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Everything posted by Somali_Friend

  1. Originally posted by Fanisha: He is not an ethiopian guy, waa G. Duke oo magac cusub soo qaatey ama waa daba dhilifkiisa on SOL. See the date he joined here and how he is always cheering for Duke. something ain't right. :confused: Fanisha, I am an ethiopian and I only participate where ethiopians are being made the bogeyman, mostly with untruth. According to ICU untruth we are in every Somali village in the I asked you one question the other time. What does Haabesha mean to you? and then its easy to tell you wether I am Haabesha or not, you didn't respond. Every name has its time and space as understood to mean by those who use it. For example a few months ago SOL was full of Amahara this Amhara that, now its full of Tigray that Tigray this by the ICU fans here. Do you see now how the impersonation of ethiopia changes in such a short time?
  2. Originally posted by Taliban: The Courts Announce Killing 200 Ethiopian Soldiers, ICU are the only people in the whole world who tell us they are "people of the book" and at the same time tell us untruth. When children play and one of the kids tells untruth the rest would say: "You will never be called Shiek if you live to be a 100" Being called a Shiek in ethiopia, which I think or assume is also the same in Somalia comes with confidence of ones fellow villagers in you of being eligible to resolve arguments, recite for the kids history, morals, good citizenship..etc. Taliban, I hope you got the quote and the moral of the story. How many trainees the TFG must have to need all those ethiopians in one village in addition to Ugandans, Kenyans and maybe we are not being told Yemenis? The last I heard the first european embassy the Belgians are staying put in Baydhoa.
  3. Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea: ^JIHAD on ardul xabash Its fake. Only an imposter can say those words. The people of somalia have awakened to the fakery. Thats why even the spokespersons or supreme islamic leader cannot repeat those words anymore. Here on SOL you are the only one I see who can say that. I think enough people have commented on your hipocritical ways, so I leave it at that.
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^The fact is those are the types of fighters the Clan Courts are using to conquer Ethiopia.. The pics are from which are a pro courts website.. Conquer Ethiopia lol The people of Negash, Tigray can't wait for their new "mahdi" IndaCadde to make them "good moslems". We are thankful for the people of Somalia who saw the fakery and exposed it as such. Now even the most diehard ICU can't say the word Jihad anymore.
  5. Nayruus, The joke among eritrean opposition is that the poor eritrean soldiers now have to also learn another act in Somalia. To be an that should be the easiest lesson they need. If they can master how a christian eritrean can act as Mujahid just like ICU has learned how to act their roles, it should be easy for eritreans to act as ethiopians.
  6. Originally posted by Oromia: Tigre is the tribe in power in Ethiopia and Tigrinya are their language. But sometimes they are used interchangeably. lol Let me give you one very small lesson which you should have known long ago if you advocate for the people that you are using their name. There are three ethnics in the North of ethiopia that have semitic langusges. all three languages are 50% and up the same. 1. Tigrigna spoken by about 6-7 million in ethiopia and 1.5 million in eritrea (both meles and Isayas are from this ethnic) 2. Amharic spoken by about 20 million ethnic Amara, but since its working language of ethiopia is also spoken by a lot more people. 3. Tigre spoken by 1.5 million people all in eritrea. The ethnic name is also Tigre. I hope you know the Harreri, Silte, Guragie...etc are also from the same group.
  7. Originally posted by Brown: Remind Me again,Who the phck are you? I am an ethiopian. Swearing will not help. All I am reminding you is that fake Jihad did not work and the lie from ICU constantly declaring ethiopia is here, ethiopia is there, ethiopia is everywhere will also not work. AlItihad to make us good moslems - stranger than fiction - Radio Jijiga;f=9;t=007908 Ethiopia wether with religion or nationalism as a bogeyman is long dead. Somalis and Ethiopians have known each other more in the last 15 years than they ever did in a millenia before that. Only those who are hiding something will deny this fact.
  8. Originally posted by Brown: As for The TFG winning,Adeer,No one is fighting the TFG,the IUC is fighting 9K xabashi fighters in SOMALI SOIL. Brown, Let alone the Ethiopian Federal Forces, even ONLF the group fighting against the ethiopian government has announced, that no one will participate in Somalia republic clan wars. You are also missing the fact that the TFG is a recognized government of Somalia as far as we are concerned. If a clan is not happy with it, thats a family problem. We wish that the clans would accept their share in the Federal system and reconstitute Somalia as soon as possible, but failing that there is absolutely nothing we can do. Please do not use our name to hide the true nature of ICU. That fake Jihad did not work and that fake ethiopia is here, ethiopia is there will not work. The sooner you face your brothern and kins and recognize that this is somalia and only somalia issue, the better chance you have at achieving something.
