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Everything posted by Somali_Friend

  1. What kind of logic is that or is it reality that eritrea is afraid of the Oromo and Somali soldiers on the ethiopian side. Yes there is significant Oromo and Somali in the ethiopian forces as these two ethnic are also significant in the population, but aren't you forgetting the southerners, the Afar, the Tigray, the Amara, the Benshangul and Gomuz and Gambella states?
  2. Why do some people bring Islam into their dirty world of crooked politics? I am glad to say that our politics is as bad as somalia, but as people we do not allow or tolerate fake crusaders or fake Jihadist. The christians expose and stop fake crusaders and moslems expose and defeat fake Jihadists. It gives the people confidence in each other and peace in faith. The people of Somalia so far have also shown that Islam is not a religion where some greedy and dictatoral group uses and misuses for its own benefit. The ICU is now hiding the false Jihad call against somalis and ethiopians. This man AbdulKassim visited Egypt and then after visiting his list of arab countries came to east africa, where he should have started. Now is hiding behind religion full time. These are the type of people that give religion a bad image and name. The people in Mugadishu held demonstration at his time to reject egypt's machinations on somalia and actually the rep. of egypt had to hide and leave Mugadishu for some time. The Egyptians told AbdulKassim no peacekeepers for you, we are sorry.
  3. Originally posted by rudy: hell! i never recognised either of them!! whats all the fuss......both can go to hell! next. Rudy, But they the ICU recognizes the TFG as the government of Somalia. The problem now is the ICU doesn't want to be a government of a state or province. They are caught between a rock and a hard place. Imposters Jihad call on Negash is not the exit for them from this trap they entered against their will. These Shieks are as crooked as the warlords they replaced. They accepted TFG, afraid that Mugadishu population will reject them if they did not accept TFG.
  4. Meanwhile, Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, the leader of Islamic Courts Union and other ICU officials have flown this morning from Mogadishu heading to Yemen after receiving an invitation from Yemeni president Ali Abdalla Salah who is now trying to mediate the rival sides in Somalia. who asked who is pretty obvious to anyone, except our "good" shieks from Mugadishu seem to have taken deception and untruths as a habit now, just what would be expected from any gangsters. No more call of Jihad. I guess they will run as far as they can from that call. I thank them now for making the Jihad call. They may have affected the image and projection of Islam for a few days, but east africans have got a good education as to the declaration, validation, process and procedure of Jihad. I guess there is good things that can come out because of imposters as well. It has been very educational for followers in ethiopia. We are thanking our Clerics, Teachers, Sheria courts authorities, the majlis and all bodies that made effort to protect the reigion from imposters.
  5. Originally posted by Oromia: It must be getting very lonely in your camp for an Oromo who says he is a moslem to go look and find only these folks for support and encouragement. Incredible it is. Have you tried posting this immense support from these folks on an Oromo web site? That would be an accomplishment. I am afraid to ask you, why are this people in washington DC from the fall of the past ethiopian regimes and not oppose the regime from Addis Ababa? I hope you don't give me the answer they are persecuted, because anyone interested has heard an opposition leader in the ethiopian parliament accusing the prime minister of having been on somalia's side all the time including the 77 war. These cowards are also not of the fighting type so don't even attempt to tell me they fought the regime in ethiopia.
  6. Originally posted by Northerner: MOGADISHU (AFP) Dec. 8, 2006 - "We have been attacked and we are not going to stop attacking enemy bases wherever they are in the country, including Baidoa." ................. "We killed more than 30 from the enemy side and took 13 as prisoners of war," he told AFP. He said the Islamists had "lost a number of mujahideens in the fighting" but did not give an exact figure for their casualties. However another Islamist official, who asked not to be named, said: "We lost more than 20 fighters." This is the only organization in the world that calls itself Islamic, yet cannot speak with a staright face of any incident of war which is clear a few minutes after it has stopped. At least the ICU is making progress these days to becoming close to Islam. I don't hear anymore announcements like that of Colonel Fartaag capture and public beheading execution. Talk about credibility. The ICU shieks are fighting ethiopians everywhere, they are killing the what they call the enemy everywhere, they are capturing anywhere from 4-20 battle wagons all the time, yet never said they killed or captured ethiopians, except with the announcement of the ICU capturing and beheading Colonel Fartaag. So much for Shiekdom in ICU world of lies and falsehood against ethiopian ghost.
