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Everything posted by Sophist

  1. Lol@Barwaaqo; cruel indeed!
  2. Barwaaqo, walaasheyda qaaliga ahey, adaa mudan! and Eid mubarak to you too. My eid was just normal-- of course the high light was to go and visit my eedo house where all close and distant children came and blackmail me for xaqal-Eid! I had to leave the house to get some dosh from the ATM mechine unfortunately I had to walk 20 minutes in pouring rain. Yeah, it was cool-cold. You can imagine me in my suit soaked to the bone!!!!!!
  3. Rahima, Eid Mubarak! Whoever told you that I am as young as in my twenties; they have either a deficiency in their sight or their head needs to be examained; in either case they are defuct in the ability to ..........!!! anyhow, who might that source! and what else have you been hearing!!! Should I be woried? Anyhow, anything that is do with intricacy of human relationships need to have delecate way of dissecting the finer tissues of that body! I am sure you are not a novice but indeed a master---- or so my source tells me!W!!
  4. His Honour, Huton, J fulfilled his duties as one of the forceful members of "our" establishment. Lately, this public inquiry bollocks never had negative impact upon government. Remember 1996 Puplic inquiry about Selling weapons to Iraq? what did that Lord did? Though the blood were dripping off the hands of then Primeminster Major, Major scaped unscathed. These inquires are waste of the tax payers money. Thus Spake I
  5. Eid Mubarak to you all. Taqabalalhu minaa wa minkum min Saalixil Acmaal.
  6. Chapter 2 Part I Chapter II I want now to tell you, gentlemen, whether you care to hear it or not, why I could not even become an insect. I tell you solemnly, that I have many times tried to become an insect. But I was not equal even to that. I swear, gentlemen, that to be too conscious is an illness--a real thorough-going illness. For man's everyday needs, it would have been quite enough to have the ordinary human consciousness, that is, half or a quarter of the amount which falls to the lot of a cultivated man of our unhappy nineteenth century, especially one who has the fatal ill-luck to inhabit Petersburg, the most theoretical and intentional town on the whole terrestrial globe. (There are intentional and unintentional towns.) It would have been quite enough, for instance, to have the consciousness by which all so-called direct persons and men of action live. I bet you think I am writing all this from affectation, to be witty at the expense of men of action; and what is more, that from ill-bred affectation, I am clanking a sword like my officer. But, gentlemen, whoever can pride himself on his diseases and even swagger over them? Though, after all, everyone does do that; people do pride themselves on their diseases, and I do, may be, more than anyone. We will not dispute it; my contention was absurd. But yet I am firmly persuaded that a great deal of consciousness, every sort of consciousness, in fact, is a disease. I stick to that. Let us leave that, too, for a minute. Tell me this: why does it happen that at the very, yes, at the very moments when I am most capable of feeling every refinement of all that is "sublime and beautiful," as they used to say at one time, it would, as though of design, happen to me not only to feel but to do such ugly things, such that ... Well, in short, actions that all, perhaps, commit; but which, as though purposely, occurred to me at the very time when I was most conscious that they ought not to be committed. The more conscious I was of goodness and of all that was "sublime and beautiful," the more deeply I sank into my mire and the more ready I was to sink in it altogether. But the chief point was that all this was, as it were, not accidental in me, but as though it were bound to be so. It was as though it were my most normal condition, and not in the least disease or depravity, so that at last all desire in me to struggle against this depravity passed. It ended by my almost believing (perhaps actually believing) that this was perhaps my normal condition. But at first, in the beginning, what agonies I endured in that struggle! I did not believe it was the same with other people, and all my life I hid this fact about myself as a secret. I was ashamed (even now, perhaps, I am ashamed): I got to the point of feeling a sort of secret abnormal, despicable enjoyment in returning home to my corner on some disgusting Petersburg night, acutely conscious that that day I had committed a loathsome action again, that what was done could never be undone, and secretly, inwardly gnawing, gnawing at myself for it, tearing and consuming myself till at last the bitterness turned into a sort of shameful accursed sweetness, and at last--into positive real enjoyment! Yes, into enjoyment, into enjoyment! I insist upon that. I have spoken of this because I keep wanting to know for a fact whether other people feel such enjoyment? I will explain; the enjoyment was just from the too intense consciousness of one's own degradation; it was from feeling oneself that one had reached the last barrier, that it was horrible, but that it could not be otherwise; that there was no escape for you; that you never could become a different man; that even if time and faith were still left you to change into something different you would most likely not wish to change; or if you did wish to, even then you would do nothing; because perhaps in reality there was nothing for you to change into. And the worst of it was, and the root of it all, that it was all in accord with the normal fundamental laws of over-acute consciousness, and with the inertia that was the direct result of those laws, and that consequently one was not only unable to change but could do absolutely nothing. Thus it would follow, as the result of acute consciousness, that one is not to blame in being a scoundrel; as though that were any consolation to the scoundrel once he has come to realise that he actually is a scoundrel. But enough. ... Ech, I have talked a lot of nonsense, but what have I explained? How is enjoyment in this to be explained? But I will explain it. I will get to the bottom of it! That is why I have taken up my pen. ... I, for instance, have a great deal of amour propre. I am as suspicious and prone to take offence as a humpback or a dwarf. But upon my word I sometimes have had moments when if I had happened to be slapped in the face I should, perhaps, have been positively glad of it. I say, in earnest, that I should probably have been able to discover even in that a peculiar sort of enjoyment--the enjoyment, of course, of despair; but in despair there are the most intense enjoyments, especially when one is very acutely conscious of the hopelessness of one's position. And when one is slapped in the face--why then the consciousness of being rubbed into a pulp would positively overwhelm one. The worst of it is, look at it which way one will, it still turns out that I was always the most to blame in everything. And what is most humiliating of all, to blame for no fault of my own but, so to say, through the laws of nature. In the first place, to blame because I am cleverer than any of the people surrounding me. (I have always considered myself cleverer than any of the people surrounding me, and sometimes, would you believe it, have been positively ashamed of it. At any rate, I have all my life, as it were, turned my eyes away and never could look people straight in the face.) To blame, finally, because even if I had had magnanimity, I should only have had more suffering from the sense of its uselessness. I should certainly have never been able to do anything from being magnanimous--neither to forgive, for my assailant would perhaps have slapped me from the laws of nature, and one cannot forgive the laws of nature; nor to forget, for even if it were owing to the laws of nature, it is insulting all the same. Finally, even if I had wanted to be anything but magnanimous, had desired on the contrary to revenge myself on my assailant, I could not have revenged myself on any one for anything because I should certainly never have made up my mind to do anything, even if I had been able to. Why should I not have made up my mind? About that in particular I want to say a few words.