  9. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Iam glad I could humor you. Now go back to your Tigray. I am not from Tigray, but if I were I would ask you this: How about we become friends and visit each other, trade with each other and live in peace as neighbors as is being done with most of Somalia for a number of years now?
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: The TFG is still hiding in Baidoa, those who came to get them have been routed. The fuel embargo has done its damage I guess. Rambo Xasan Turki and Cayrow have worked their magic. Nah, Yey is still in Baidoa and his troops are not so weak after all. According to ICU, "people of the book" some 200 Ethiopian technicals (they didn't say wether Toyota, Nissan or Ford) have been The facts on the ground is that not a single ethiopian technical or drill trainer has been close to being attacked. The TFG has its defences and ethiopians, Ugandans or Kenyans have not seen anything of what ICU is talking about. There are a number of countries that have embassies, not a single one of them has evacuated as they did from Eritrea in 2000 and they do in many countries.
  11. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Brown...I believe he understood the Tigray bankrolled Yeey's ascedency to the office. Che, Tigray and bankrolling is the funniest combination of words in ethiopia. Do you know that, the areas where a million people perished under purposely starvation to submission or death was all areas where the Tigray live? Do you know that Tigray is still now the poorest state in ethiopia along with Afar? Can you imagine how long it takes to recover from famine and starvation of that magnitude? I think Ethiopians would laugh at Bankrolling. I did.
  12. If I compare our Ethiopian experience to Somalia, it looks exactly the same. We have Ethnics instead of Clans of the same Ethnic and we have smaller (number) peoples instead of sub-clans. There are some ethiopians who want one state, one language for all and the provinces to be river, valley and hill bordered. For the last 15 years "let everybody govern themselves" has won and its now so entrenched there is no way of going back to the old sytem where the few ruled and governed everybody else. Shiek Aweye has stated that elections and democracy are contrary to Islam. That of course is a stretch and misuse of Islam that everyone knows. Even Saudi Arabia has introduced on municipality level and soon will be provincial level. From the Shiia side Iran has probably better elections than many western countries. What does the ICU want for Somalia? What is the share of power ICU is asking or rather to be blunt fighting for? Is ICU fighting to take representation of Puntland, Bay and Bakool, the Gedo and Jubas as well?
  13. Originally posted by raadamiir: The Clan Courts are one interesting group I tell you. Power sharing is not an option for them cause the clans they represent are already represented in the TFG there is really notthing there to negotiat about other than telling them to disarm. It seems there is no country that would intervene on the ICU behalf. The ICU must have a bad secret they are keeping from everyone. Countries cannot help negotiations unless there is clear demand from protagonists. The TFG is clear.
  14. What a contrast with the two pictures above. War and destruction tears and blood from ICU Diplomacy, friendship, peace and reconciliation from the president. He is even thinking further ahead and preparing for the chinese invasion of somalia. lol There is no better country the chinese are salivating to "invade".
  15. I thought the Sudanese were the only ones that had creative and descriptive fun culture, but when I see like this thread and aminarts, you coming close second so far. The rest of us in east africa are boring, quick to anger (including somali) an don't have fun. Thank you for the laughter.
  16. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lol. They dont want Washingtons attention? Your ignorance is as vast as the oceans. lol General, Actually the families that own the american and british even many european central banks are the same families. This is like you take your cashiers paper and you are choosing checkout kiosks/lines at walmart. Unless the saudi and russia are involved anything with oil has less meaning. Unless Iran goes to gold or some other creation the impact is minimal. Iran has to open the bourse if they really want to use their muscle in trade.
  17. General Duke and other Nomads, I have a question for you folks. If one asks the Taliban of Afghanistan about a battle, you are sure to get the truth or very close to it. If one asks HizbAllah about some battle, you are sure to get the truth or something close to it. In Somalia, so far, as regards to ethiopia has been all lies from the ICU side. They have captured ethiopian soldiers, they have captured believe it or not ethiopian technicals, they have located ethiopian army all over somalia in hundreds of hamlets and villages, ethiopia has thousands of tanks the ICU puts at at par with Turkey or even european countries. These are supposed to be "people of the book". On the contrary the TFG is measured, no propaganda let alone lies, and these are supposed to be political animals. Why so much difference between Somalia and other countries? Is it the same ICU does about TFG or other Somali states as well, just like that of ethiopia? How many ansavory persons could the ICU have at the top to really abuse the religion like this?