  7. Originally posted by Northerner: [QB] Islamic militia pushing toward Somali border town POSTED: 1:25 p.m. EST, December 11, 2006 Islamic movement official said Monday, adding they would try to seal the 1,000-mile (1,600-kilometer) frontier to keep out any advancing Ethiopian troops and trap those already in Somalia. Its incredible how even some very basic geography or distance is glossed over. Its not only Southern and Central Somalia that makes up the 1000 mile border. Or are the ICU also in Somaliland and Puntland not to mention parts of Gedo or other provinces. This is just like the one thats commonly repeated lie " The ICU controls most of Somalia including the Capital".
  8. The question like yours has also been asked from the other side. Here are some of the answers given on Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Husayni Sistani web site. § Question : Can a Shi'i girl marry a Sunni boy? § Answer : If there is a fear of being misled, it is not permissible. § Question : I am in a secret marriage with a Sunni girl and recently read on your site that it is not permissible to marry a Sunni girl without her fathers permission. Is our marriage valid? § Answer : The aforesaid marriage would be invalid, if the wife was virgin. Based on precaution, even she was independent in her livelihood. Of course, the marriage would be valid, if her father refuses to absolutely interfere in her marriage. You can check how the Shiia see it also:
  9. Originally posted by duuliyesare: Future defenders of Somalia.... Why would you say that? Do you envision Somalia to be at war for all generations? Are you telling me that these kids can look forward to nothing, but defence or fighting? I would hope that you want them to be the engineers and doctors for somalia. Never need to wish for fighting. Fighting is something anyone can do when necessary. Any one can fight when cornered and thats the only option, but never wish it and never salivate for it. That should be applicable for adults let alone for young innocent children.
  10. "If Federal system works in Ethiopia, it can work anywhere" Could the above be true? Ethiopia has every combination of differences among peoples one can think of: Origins of peoples: Kushiitic, Nilotic and Semitic Languages: more than 80 Identifiable peoples: believed more than 80, but so far 69 are members in the house of federation (like senate, but for constitutional issues highest body) Past conflicts: Too many to count or list Religion: Islam, Christianity, Waqaafena and other traditional etc... The Federal system seems to have done magic in countries that could have been tinderbox like India or conflicting like the French and British in Canada. In Ethiopia it seems to be doing the same magic as well. Ethiopia now has peace (relative)like never before seen in its history. The rapid economic development is the best indicator of it.
  11. "If Federal system works in Ethiopia, it can work anywhere" Could the above be true? Ethiopia has every combination of differences among peoples one can think of: Origins of peoples: Kushiitic, Nilotic and Semitic Languages: more than 80 Identifiable peoples: believed more than 80, but so far 69 are members in the house of federation (like senate, but for constitutional issues highest body) Past conflicts: Too many to count or list Religion: Islam, Christianity, Waqaafena and other traditional etc... The Federal system seems to have done magic in countries that could have been tinderbox like India or conflicting like the French and British in Canada. In Ethiopia it seems to be doing the same magic as well. Ethiopia now has peace (relative)like never before seen in its history. The rapid economic development is the best indicator of it.
  12. "If Federal system works in Ethiopia, it can work anywhere" Could the above be true? Ethiopia has every combination of differences among peoples one can think of: Origins of peoples: Kushiitic, Nilotic and Semitic Languages: more than 80 Identifiable peoples: believed more than 80, but so far 69 are members in the house of federation (like senate, but for constitutional issues highest body) Past conflicts: Too many to count or list Religion: Islam, Christianity, Waqaafena and other traditional etc... The Federal system seems to have done magic in countries that could have been tinderbox like India or conflicting like the French and British in Canada. In Ethiopia it seems to be doing the same magic as well. Ethiopia now has peace (relative)like never before seen in its history. The rapid economic development is the best indicator of it.
