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Everything posted by Somali_Friend

  1. To those who think that Islam is some commercial product to be used and thrown, as ICU is doing or you think you ICU are "more moslems" than ethiopian moslems, not to speak the majority of the people of somalia that don't agree with you and ICU are calling them names, read this: "If for nothing else, ICU should be punished for making Islam as mcdonalds and cocacola comercial with actors fashioned in arab and pakistani garb. We did not become moslems and kept being moslems through the millenia by allowing imposters and fly by night "Mahdis" to play with our religion" A shiek from Afar state, ethiopia
  2. Originally posted by Abwaan: For your information the Sharif is Dubai. Thats why I mentioned from Prime minister Meles speech, the attempt ethiopia made to peacefully resolve the conflict and conince the ICU that Jihad against us was wrong on all grounds; religiously, morally and politically. It will also hurt ICU more than it does to ethiopia.
  3. Originally posted by Khalaf: ^^Why sxb PI? your politically analysis of the situation, now that the war started and somalia is being bombed by the ethios? Kash bro, there are somethings we wont understand, check the coolnees of the elders, they know this game.....I agree sxb but the ethios are stronger army, somalia could become like falistine occupied, unless reer puntland and somaliland join the war and we unite........why have they not tho? Friend. I understand your anguish, but you forgot that there are 6-7 million somali in ethiopia. Thats more somali than either the south where there is so much problems or all the north combined where there is peace, order and friendly neighborly relations.
  4. Further north in Mogadishu, women and children gathered in a market to badger men walking along the streets to join the war. "They told me to wear their clothes if I will not go to war," said Abdi Rashid. "They said I'm not a man, because all men are on the frontline, so I should wear women's clothes." I think Radio Jijiga editorial concluded this months ago, as soon as they heard "colonel" Aweye is the supreme islamic leader. The title was: Al-Ithad to make us good moslems - stranger than fiction" Pi, There is nothing that pi-sses off more to an ethiopian moslem than being told he is less of a moslem. Its also the same for the christians. Nothing piss-es them off more than being told they are less christians by catholic rome or protestants. Ethiopians are dirt poor, but Islam was never divided to sects wether with petrodollar or imposters and the christians also stayed orthodox with all the european or american evangelism.
  5. "If for nothing else, ICU should be punished for making Islam as mcdonalds and cocacola comercial with actors fashioned in arab and pakistani garb. We did not become moslems and kept being moslems through the millenia by allowing imposters and fly by night "Mahdis" to play with our religion" A shiek from Afar state, ethiopia
  6. " Extreme UIC elements met their wishes: Ethiopia answers the Somalia Transitional Govt call. Sources told us, among the many prisoners taken alive so far, 13 of them are foreign terrorist. It is believed some of the foreign terrorists are from Eritrea. Many expect the Eritrean regime to start a skirmish in the north but our knowledgeable source told us Isayas Afeworki would not start a skirmish in the north unless he has decided his time is up. Our sources told us expect the Eritrea regime to fight in Somalia until the last Somalian is standing. Somalia Ambassador to Ethiopia Ambassador Abdikarin Farah confirmed Ethiopian defense forces have joined the fight against terrorists in Somalia. The ambassador during a briefing to the international press in Addis Ababa said the war has started on four fronts and in all fronts the joint Ethiopian and Somalia defense forces are continuing their offensive. The four fronts are Bandaiiradleey, Beledwweyene, Buur Hakaba and Dinsoor. The Ambassador called all friendly nations to help his government defeat the terrorist elements."
  7. If for nothing else, ICU needs to be made an example, so other imposters and fly by night "Mahdis" don't play with religion. Making Islam like a Mcdonald's or Cocacola commercial in Mugadishu with Arab and Pakistani garbs will bring a deserved punishment. Moslems in east africa did not become or stayed moslems, through so much obstacle and difficulty, by being imposters and using Islam in theft, deception, crime and murder of innocents.
  8. Originally posted by HornAfrique: How do you know about Col Kalmooy? I did before, but he was out of the picture until the ICU threat came along. He is warning that ICU could spell disaster not only for Somalia, but for all countres.
  9. Taliban, " Yonder lieth a country wherein no one is wronged: a land of righteousness. Depart thither and remain until it pleased the lord to open your way before you."