  18. Too late in deed. Our friends playing games like the swiss got caught. ICU gave up on Djibuti and went to Yemen, the result was even more disappointing for ICU. Here is the empty talk Djibuti tried and was shot down by TFG. The Yemeni are no nonesense folks: Yemen has the answer for you. When ICU asked Yemen to help negotiations with TFG, Yemen asked the following to ICU: 1. Are you a parallel government for all Somalia and you want us to help in negotiations with TFG wether to share 50/50 60/40 75/25 of power? 2. Are You regional government of more than one from the 4.5 formula TNG started and you want to have 2X or 3X that of Puntland or Bay and Bakool in the federation? 3. Are you government of one state but you want to have more say than other states in the federal government? 4. How do we know you represent the areas you want to negotiate on their behalf. Are you sure no body from Central Somalia or South of Mugadishu will not come tomorrow to us and tell us that the ICU do not represent them? No answer. As a result Yemen told them it cannot call president Abdullahi Yusuf without any negotiable proposals. It would be utterly meaningless and disrespectful of Yemen to engage in something to no where.
  19. Jesus, Mahdi both coming, says Iran's Ahmadinejad In New Year's greeting to Christians worldwide asks what Christ would do if he were here today Posted: December 19, 2006 11:52 a.m. Eastern Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appearing at "The World Without Zionism" conference Oct. 26, 2005 In a greeting to the world's Christians for the coming new year, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he expects both Jesus and the Shiite messianic figure, Imam Mahdi, to return and "wipe away oppression." "I wish all the Christians a very happy new year and I wish to ask them a question as well," said Ahmadinejad, according to an Iranian Student News Agency report cited by "My one question from the Christians is: What would Jesus do if he were present in the world today? What would he do before some of the oppressive powers of the world who are in fact residing in Christian countries? Which powers would he revive and which of them would he destroy?" asked the Iranian leader. "If Jesus were present today, who would be facing him and who would be following him?" (Story continues below) Ahmadinejad then made a connection between Jesus and the Imam Mahdi, believed by Shiites to have disappeared as a child in A.D. 941. When the Mahdi returns, they contend, he will reign on earth for seven years before bringing about a final judgment and the end of the world. "All I want to say is that the age of hardship, threat and spite will come to an end someday and, God willing, Jesus would return to the world along with the emergence of the descendant of the Islam's holy prophet, Imam Mahdi, and wipe away every tinge of oppression, pain and agony from the face of the world," Ahmadinejad said. Ahmadinejad has been urging Iranians to prepare for the coming of the Mahdi by turning the country into a powerful and advanced Islamic society and by avoiding the corruption and excesses of the West. He sees his main mission, as he recounted in a Nov. 16, 2005, speech in Tehran, as to "pave the path for the glorious reappearance of Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten his reappearance." With Iran's continued development of nuclear technology in defiance of the West, some analysts fear Ahmadinejad's intent is to trigger the kind of global conflagration he envisions will set the stage for the end of the world. Ahmadinejad hosted a conference last week examining whether the Nazi genocide took place, drawing Holocaust deniers from around the world. The Iranian president has described the Holocaust as a "myth" and called for Israel to be wiped off the map. "The Zionist regime will be wiped out soon the same way the Soviet Union was, and humanity will achieve freedom." he said. Last month, he said he believes the world is rapidly becoming "Ahmadinejadized," with global leaders following in his footsteps. "I have traveled to all the continents except for one, and I know what is going on out there. Everybody is eager to hear the Iranian people's message," the Aftab-Yazd newspaper quoted the president as saying, according to Agence France-Presse. "The world is rapidly becoming Ahmadinejadized." The hardliner said Iran's "two big missions are constructing the country and introducing a model for humanity."
  20. Yemen has the answer for you. When ICU asked Yemen to help negotiations with TFG, Yemen asked the following to ICU: 1. Are you a parallel government for all Somalia and you want us to help in negotiations with TFG wether to share 50/50 60/40 75/25 of power? 2. Are You regional government of more than one from the 4.5 formula TNG started and you want to have 2X or 3X that of Puntland or Bay and Bakool in the federation? 3. Are you government of one state but you want to have more say than other states in the federal government? 4. How do we know you represent the areas you want to negotiate on their behalf. Are you sure no body from Central Somalia or South of Mugadishu will not come tomorrow to us and tell us that the ICU do not represent them? No answer. As a result Yemen told them it cannot call president Abdullahi Yusuf without any negotiable proposals. It would be utterly meaningless and disrespectful of Yemen to engage in something to no where.
  21. duuliyesare, Ethiopia is the least of Somalia's problems. Shouldn't you ask who ICU are, what do they want for Somalia, before you keep answering the question ethiopia, ethiopia, christian..etc? Yemen has the answer for you. When ICU asked Yemen to help negotiations with TFG, Yemen asked the following to ICU: 1. Are you a parallel government for all Somalia and you want us to help in negotiations with TFG wether to share 50/50 60/40 75/25 of power? 2. Are You regional government of more than one from the 4.5 formula TNG started and you want to have 2X or 3X that of Puntland or Bay and Bakool in the federation? 3. Are you government of one state but you want to have more say than other states in the federal government? 4. How do we know you represent the areas you want to negotiate on their behalf. Are you sure no body from Central Somalia or South of Mugadishu will not come tomorrow to us and tell us that the ICU do not represent them? No answer. As a result Yemen told them it cannot call president Abdullahi Yusuf without any negotiable proposals. It would be utterly meaningless and disrespectful of Yemen to engage in something to no where.