  13. Originally posted by duuliyesare: ^This is a timeless piece and one that should be shared with every Somali person. Million thanks for sharing it sxb. Duuliyesare, What must not be hidden is the following, so future generations do not repeat this mistake, either from somalia or ethiopia. ______________________________________________ On the diplomatic front, the regime undertook some fence mending. An accord was signed with Kenya in December 1984 in which Somalia "permanently" renounced its historical territorial claims, and relations between the two countries thereafter began to improve. This diplomatic gain was offset, however, by the "scandal" of South African foreign minister Roelof "Pik" Botha's secret visit to Mogadishu the same month, in which South Africa promised arms to Somalia in return for landing rights for South African Airways. Complicating matters for the regime, at the end of 1984 the Western Somali Liberation Front (WSLF) (a guerrilla organizaton based in Ethiopia seeking to free the ****** and unite it with Somalia) announced a temporary halt in military operations against Ethiopia. This decision was impelled by the drought then ravaging the ****** and by a serious split within the WSLF, a number of whose leaders claimed that their struggle for selfdetermination had been used by Mogadishu to advance its expansionist policies. These elements said they now favored autonomy based on a federal union with Ethiopia. This development removed Siad Barre's option to foment anti-Ethiopian activity in the ****** in retaliation for Ethiopian aid to domestic opponents of his regime. 7 years after this decision WSLF with its allied fronts from other parts of ethiopia, joined the Transitional Government, Passed a Federal constitution and now has established Somali Regional state. Yes there was so much tears, sweat and blood paid for it, but every point the WSLF set to achieve for the Somali has been achieved. It is now main part of the ethiopian constitution that if any state or nationality feels agrieved and doesn't see a solution within the federal system. can secceed from the federation and do things as the state or nationality see fit. Particularly this article was put in the constitution by the Somali as leading with support of other ethnics and peoples.
  14. Originally posted by Kamalu Diin: Well said Thanks I never took your path but you stand firm and also convinced me too.... these are imsposters for sure. Thank you. When a moslem declares Jihad, the other moslem has to follow and help no other choice. That means moslems in Somalia nearest, ethiopia, djibuti..etc have to drop whatever they are doing and go to Hassan Dihir and IndaCadde leadership. But what the Mugadishu gang of imposters mised was that in Islam when you declare Jihad and call your fellow moslem to help, you have to do the following: 1. The Jihad call has to be legitimate 2. You have gone through the process of validation. For example you are not calling Jihad to materially gain yourself illegitimately by force from others. If the others are moslems then its outomatically unIslamic and against the faith. 3. There is a specific body that can make the call and there is a procedure to follow. The Mugadishu gang was hiding something. They never followed the procedure. They never did the process and they just announced the call thats bogus. Not a single Islamic organization or state accepted their Jihad call and worst for them some organizations called them on their misuse and abuse of Islam.
  15. Originally posted by mantra: Allah sent His laws down for a reason, man made laws cannot even begin to compare to the just laws of the Almighty. You're all disillusioned by the myth of democracy, I suggest you look into the Quran and see what it has to say, mantra, Can you find for us or me, anywhere in any language translations like farsi etc included where Islam is incompatible with federalism.? Can you also find me anywhere where Islam rejects elected governments to take care of adunya needs of people? The english names of federalism maybe 19th century, but the practice is not. Even tribal societies of the old millenia had federal systems.
  16. Originally posted by mantra: Allah sent His laws down for a reason, man made laws cannot even begin to compare to the just laws of the Almighty. You're all disillusioned by the myth of democracy, I suggest you look into the Quran and see what it has to say, mantra, Can you find for us or me, anywhere in any language translations like farsi etc included where Islam is incompatible with federalism.? Can you also find me anywhere where Islam rejects elected governments to take care of adunya needs of people? The english names of federalism maybe 19th century, but the practice is not. Even tribal societies of the old millenia had federal systems.
  17. Originally posted by mantra: Allah sent His laws down for a reason, man made laws cannot even begin to compare to the just laws of the Almighty. You're all disillusioned by the myth of democracy, I suggest you look into the Quran and see what it has to say, mantra, Can you find for us or me, anywhere in any language translations like farsi etc included where Islam is incompatible with federalism.? Can you also find me anywhere where Islam rejects elected governments to take care of adunya needs of people? The english names of federalism maybe 19th century, but the practice is not. Even tribal societies of the old millenia had federal systems.