  10. SomaliResistance, The worst enemy for Islam is an imposter. An imposter who uses Islam for own material benefits at expense of other moslems. An imposter who claims he is more moslem than other moslems. An imposter wether as fake cleric or fake mahdi has always been worst enemy than christians or Jewish, for Islam. Thats exactly what ICU is doing. You will see it when moslems from somalia, ethiopia and kenya stand to protect their religion from fly by night "Mahdis" or merchants of death and destruction.
  11. Originally posted by Khalaf: IF there are foreign fighters, they are muslim and a muslim is not foreign to another muslim. There are more moslems in the ethiopian armed forces than there are in the eritrean one, by percentage. Ethiopian defence forces have more moslem commanders than the eritrean ones that have close to none in the upper echelon. The argument of religion is a non starter. Even ICU has at last understood that the religious explaitation and deception will not work. On the contrary it makes non-ICU somalis and ethiopian moslems more angry at seeing that some imposter in Mugadishu is giving the religion a bad name.
  12. Prime minister Meles Zenawi in his address to the country mentioned efforts made through Dubai secretly to negotiate for peace with ICU. In addition to Djibuti which he mentioned, it is also assumed, but he didn't mention of meeting in Yemen where ICU gave recognition and offered to respect borders with neighboring countries. ONLF: we don't support you, but we ethiopians are proud of you. You recognized the fake game being played in ICU with religion. You recognized that "Colonel" Aweye would be the first man to cut a deal with ethiopia at your expense as Ziad Barre did. ICU gave you up without even a counteroffer yet. Bravo. I hope you negotiate with Jijiga soon and find a solution come home and build the state and let the people recuperate from 50 years of war and destruction.
  13. Now its only the TFG that accepts or rejects any proposal. There is no foreign country that can bypass the TFG. Djibuti has learned this lesson the hard way. Even the USA has learned this lesson the hard way. I suggest somalis do what we ethiopians did in 1991. We stood behind the best chance of saving our country from disentegration and that was recognizing every region to govern itself and recognizing federalism.
  14. Originally posted by SomaliResistance: ^and do you think the Tigree regime will keep any occuppied lands???Such people are making the situation more dangerous and a dream of a united Somali-nation more difficult. My friend. I feel your anguish about your country. I have been there in 1991 when we were an inch away between disentegration into many countries or keep one. Eritrea has 1000km border with ethiopia. Let alone OLF or its own soldiers, it keeps an eye for mosquitos and flies not to cross to ethiopia. Why would ICU the "people of the book" bring eritreans to attack ethiopia from south somalia?
  15. Unless you have invented a new one in Mugadishu, if you are talking of the same Allah(SWT), he is also in Bassasso, in Baydhoa, in Kismayo, in Hargieza, in Jijiga, In Addis Ababa, in Djibuti, ....and of course in Negash Tigray. If ICU has manufactured a new religion let us know.
  16. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Defence Minister Barre Shire Hirale He loves his country and countrymen. He wanted to negotiate and agree with his fellow countrymen, before accepting any foreign peacekeepers. He would have accepted Uganda or Sudan in that part of Somalia. He saw the only way to save somalia was establishing a federal government where every region governs itself. ICU forced the man to choose untimely. If any somali needs a clear indication that ICU means trouble for everyone in the region, look no further than ICU not being able to negotiate with the defence minister. ICU was never interested to negotiate with him. ICU must have some ugly secret that it doesn't want to share with anyone.
  17. Originally posted by peacenow: The love Arabs has for the Palestinians? For the Kurds? For the Black Africans in Darfur. Please save me the trouble. I'm educated and a professional, you can't fool anyone. In 1967 war of all the countries on the red sea, it was only Yemen and Ethiopia that accepts Palestinians. All other countries refused, afraid that Palestinians will make trouble and Israel will attack them. Gaza was taken from Egypt not from a Palestinian state or organization. Gaza was Egypt until Israel captured it. Egypt forgo its claim to avoid the Palestinians who live in it. When egypt made peace with Israel it left part of sinai on gaza side under Israel, because there were palestinains in it. The palestinians who went to Jordan were kicked out with 10,000 dead and expelled. In Lebanon the Palstinians are still in refugee camps, no arab country gave them citizenship. Yes Give me a break for Arab help to Palestinians. I felt proud as an ethiopian when a PLO official came to open an office in Addis Ababa and remembered the 1967 hosting of terrified palestinians by ethiopia. The official was the now PLO chairman, Mahmmud Abbas.
