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Everything posted by Somali_Friend

  1. Originally posted by Taliban: quote: Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree: Taliban, Ethio soilders are just conscripts and are more of mercenaries and bounty hunters with no discipline or trainning Coz of the sense of pride they have on their number. tahts why they were defeated by Eritreans. Good analysis. I concur. Taliban, How hungry do you have to be for any words against ethiopia to satisfy you and fall for it, even if they are just white lie, not even a stretch of truth or exaggeration, but just lie? Ethiopia since 1991 of integration of EPRDF, Afar, WSLF, fighters were either joined the armed forces or went to civilian life, has never had any conscription. Ethiopia has a population of close to 80 million, but by any world fact books on defence you will find that ethiopia spends 3-4% of GDP and has between 120-150 thousand armed forces. Eritrea on the other hand, you will find that it spends 17%GDP on defence and in addition to its regular army has 300,000 (17-50 year olds compulsary) in service that have no limited time and no pay. It has been like that since 1999. If signing 25km deep over 1000km of ones own country off is considered victory (25000 sq km is almost a third of eritrea) you think about it. Let me give you a hint: Eritrea has 1000km border with ethiopia. Eritrea will not allow a fly or mosquito from eritrea fly to ethiopia, afraid of what will come as a result. So Eritrea transports OLF and its own soldiers to Mugadishu for ICU use and in the faint hope that they might do damage to ethiopia by using somali.
  2. Originally posted by Jimcaale: quote: if Somalia is reconstituted in a federal way and all its regions will have their peace with each other, Somalia will be a hundred times more important country than his and president Abdullahi Yusuf will be more important leader than Isayas. You're damn right! Somalia is more important to Melez than Eriteria. What you mean by federal way?? More division than we already have? Jimcaale, How about Canada, India, UK and other countries. Why do you feel uncomfortable of the Federal system, because we have accepted it in ethiopia. Not everything that ethiopia accepts have to be bad for Somalia. Actually things could be the opposite. Don't rely on suspicion and mistrust. Take your time and verify.
  3. Ethiopians seem to be everywhere. Whats wrong if these ICU said they are fighting Somali for a change? Don't they know that the local people see whats happening? Don't they realize that in these days cell phones and cameras are everywhere? Why say untruth?G Oh BTW the eritreans have also started the same thing: They are saying that about 6 liberation fronts have shown up in the country against the dictator, probably the same thing as what happened in Somalia and ethiopia before 1991. Eritrea has refused to give additional troops to ICU no matter how much money Alqaeda will pay. They are afraid that these are ethiopian special forces taking names of eritrean opposition.
  4. Originally posted by Taliban: You have to understand the TFG and Ethiopia will not be fighting a conventional army (in the ICU); they will be fighting an Islamic insurgency with the help, experience and expertise of the global Islamic insurgency. [/b] Taliban, Please leave us ethiopians out of this. The ICU will also meet unconventional insurgency in the territory that its holding. They have already closed schools, they are terrorizing the all indications they are afraid of an uprising in the territory they are holding. Ethiopia has nothing to do with it. ICU will have to face and recognize its own Somali brother and its own Somali moslem brother. Peace and brotherhood starts at home, before ICU goes and declares Jihad on moslems.
  5. Originally posted by Taliban: quote:Originally posted by Somali_Friend: repent for the misuse of Islam. How can you call for that when you are secular? Does it mean you would do it if I got you in touch with a teacher, a cleric, an Immam, a Shiek (respected one not self appointed)..etc. You know that you have to do it yourself, if you already know and accept the error. Its for possible errors you need clarification from more knowledgeable or leaders and elders... All I am saying is simple: You can tell untruth about ethiopians, but please tell it in your name, your own name, and not in the name of Islam or Allah(SWT).