  18. Interesting to learn, it was OLF that acted as match maker between Eritrea and ONLF. According to one of the defectors, Eritrea exploited the labors of ONLF trainees for years in road construction, farms, etc. It is a must hear. Interview with ONLF CC member and another one who was a Commander. The CC member is actually one of the founders of ONLF as it split from WSLF as the group lost power in the regional government. It is the same like ICU in Somalia. They entered into the reconciliation and reconstitution of Somalia conference in Kenya, but after they lost then they resorted to all kinds of opposition to the charter. ONLF also is product of the same. They agreed to the federal constitution and the Somali regional state. After they lost power competition then they now are fighting under differnet pretext. Just as ICU always says they don't challenge the president and speaker and the Government, ONLF also keeps repeating they don't oppose the constitution federalism in ethiopia. ICU knows the people of Somalia accept the TFG as transition and ONLF knows the Somali ethiopian accepts the federal arrangement and the somali regional state institutions.
  19. Originally posted by Oromia: The policy is still ignore the habashi. I don't know whom you are referring as Habashi, but the truth is you know very well that: You ignore them at your peril. You also need to know that the SOL nomads are smart enough to ask why you are speaking of one province when there are 40 million Oromos. The nomads here are also smart enough to take one look at the lay of the area you are talking about and know that there is something that doesn't add up here. 90% of the inhabitants of the area you are talking about are moslems. Yet you only choose to talk about one province in support of ICU. There is some fakery here. Why don't you seek understanding among your immediate neighbors the Somali, Harreri, Afar and 90% of the Oromo that you do not include. Is that the ICU way of imposters.
  20. Juje, Here is our experience in Ethiopia. The country has never seen peace in more than a hundred years, because people could not use their languages to teach their children, people could not freely exercise their religion, people in some areas were considered not as full citizens and in the worst case not as people. Some were rebelling all the time like Somali, Afar and others were rebelling every decades or so like Tigray, Oromo, Amara(North)..etc. All these wars destroyed the country and finally couldn't feed itself. The civil war was so cruel on one side the government used famine to starve the people to submission or death. When the rebellious peoples won, they decided that the root of the ill was in domination of the rest by few. And it was decided that from here on everyone govern themselves in their areas. There will be a federal government which does the work only the work thats agreed by all these peoples. There are state governments already that are capable to their own government, police, courts, health and education upto college level. Universities are still federal. Soon the federal government will only be army and foreign affairs. I can't wait to see that day, although i understand that with so much poverty and backwardness it may be for the next generation. Ethiopia was accepted just this week into the Federal Forum which is a forum of federalist countries around the world. Not bad if one joins India or Canada and have the system validated as fit of federalism. I hope it brings peace and brotherhood to the people of Somalia as well.
  21. Juje, Here is our experience in Ethiopia. The country has never seen peace in more than a hundred years, because people could not use their languages to teach their children, people could not freely exercise their religion, people in some areas were considered not as full citizens and in the worst case not as people. Some were rebelling all the time like Somali, Afar and others were rebelling every decades or so like Tigray, Oromo, Amara(North)..etc. All these wars destroyed the country and finally couldn't feed itself. The civil war was so cruel on one side the government used famine to starve the people to submission or death. When the rebellious peoples won, they decided that the root of the ill was in domination of the rest by few. And it was decided that from here on everyone govern themselves in their areas. There will be a federal government which does the work only the work thats agreed by all these peoples. There are state governments already that are capable to their own government, police, courts, health and education upto college level. Universities are still federal. Soon the federal government will only be army and foreign affairs. I can't wait to see that day, although i understand that with so much poverty and backwardness it may be for the next generation. Ethiopia was accepted just this week into the Federal Forum which is a forum of federalist countries around the world. Not bad if one joins India or Canada and have the system validated as fit of federalism. I hope it brings peace and brotherhood to the people of Somalia as well.