  18. Originally posted by SomaliResistance: Less serious fighting also was reported in Baidoa. "I think they have met a resistance they have never dreamt of before," interim Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf said in brief remarks as the fighting began to die down at Baidoa. Suley, the official with the Islamic movement, said his forces had destroyed four Ethiopian tanks outside the city. As Sunday's fighting wore on, the Islamic militia began broadcasting patriotic songs in Mogadishu about Somalia's 1977 war with Ethiopia. The two countries have fought two wars over their disputed border in the past 45 years. Wasn't the 1977 war waged by a Socialist Government? Why declare and call Jihad on us? Is 1977 higher than Jihad or the Jihad is taken as a test balloon if it works it works, if it doesn't work then ICU becomes nationalist. Our Clerics have done the proper validation and proven the call to Jihad by ICU was Imposter and anti-Islamic. 1977 war was the most destructive for the somali ethiopian and because it was waged by Mugadishu timing and politics instead of the somali ethiopian long fight for his rights, it set back the struggle a decade or more. We in ethiopia also know something else ICU cannot accept. The Northerners in Somalia were the most enthusiastic about greater Somalia, paid a heavy price for it, but now have changed the way it should be done. Greater Somalia can only be realized when each of the areas speaks for itself, governs itself and asserts its rights and existance by itself. The Northerners also know fully well that its WSLF thats in Addis Ababa and Jijiga. "Colonel" Aweye, We have a saying in ethiopia, which goes like, with a spoon when hot and with hands when cold. Sir, You cannot make religion a cheap propaganda and use it to cheat people and decieve them to get power. You have been exposed as an Imposter and ethiopian moslems are actually more angry at the deception attempted, than their christian brethern. Since you are the one who declared Jihad on us, be prepared for the real self defence. Where, when and how is left for the military experts. One thing you can rest assured is we will defend ourselves.
  19. Somali Diaspora Network: Renewed Conflict in Somalia DECEMBER 23, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Somali Diaspora Network Hassan Warsame - Renewed Conflict in Somalia Fairfax, Virginia, December 23 - We are deeply saddened and troubled by the renewed fighting and hostility in Somalia. It has been reported that hundreds of civilians and combatants including Ethiopian troops lost their lives or were seriously wounded because of the fighting for the past several days. In addition, thousands of civilians are caught in the cross fire and are in a dire humanitarian situation. As a result, large crowds of civilians have started fleeing the effected area and are dispersed into the bushes with no food, water or shelter. Somali Diaspora Network issues the following direct appeal to the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and to the Somali Council of Islamic Courts (SCIC) leadership: 1. Immediately stop the fighting without any condition; 2. Disengage your forces and return them to their previous positions; 3. Establish security protocol teams to monitor and oversee the ceasefire and the disengagement; 4. Return to the Khartoum peace conference promptly. The above appeal will be futile if the presence of foreign troops inside Somalia is not addressed. Independent media has confirmed that Ethiopia committed large mechanized battalions of its army into Somalia. In addition, it has sent tanks and attack helicopters to the battlefields deep into Somali territories. Therefore, in order to avoid the escalation of the conflict into regional dimension, we urge both sides to banish foreign troops from Somalia. In particular, we, plea to the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) to work toward securing the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops immediately from all Somali territories. Reciprocally, we urge the Somali Council of Islamic Courts (SCIC) leadership to pull back their forces from Baidao and surrounding vicinities and refrain from future use of force. We wish to remind the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and the Somali Council of Islamic Courts (SCIC) leadership the seriousness of a new conflict and the resulting tragedy and human loss to the Somali people who have already suffered enough from years of anarchy, civil war, famine, and now deadly floods and new conflict. We urge both sides to return to the peace talks and commit to a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Source:
  20. I am so experienced at it, I won't choke. Don't repeat the same news from 90s. They were untrue then, they are untrue now. If you lose its better you lose to your brother than to a mirrage non-existent ethiopian in somalia. We are not there fighting. You are fighting your own somali brother. When you decide to make peace, we will be there as friends and extended brotherhood to participate in the peace making.