  6. Originally posted by Taliban: The tanks are Ethiopian, not TFG. What is the purpose of providing any proof? Taliban, Is that how you proof in circular way in Mugadishu version of your nick? I hope soon the TFG Armed Forces show those opearating the Tanks and make them available for interviews. I would like to see all of those (very few in number)who are telling untruth here and calling the religion at the same time, repent for the misuse of Islam. What you answer in the after is your own, but you also need to answer to your brothers for giving Islam a bad name, by using it as cover for telling untruth about us ethiopians.
  7. Questions: 1. Ethiopia doesn't make tanks, so how do they know the tanks are ethiopian and not TFG. Is there any proof? 2. As many somalis can pilot/drive tanks as ethiopians. Does ICU know for sure the tanks are being operated by ethiopians and not somalis? N.B. Somali here means from Somalia republic “How can we stop fighting for our religion and country when Ethiopia is clearly provoking us?” Janakow asked, adding that Ethiopian troops used “execessive force” in ongoing battles, including tanks and attack helicopters. Garowe Online News
  8. Originally posted by me: There is a clear winning strategy you just don't want to see it Baashi. The strategy is simple. the strategy is TOTAL WAR. This is not a war for Baydhabo, or bringing back the old republic or even Somaliweyn. This is a war thats much bigger then that. I know you don't want to see it and you don't want to believe it. But this is a war we will win and it doesn't matter how many people die, it doesn't matter if Somalia is invaded or not. The strategy is to trick the Ethiopians to invade Somalia. The is a saying in Amharic "yekotun awerd bila yebibitwan talech" roughly translated it means: She droped what she had under arm pit (held tight), inorder to reach for whats on top of the shelf.
  9. Yemen asked the same question of ICU and when Yemen could not find an answer, they told ICU to simply go away and never comeback without an open plan or objective that the Somali people should know. There is no reason for ICU not to tell what they want for somalia.
  10. After the meeting in Yemen, even the speaker is mum. It was the most embarassing meeting for anyone, and to make matters worst Yemen stated that there is nothing to negotiate and Yemen will not call TFG on this issue until the ICU put clearly and in an Islamic way what their objective is. Yemen will not contact TFG on ICU hidden agendas that are kept secret from Yemen or the Somali people. Shiek Ahmed has probably seen the untruths and the futility of it. Or the clan gang in Mugadishu that has called fr Jihad on Negash, doesn't need a moderate cover anymore. Too late now for manipulations and public relations.
  11. Originally posted by Brown: Amxaaro aka Somali Freind, Go choke on some raw meat. You are the first group, ICU, to question ethiopian moslems in 1500 years of Islam in Ethiopia. Either the more than billion moslems outside ICU are all clueless or you are fake imposters. so far as seen from all Islamic organizations or states in the world, you have been called an imposter. No amount of vulgarity, unIslamic words, unIslamic declarations and actions from ICU and SOL nomads (I am pleased to see you are very very few and far between)can change who we are as people.
  12. Originally posted by Brown: The Somali National Army has managed to Get Tanks and Artillery and Training from the 8000 Xabashi trainers in Baidoa with in 4Months. Please do not involve us where we are not involved. What kind of Somali is there in Somalia, BTW, Don't you know that the somali in Somalia republic drove/piloted latest tanks before ethiopians did? Weren't you surprised at the 180 police officers of the TFG trained in Kenya and Graduated now almost a year ago. We ethiopians are a very poor and technologically backward country. If an Ethiopian can pilot a tank or an aircraft so can a somali from somalia. The somali ethiopians are everywhere in the military from ordinary soldiers to commanders of elite forces. How different is the Somali in Somalia that cannot do the same? What are you going to say tomorrow if a tank pilot is allowed to get out of his tank and speak to villagers in the area? What will you say if he is from Mugadishu? I hope its safe for their families in ICU held areas to do so and the TFG commanders allow them soon to give interviews. normally I would assume that those in Somalia are more advanced, because the somali ethiopian is just recuperating from half century of continious non stop war for his rights.