  22. Originally posted by General Duke: I doubt that the news would be fabricated due to fear of Clan Courts. we must wait and see. Horn is correct it is an entry point. I think any Somali understands how much the fabricated "news" from ICU about colonel Fartaag cost them in credibility. It was one of the biggest disasterous propaganda they did among now many from ICU. The TFG side has stayed away from anything of this sort. I don't expect them to go the ICU way. TFG seems very conservative and realistic. There was a BBC picture last year from the Sudan south where they showed a man almost naked, but he had a kalashnikov and a solar charged cellphone. So many centuries on one man. TFG knows this and I also think they have decided early on not to use the cheap tricks that worked when news has to travel on camels.
  23. Yemen was asked by ICU to intervene in Negotiations with TFG. Yemen asked the following: What is ICU intention for Somalia? Are you a parallel government for all of somalia that want to share 50/50, 75/25..or whatever with TFG? Are you a regional government for the south and you want more power than Puntland or Bay and Bakool in the federation? ICU answer was: We are willing to recognize the president and the speaker, but everything else ICU has to choose. Yemen told them it cannot even put a phone call to TFG on this let alone to broker some arrangement. Then ICU came back and asked for Yemen to help them talk with Ethiopia and ICU is willing to recognize the border and ethiopians to stay in their country. Yemen asked again that ICU has no power to talk about border now, you can give it to the ethiopians on the internet or radio as good will, but we cannot call the Ethiopians for talk over nothing. Here is Yemen Ambassador to Ethiopia spilling the beans so to speak: Addis Ababa, December 13, 2006 (WIC) – Yemen's Ambassador to Ethiopia, Gazem A.K Alaghbari, said if the Somali Islamic Courts have declared jihad on Ethiopia, it is morally, religiously and politically wrong and his country condemns it. Ambassador Alaghbari told WIC yesterday that jihad has nothing to do with what jihadists are presently doing in Afghanistan, Somalia or Iraq. Jihad means to discipline oneself, he added. "It is unfortunate for the Islamists to declare jihad on Ethiopia or any other country for that matter. They give a bad name to Islam; we will see another Taliban in the region if this is true," the ambassador stated. He said Yemen is a Muslim country, but a responsible Muslim country. “We don’t mind what the Somalis have for themselves, it is their problem. But they do not have to export their problems to other countries”, he underscored. “Even today you will find division among the members of the Islamic Courts after claiming to control 80 or 85 percent of the country. But nobody still knows what exactly they want, “Ambassador Alaghbari noted. The Union of Islamic Courts should listen to reason and enter into dialogue with the transitional government as well as respect the wishes of the Somali people, he said, adding that it is also his country’s wish to find ways and means to find channel of dialogue between Ethiopia and the UIC. The ambassador, however, has stressed that Ethiopia has the right to defend itself if it comes under attack. He stated that his country has exerted lots of efforts for the restoration of peace in that country and would like to see a responsible government which adheres to international laws and have respect for its neighbors. Yemen has suffered a lot due to the instability in that country, according to Alaghbari, who added that it is hosting half a million refugees most of whom are Somalis. He expressed hope that all governments will make efforts to avoid another war in the region. The major problems in the region are rather poverty and illiteracy, not war, he underlined.
  24. Originally posted by Sheikh Fiqqikhayre: They have to fulfill their promise, otherwise why the mass rallies, the threats, the women with AK47's, the children with kalashnikovs and the mosques call for jihaad on a daily basis and Indhacadde's infamous call for all the willing and able muslims in the world to come to Somalia and help the deen by participitating in the jihaad! Why the hype, the drama and the lust to wage war and then the sudden cool-down! I thought the courts were their own 'masters' and people that fulfill their promises! But I guess I'm wrong on my assumption! I only remember the eyes of the colonel the red fox, that were so fearful. What might he have thought at that moment: 'Damn that Indhacadde guy did it to me again, how can I shut him up, if only he would be of Hassan Turki's clan and not my immidiate clan-member and trustee! Let me give you the gossip from the ethiopian anti-government camp that were "in prayer session" hoping the ICU to march on ethiopia. They are saying that something very weird was happening: 1. The TFG repulsing ICU was never in doubt 2. Ethiopian special forces (Commandos) went north to eritrea direction instead of waiting in the south or center to support the army in case ICU comes. 3. Eritrea upon seeing this refused to give ICU more troops. ONLF has long stated that it will not participate in the clan conflicts. OLF the only one left in ICU camps is in trouble with its supporters who cannot fathom the entanglemnt of OLF in Somalia clan wars for the third time. Thats just some of the news from the ethiopian anti-government camps.