  22. Juje, Here is our experience in Ethiopia. The country has never seen peace in more than a hundred years, because people could not use their languages to teach their children, people could not freely exercise their religion, people in some areas were considered not as full citizens and in the worst case not as people. Some were rebelling all the time like Somali, Afar and others were rebelling every decades or so like Tigray, Oromo, Amara(North)..etc. All these wars destroyed the country and finally couldn't feed itself. The civil war was so cruel on one side the government used famine to starve the people to submission or death. When the rebellious peoples won, they decided that the root of the ill was in domination of the rest by few. And it was decided that from here on everyone govern themselves in their areas. There will be a federal government which does the work only the work thats agreed by all these peoples. There are state governments already that are capable to their own government, police, courts, health and education upto college level. Universities are still federal. Soon the federal government will only be army and foreign affairs. I can't wait to see that day, although i understand that with so much poverty and backwardness it may be for the next generation. Ethiopia was accepted just this week into the Federal Forum which is a forum of federalist countries around the world. Not bad if one joins India or Canada and have the system validated as fit of federalism. I hope it brings peace and brotherhood to the people of Somalia as well.
  23. Yemen has: Goodwill and brotherhood to the people of Somalia Interest in the peace and reconstitution of Somalia Interest in the peace and good neighborly relations of the whole area Is highly regarded by all sides except ICU and Eritrea for this. Yemen can easily bring on side Sudan, Kenya, Djibuti, Ethiopia and others. ______________________________________________ Somalia’s Islamist chair to fly to Yemen as tension in the country runs high Aweys Osman Yusuf Mogadishu 12, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – The chairman of Union of Islamic Courts Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed is due to fly to Yemen on Tuesday. Sheikh Shariif Ahmed’s trip to Yemen arrived after Somalia’s parliament speaker Sharif Hassan Sheik Aden has had meetings with Yemeni president Ali Abdalla Salah over the tense situation in Somalia. Sheik Ahmed said he received an invitation letter from Yemeni government. He is expected to present Islamic Courts view over the developments of Somalia’s political turmoil to authorities of Yemen. Following the approval of the UN Security Council resolution to deploy regional peacekeeping troops to Somalia, Ethiopian backed government forces and Islamists fighters clashed beyond Dinsor district, 120 km south of Baidoa, a seat for the transitional government. The fighting in which more than 20 persons were killed and dozens more wounded sparked military momentum in the country’s borders along side with Ethiopia. Large number of Ethiopian forces was massed along the border with central Somali regions where Union of Islamic Courts has fighters within a striking distance of the Ethiopian barracks. Military build up of both sides triggered fears of possible clashes any moment. There were rumors that Islamic Courts fighters heading to capture a fresh territory (Tiyoglow) that is administered by neither the government forces nor Islamists. Tiyoglow is 90 miles northeast of Baidoa. The government released a press release on Monday, accusing the Islamic Courts of bringing Eritrea troops in the country. The press release welcomed the approval UN decision to lift arms embargo on Somalia partially and let African peacekeepers, IGASOM, enter the country to protect the fragile Somali government and train its security and military forces. Ali Ahmed Jangali, the government’s information minister, said Eritrean troops were positioned at strategic areas like the main airport and the seaport of the capital, admitting that there were several hundred Ethiopian forces in Baidoa to coach the government forces. The transitional government, which barely administers beyond its small town of Baidoa, southern Somalia, was formed with the help of UN in 2004 after prolonged negotiations and participation of all Somalia’s warlords. Yemen has doubled its trial to arbitrate Somalia’s vying parties after UN incited it to help soothe the rising tension in Somalia. Somalia has been without central effective government for sixteen years when President Siad Barre was ousted in 1991.
  24. Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree: ^^ why do you like the special quote by Zenawi Because it happens to be true. This poster whose nick is Oromia now starts talking about a province in Oromia, ignoring the 40 million of them, again ignoring the somali, Harreri and Afar, but he wants the ICU to fight for him. Isayas is also 500 meters away from ethiopia over a 1000 km distance, but wants the ICU to fight for him. What meles said of Isayas "he will fight to the last somali of ICU to liberate his 25,000 sq km of his land thats a no go for him" applies the same to this poster here who tries to speak of fake and untrue lay of the land.
  25. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Funny exchange. Its amazing. Mystic was asking all kinds of questions about the Jihad declaration by ICU, but when I showed him what ethiopian moslems had to go through the investigation and validation according to what is prescribed in the faith, and reached the following conclusion: 1. The Jihad call by ICU is not Legitimate 2. Those ICU that called for Jihad are imposters 3. Moslems have the duty and responsibility to expose the imposters and protect the faith as was done many times in the past for all the 1500 years. Mr/s Mystic then conveniently dropped the issue. Its funny in deed.