  13. Yemen Yemen Yemen Is where the whole shenanigan fell apart. Shiek Ahmed thought he was a leader too. He mistook that he was being used because somalis had always given him the benefit of doubt.
  14. no reply. I don't think any exchange with you is worthwhile. There is a certain level which I refuse to go lower, you just fell further down. Please don't claim to be a Somali or Ethiopian. I have never seen or met anyone who makes meaningless and unacceptable talk with any of the religions in the area.
  15. How low of a culture do you have? You have now told ethiopian moslems to be less moslems than Hassan Tahir or IndaCadde, which BTW is blasphemous to say so. Only imposters say those kind. Have you read the editorial from Radio Jijiga? "Al-Itihad to make us good moslems - stranger than fiction" and now you are talking about ethiopian christians. I am afraid your next post will be to tell them they are less christians than the
  16. Duke, ICU has exactly copied the Eritreans, Isayas. At one point it reached to be a sad joke. Just like what ICU is saying now the eritrean dictator was proclaiming he has killed so many ethiopians, captured tanks etc...but the next day the war would be 150km inside eritrea. People would go if Eritrea is retreating in disarray, how did they count ethiopian dead? At the end eritrea signed away the rights of 25km deep over 1000km border. The balloon of lies was deflated and their propaganda has never recovered. Lies can make ICU feel good for a minute, but the people become suspicious. TFG doesn't have to say much. The repeated Fartaag moments tell about ICU more than anything else.
  17. Is there anything higher than a call for Jihad? Is Hassan Tahir decree now higher than the call for Jihad? Is Hassan Tahir now above the religion? or this is ICU government decree for a state of emergency in Mugadishu?
  18. Question: There is no Somali from all of Somalia that can pilot/drive a tank? How do they know the TFG has not been training fighter aircraft pilots let alone tank? The somali ethiopian is everywhere from ordinary soldier to general of the most elite commando forces. Was the media expecting president Abdullahi Yusuf and his General staff to command a knife and axe weilding nomads from a camel? The western media does this from ignorance and the ICU people do it as one more untruth. Don't be surprised if you see fighter aircraft pilots of TFG graduating somewhere as a lot of Somali were surprised to see about 180 Police officers graduate in Kenya after many months of training. surprise surprise....
  19. Originally posted by me: You have posted many irrelevant questions. I have one question for you. Why are Ethiopian troops in Somali territory, why are Ethiopian troops violating international law and breaking UN-arms embargo? WHY? First I don't think my questions are irrelevant. On the contrary they are the most important questions for any negotiation wether in ethiopia, in America or Somalia. Those ae also the exact questions Yemen asked the ICU in order to facilitate negotiations with TFG. Why don't you take a try, here they are: What does ICU want: 1. To be the government of all somalia 2. To have 3.5, 2.5 or 1.5 or 1 from the share of power of all somalia 3. To be the only representative of all the south and central somalia and to have 3X 4X or 2X the voice of Puntland in Somalia How can there be negotiations if one cannot answer this question. I know why ICU doesn't want to answer. As soon as ICU tells the truth what they want, they will be spitted out in Mugadishu the next day, because they want something very dangerous that will make somalia irreconstitutable. Thats why they hide behind din even though the people of somalia have not bought the fake Jihad call against ethiopia. Now let me answer your question by a question: Where are ethiopian soldiers in Somalia? Who is the government of Somalia (it doesn't matter the propaganda about strength)? Hassan Tahir may call himself shiek or supreme islamic leader, but if brought to justice in Mugadishu or Baydhoa, he can expect to see a file from Jijiga for the crimes he committed against innocent people. I hope the prosecutor of Somalia at that tme will allow those crimes to be read and Hassan Tahir made to answer for them.
