians were the only ones who told closest to truth in their wars against Israel. Playing as children, if one of us told a lie about something that is known by others and also the one telling the lie knows it to be otherwise, the threat the rest issued was "you will not be called a shiek if you live to be a hundred years old". These ICU folks are unique in this.
  15. Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree: You know the successionist dream is over one thing or another ICU or TNG will come for you So come down and enjoy Riyales final days as Somalilands last president. Why are you posting so much ill will and trash against anyone. What will you benefit if war and misery visits those who have relative peace and are managing their own affairs? If you are matured enough to deal with reality, what might end up happening is actually that some regions may decide they have had enough of this and set up administration just like that of Somaliland. What do you think "colonel" Aweye can do if the people of Puntland said enough waiting, enough dreaming of somalia republic. Let every region govern itself and we get together at some time in the future to try again to reconstitute Somalia. Have you ever considered this can be one outcome, which is very bad?
  16. Originally posted by Kamalu Diin: Who is leading this symbolic gesture.... Dahir Awey bloody murderer.... We will bring him to international court. You don't need to go any further than Jijiga. There is quite a few people who would like to show that man who he is. For what he did during the Mengistu(ethiopian)last years, terrorism and his murders in cold blood of somali ethiopians with his arab collaborators.
  17. Originally posted by Abdi2005: Its only for the pictures dud, its symbolical. Even adults are not allowed to have weapons in muqdisho now days let alon children. Aren't symbols supposed to be also moral, and the best you think or what you think will convey good message? Or is the ICU also different in that regard? If thats the symbol for ICU somalia.......what can I say?
  18. Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea: In addition,Ethiopia should worry about it's starving nation,they have one million army among the most in Africa, This is one of the things that makes the ICU crowd really unique in the world. They lecture everyone about the religion, but never speak truth. Ever heard a HizbAllah speak untruth about something you can find easily in different sources, never. Even western media relied on Iran Islamic Republic to tell the truth about the war they had with Saddam's Iraq than any other source. Even Israeli media takes it for granted that HizbAllah will tell truth or the closest to it. Lecturing Islam to moslems and untruths don't mix. It hurts the religion more than its known enemies. It shows someone is using Islam as a cover. Its bad. Mr. Red Sea, Ethiopia as you said is one of the poorest countries, but its budgets is known. It has a government regardless of bad or good. The information you tried to wool over is known information. You could have taken the most exaggerated numbers about ethiopia. It has 150 thousand Armed forces the highest number told by the opponents of the government. According to Janes Defence, Ethiopia has 120,000 (which they show between 100 and 130 thousand). One fact no one can deny is also that ethiopian armed forces is voluntary and are paid (regardless how much). There was no need for you to throw in some number and destroy your lecture on religion.
  19. This is what was needed to be done: Instead Mugadishu gets this: And This: Plus this:
  20. It will be that ICU is waging war against ethiopia and has expelled ethiopia from some obscure town. It will be that ICU has captured ethiopians and will display them for public at a later date. Similar to the colonel Fartag announcement. ICU will capture from ethiopia some town that is already in ICU control after a fierce battle. ICU has arab league members behind it and ICU will make few trips to Kenya, Djibuti maybe Sudan just to try and show ordinary Somali, that ICU is still in play. ICU if demoralized enough will show their international fighters so as to impress humble Somalis who have not yet seen the fakery. The supreme leader will be shown in some town near Somali regional state ethiopia to show his "friendship" with somali ethiopians. etc. Take a guess.
  21. Originally posted by me: Dear xabash you are going too far, what do you mean someone who comes from Baydhabo wont complain about someone from Kismayo or Mogadishu? Don't let this war fool you, for an outsider like you it might seem totally out of control. But its not that bad. Somalis will live together in one state no need for federalism or any other hocus pocus. We are one nation, these xabash sponsored thugs are known and Ethiopia will not be forgiven for what it has done. Ethiopia will pay dearly. Again me, What you said above was said almost to the word about the prime minister in ethiopia today. Even in the debate they had recently about the resolution, one opposition leader got up and accused the prime minister and his front, being somali friend and haveing been on somali side against his own country. These kind of accusations don't help much. Somali being of one language has not made any difference to that of ethiopia having 80 languages. When one talks about government, its what the people think how they should be governed that matters. If a somali feels he should be governed each based on qabil or sub-clan, it will not matter what one calls it, thats what it will be. What do you think about federal system in Germany or in Canada, in case the name ethiopia doesn't make you at ease?
  22. ICU is in deep something over Kismayo. ICU could not convince a single Somali why the capture of Kismayo? Its not for lack of trying, but the reason is very sinciter. Kismayo was captured solely for the use of Alqaeda and nobody else. Now ICU cannot withdraw, without Alqaeda overthrowing ICU supremos themselves and taking control under tutelage of some Alqaeda somali shiek true or fake one. The TFG will keep Kismayo on the front burner, and is not going away. Alqaeda has to make a hundred suicide bombs everywhere to overshadow Kismayo issue. This is also a place where blaming ethiopia doesn't work completely. The defence minister stance on this was known, but now he will host Uganda in Gedo and area. Its a catch 22.
  23. Originally posted by NGONGE: Ready to do what? Defend or attack? How long before the Courts start claiming there are Ethiopians in the Ugandan ranks? lol Before Shiek Ahmed's trip to Khartoum, when Sudan announced it will send troops to Somalia, the ICU lie and rumour mill was at full throtle. They were saying that Sudan is only providing uniforms and flag to Tigray. Then of course the famous one was by IndaCadde who declared that the Kenya army was Ethiopians in Kenya uniform.
  24. Sudan will not be far behind. Sudan has two reasons for doing so: 1. It is fighting UN telling them that Africans can keep peace in Darfur, so Sudan wants to prevent out of Africa forces for Somalia. Not even Yemen is acceptable to Sudan. 2. They consider somlaia will be an important country very fast. Sudan has the referendum of the south in 2011. The last thing they want is a country in the neighborhood that will not stand with them. Somalia very soon will be participating in peace missions in Africa. Even before complete set up of the federal system everywhere. Even one state like puntland can afford to send a brigade thats funded and well paid by UN or EU contries. Sudan wants to have a reliable friend in IGAD and ICU even if they over run the country cannot provide this. Its also the best way to keep Ethiopia (critical for south sudan case) on side.