  21. Originally posted by Xoogsade: These hegemonic christian orthodox There are more moslems (but now you will say they are from Tigray)who will command the ethiopian defence forces than christians the minute ICU attempts to bring its terror to Oromia or Somali states of the border. You can call us poor, raw meat eater, backward etc, but please get this: There is nothing that pi-sses off an ethiopian moslem than being called he is less moslem by questionable characters in Mugadishu. There is also nothing that pi-sses off the ethiopian christian (orthodox) than being called he is less christian by roman church
  22. Originally posted by Xoogsade: Somali_Enemy, It is you who reported how your Army is killing and bombing Somalis, an event worthy of celebration in your book. If you weren';t happy about it, you wouldn't have reported, you wouldn't have spoken about another town should be next for teh bombing, more somalis for the burning, I am sure you are going to drink to that today or tomorrow. You ahve the audacity to tell me that it is us who didn't leave you alone when you were invited by those who claim to be somalis, who speak our own langauge, who claim to beliefe in teh same beliefs as we do and your dogs happily accepted the call for the somali massacre and killing under the pretext of protecting these same hypocrites. Wallahi, you can talk as you pelase, thanks larlgery to the filthy somalis who supoprot you, who housed you, who feed you, who provide you wioth everything you need to kill somalis day and night. There is nothing more islamic than slaughtering the ETHIOPIAN army by the thousands if anyone could. These hegemonic christian orthodox lowlies had been massacring muslims for generations laying claim to Muslim lands, robing and raping their women, forcing the conquered men into a war and use them as a cannon fodder to open up more lands. I be frank and tell you, Somalis united under islamic leadership will be your end. We enjoy planning for, and even daydream about conqeuring Ethiopia, the Land of Ahmed Gurey and teach you once more we are the ones who forced you to eat the raw meat. Nacalaa adiga soomaalida ku taageersanba ku yaal. Xoogsade, I know you are angry, but mixing childish talk with serious issues doesn't help anyone. Face the fact if you love your country and people, the problems are there in your country. We are a poor and backward country, if we can we help otherwise we don't have any bad dreams of conquering other peoples or countries as you do. We have never taken or conquered people in Sudan, Kenya, Somalia or Djibuti. I am sure you know there are times we are stronger than these countries. It is not in our culture, its not in our blood and it is not our dream. The only dream we have is now to get out of poverty and backwardness. We need peace for that. We are prepared to fight only when needed. As for generousity and brotherhood, I think the number of somalis (non-ethiopian)in Addis Ababa alone is enough witness to the brotherhood of people to people. That doesn't mean the somali from mugadishu in addis ababa can stop ICU from Declaring and displaying children in fake Jihad.
  23. Originally posted by Xoogsade: Caaqil, You are forgetting that Puntland is fully behind this war funding it and providing both a place and the means of survival to the Ethiopian Army killing their neighbours saxib. Galkacyo is completely overtaken and made into an ethiopian garrison with all the logistics the xabashis need to sustain themselves on the war against the somalis they have beef with. They won't go back miles to resupply themselves, it is all available. Puntland is theirs while the somalis who hailed from Galkacyo south and far beyond were expelled few days ago from Puntland. Caqli xumadana waxaa ka daran, dowlad loo wada dhan yahay aa rajo laga qabaa after all said and done. Very sick indeed. Xoogsade, With all due regard, this is somalia problem and the somali in Somalia are the prtagonists. Until people face this fact, nothing can get solved by blaming ethiopia. This was in 90s and now the same is being repeated. Even the lies are repeated word for word. Didn't work then, I don't know why some of you think will work now. Please read the following quote from the 90s. Aideed supporters flee 'Ethiopian-backed' factions Hundreds of Somalis are reported to be fleeing the town of Qoryoleh, south of the capital Mogadishu, fearing an advance by factions they believe are backed by Ethiopia. The exodus from the town and neighbouring villages is made up mainly of supporters of Hussein Aideed, and they are making their way towards Mogadishu. They told journalists they were worried that Qoryoleh would be attacked by Ethiopian troops who they say are supporting the Rahanwein Resistance Army (RRA). The RRA took the town of Baidoa from the forces of Hussein Aideed this month, after several days of fierce fighting. Hussein Aideed said Ethiopian tanks and heavy weapons were responsible for his defeat. Ethiopia has denied arming any militias or sending in its own armed forces. The RRA says Qoryoleh is being used as the main military base for Ethiopian Oromo groups, which it says are helping Hussein Aideed with backing from Eritrea.