  20. Originally posted by me: If Ethiopia was Somalia's friend it wouldn't arm warlords. me, That was the first untruth from the "saints" of Mugadishu. Ethiopia was and still is of the view that the TFG is the best way to reconstitute Somalia. But its the people of Somalia that decide and choose. The warlords of Mugadishu were constantly holding demos against ethiopia, accusing it of being on TFG side. Not a single warlord from Mugadishu went to ethiopia for refuge. Ethiopia has never spoken even to those close geographically to ethiopia, unless TFG has cleared and if anyone of them is to visit ethiopia, they will do so only with TFG and as part of TFG. The only ex-warlord that comes and goes to ethiopia on his own is the deputy prime minister Hussien Aiydiid. Well he is the deputy prme minister of a recognized government and elected to his position by representatives of all Somalia. The TFG welcomed the eviction of Mugadishu warlords who were supported by US against the wishes of the TFG and also by extention Kenya and Ethiopia. It is not ethiopia that supported the warlords, its US. US never supported TFG until the US was left with no friends in Somalia. Ethiopia from day one was always supportive of TFG and still is. never vacilated or changed.
  21. Abwaan, If I were interested to know how ethiopians feel about the government, Addis Ababa is the wrong place to go. This government in ethiopia today had never had support in Addis Ababa which is home and happy home of past regimes. To find out wether there is support for this regme in ethiopia in this case of ICU, Jijiga is the best seat in the house. Even Ethiopian television is doing group discussions there in Jijiga and areas, knowing that the current government in ethiopia will not do anything vs. ICU thats not accepted and supported by folks over there. Addis Ababa has no status in the federation. Jijiga has status and the right of self determination. Addis Ababa has none. The loss of power has angered the city even more. If Hassan Tahir is expecting the noisy Addis Ababans to get off their chairs and run to help him in Dinsoor or somewhere else, he will be waiting till the end of time.
  22. The ICU in their zeal to call everything ethiopian have really gone out in left field to make ethiopia look like the russian or american technology experts and the Somali of Somalia just like he came out of the cave or a bedewin from under a tree shed. Oh I know, I know..its just that the "saints" in Mugadishu were praying the whole time while "the devil federalists" in Baydhoa were training in Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen and other places not publicly known for now. Didn't the Somali pilot latest aircraft of the time before the ethiopians ever knew those planes were made? Didn't the Somali pilot tanks and APVs of the east before ethiopians ever saw anyone of those machines? ICU, Please you can tell untruths to people who have no knowledge of what is what, but I beg you not to mix Allah(SWT) with your untruth.
  23. Taliban, Why do you go to Lebanon or Iraq? Don't you know that the horn of africa have done nothing, but war for the last 200 years non stop? Have you ever seen HizbAllah teaching children to hate Jewish, never. Iran has seats in its parliament designated for Jewish. ICU before it started is already using the methods of the defeated. Sucide bombing, children parading, women parading, misuse and abuse of religion...etc.
  24. Originally posted by Lieutenant Xalane: Islam and jihaad and all that are desperate excuses at a desperate time. Ethiopians are indebted to the people of Somalia for recognizing the fake Jihad. Fighting can happen ethiopians vs ethiopians, somali vs somali, somali vs british, somali vs ethiopian..or even between cousins, brothers for a number of reasons; over a water well, over a hill or mountain, over a mining pit, over a farm land...sometimes also over a woman (england and rome pope come to mind)...but ethiopians were very disappointed for some imposter in Mugadishu to declare Jihad on Negash. Its very encouraging to see that even people under the harshest of circumstances have enough faith and sensibility in them to protect religion from imposters and "Jihad" profiteers.
  25. Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea: The second picture could be either,howeve,whatever they are,I expected and expect the ICU mujaahiideen to kill and to be killed however,those who die on the side of the ICU have passed away while fighting for good cause,but those who are siding with the Xabashis have died in vain and the torment of hellfire awaits them. [/QB] so now you take the place of Allah(SWT) too. Can you generous enough tell us ethiopians how you achieved that? Can you be merciful to us or you didn't take that part of the job?lol