  24. Originally posted by Xoogsade: Yea, so you can celebrate ala Orthodox style in your church on sunday gloating over the bomded out somali towns and the killing of their civilians by the Ethiopian Army. I know lowlies have no sense of dignity but if you had any, you wouldn't show up on our faces letting us know how your filthy dogs are killing our brethren. Unfortunately, you have as many filthy somalis in collusion with you and at bar with you at any level. First of all lets not bring Allah(SWT) into lies and manufactured "news" of ethiopia here, ethiopia there, ethiopia everywhere. Secondly: Did you ask yourself as a moslem when ICU declared Jihad on Negash if its Islamic or anti-Islamic to do so? If you were celebrating a few months ago when the imposters of ICU were declaring Jihad and a fake one at that, on the people of ethiopia, enjoy it now too, nothing has changed. Thirdly: we have been saying all along. Leave us alone, leave our name alone. If you are true to your self, face and sit with your own brother as somali and as moslem. Bring us to your solutions, but please don't bring us to your clan fights. I think that is fair. My debt to my anscestors is to be fair, rightous and generous to the best of my ability. I hope I stay that way. I pray that war as destructive as it is be fast and decisive so the people of somalia can move on into rebuilding their lives and country. We have been through it many times. I know how painful and saddening these are, but you cannot keep blaming it on ethiopia. Blame yourself for a change. I hate ethiopians that blame europeans or africans for our poverty, wars and backwardness. I expect the same from you.
  25. Mogadishu 24, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Latest reports from Baledweyn, central Somalia, indicate that Ethiopian warplanes are bombing the main town of Hiran region. Witnesses said the planes air raided market vicinities, where people were shopping. They also said large numbers of students in the area were supplied with arms to fight with the Ethiopian troops. The Ethiopian air raiding is reportedly going on in Baledweyn and around the town. Baledweyn is 350 (220 miles) south of the capital Mogadishu. Earlier Islamic Courts called on Muslim fighters around the world to come to Somalia and wage their jihad war in Somalia. We will keep you updated as the news comes. ___________________________________________ (SomaliNet) Buurhakaba residents woke up Sunday morning with the sound of artillery shells being exchanged by the Islamic Courts and the federal government supported Ethiopian army. The shelling started around five am Sunday, Somalia time. A resident in Burhakaba told SomaliNet that both sides are exchanging very loud and deafening shells. She said the incoming shells are much lauder than the previous days suggesting either the government side is using longer range artillery pieces or they are coming closer to Buurhakaba area. It is still too early and neither side has commented on today's fight yet. We'll keep you updated as more news comes in. ______________________________________________ Aweys osman Yusuf Mogadishu 24, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – The fighting in Somalia has expanded into fresh areas of central provinces, with independent reports indicating that the Ethiopian military forces are directly involved in fighting with Islamic Courts Union that controls the country’s capital city, Mogadishu. On Sunday, bitter fighting rages from Daynunay, less than 30 km southeast of Baidoa, a seat for the interim government, Jawil and Bandiradley in central Somalia. Residents in Baidoa say they could hear the loud sounds of the artillery and mortar shells explosions. Casualties of the war are still unclear as both sides claim they killed hundreds from each other. Reports from Bandiradley say hundreds of Ethiopian military troops backing the transitional government have air raided Islamist targets in Jawil near the Ethiopian border. Abu Salman, the Islamic Courts officer in Jawil said the Ethiopian troops were air-pounding Jawil using helicopter gun-ships and tanks. He alleged that the Ethiopian troops have initiated the fight early Sunday morning. Residents in Hiran provincial main town of Baledweyn say fear that the war may inflict their town has escalated, with some has already begun fleeing their homes. The fighting between the Islamic Courts Union and Ethiopian forces, protecting the transitional government, has started predawn in Bandiradley within Mudug region, central Somalia. Witnesses say the Ethiopian military forces, accompanied by Abdi Qeybdid’s militias and troops of the autonomous regional government of Puntland have occupied near Bandiradley, the ICU military barrack in central Somalia. Abdi Qeybdid was the last warlord forcefully evicted from the capital in 12 July this year. Sheik Mohamood Jimale Agoweyne, the ICU spokesperson for central regions in the country, has accused Ethiopia of attacking their bases. “Ethiopian military aircrafts are positioned in Galkayo airport and it is possible that they will use them in their war against us”, he added. Puntland administration was not available for comments over the new situation in the areas under its control. The spreading war that might suck in neighboring countries shows no sign of cessation, despite approved peace talks by the Islamic Courts and the transitional government based in Baidoa, 245 km (155 miles) southwest of the capital Mogadishu. Thousands of people have fled their homes in Daynunay, Idaale and Manas near Baidoa, with some even fleeing the capital in fear of Ethiopian air bombings. The war has entered its sixth day. __________________________________________ Plus a lot more