  7. Suldaan Maxamed C/Qaadir Oo Loo Diiday In Uu Ka Dhoofo Garoonka Diyaaradaha Hargeysa. Hargaysa(Radiolascaanod) Khamiis, Jan 29, 2004 Suldaan Maxamed C/qaadir oo ka mid ah salaadiinta caanka ah ee beelaha ku dhaqan Waqooyi galbeed ayaa maanta ciidamada booliska ee maamulka labaxay Soomaaliland dib uga soo celiyeen garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Hargeysa isagoo doonayey in uu u duulo xajka sanadkaan. Suldaan Maxamed C/qaadir ayaa markii uu tegay garoonka diyaaradaha loo sheegay in ay ka taallo garoonka warqad lagu amrayo in aanu ka bixi karin. Suldaanka ayaa hore u sheegay in uu ka qeybgalayo shirka dib u heshiisiinta waxa uuna ka mid ahaa wafuudda dowladda KMG ah ee sanadkaan xajka soo gudanaya. Suldaan Maxamed C/qaadir oo kaliya ma ahan salaadiinta culeysku ka heysto maamulka Somaliland iyadoo xabsiga uu ku jiro Boqor Cismaan Ow Maxamud Buurmadow oo lagu eedeeyey sida maamulkaas sheegeen in uu ku dhaqaaqay falal ka dhan ah maamulkaas. RadioLascaanod
  8. Waraysi aanu la yeelanay kornayl Axmed Cabdi Cali(Cagacade) (Radio Laascaanood) 30.01.2004 Barnaamij gaar ah oo idaacada Laascaanood ka baxay ayaa lagu waraystey, waxaanuna idin soo gudbinaynaa qaybtiisii kowaad. Waraysi aanu la yeelanay Kornaylk Axmed Cabdi Cali(Cagacade)oo degan magaalada Laascaanood, wuxuuna waraysigii u dhacay sidatan: Su’aal: Axmed sidaad ogtahay dad badan waxay qabaan in aynu ka mid ahaan jrnay beelihii heshiiska la galay gumaystihii Ingiriis ee arrintaasi maxaa jira? Jawaab: Sidaan ognahay qarnigii 19aad aakhirkiisi waxaa dhacay shir lagu qaybsaday deegaanada ay kala degaan beelaha soomaalida waxaana kala qaybsaday dalalkan: Xabashida, Talyaaniga, Faransiiska iyo Ingiriiska. Qaybsigaasina Ingiriis wuxuu qaatay ka soo bilow ******** , Ciise, Beelaha Isaaqa, Warsangeli iyo Beesha *********** inta u dhaxaysa,nwuxuuna heshiis la galay madax dhaqameedyadii beelahaasi ee markaa jirey, dhamaantoodna way wada aqbaleen, marka laga reebo beeshii *********** oo iyagu gaashaanka si cad ugu dhuftey inay heshiiskaasi galaan. Beesha Wasangeli Suldaankoodii oo markii hore aqbalay heshiiska markii uu fahmay tabaha iyo siyaasada ingiriis wuxuu suldaan Maxamuud Cali Shire kala laabtay kalsoonidii waana la xidhay suldaanka diidistaasi ka dib. Ergaygii gumaystaha ee loo soo direy carro *********** wuxuu muddo safar gala bixiyo labadii isim ee markaa jirey iyo guurtidoodii waa Garaad Jaamac iyo Garaad Maxamede wuxuu Nugaal ka huleelay isagoo ku guul daraystey ujeedadiisii siyaasadeed. Ingiriisku beelihii uu heshiiska la galay wuxuu ku soo rogay cashuur iyo inuu u dhiso dugsiyo carruurta lagu baro diinta Masiixiga, arrintaa oo muddo shaqaynaysey, mudadaa ka dib waxaa dalka dib ugu soo laabtay Sayid Maxamed Cabdalla Xasan iyo culimo kale oo ka soo laabtay dalalka carabta, culimadaasi waxaa halkaasi lagu weydiiyey cashuur oo ay agabkooda ka bixiyaan, taasi oo qancin weydey Sayidka iyo culimadii la socotey, waxaa halkaasi ka dhashay inay kala fogaadaan ingiriiskii. Sayidku markii u taa dareemayna isaga iyo culimadii la socotey waxay bilaabeen olole siyaasadeed Berbera iyo nawaaxigeeda ingiriisku markii uu taa ogaaday wuxuu amray in la soo xidho Sayidka iyo ragiisa, ka dib markii Sayidku taa ogaaday wuxuu xeeshiidii siyaasadeed eek u wajahnayad gumaysi diidka ula spp wareegay degaanada gobolka Togdheer halkaasi oo ay si wanaagsan uga bilaabmatay aakhirkiina wuxuu soo gaadhay deegaanada Beesha Dhulbahanate oo ay kana hanaqaaday abaabulkii iyo dhismihii ciidamada Daraawiisheed. Muddo ka dib waxaa labadii dhinac dhex maray dagaalo hubaysan oo soconayey muddo 20 sano ka badan, dagaaladaasina inta badan waxa gacanta sare lahaa ciidamadi daraawiisheed, inigirisku markii uu kaga adkaan waayey dhulka isagoo kaashanaya quruumo kale sida hindi iyo afrikaan, ayuu dhanka circa ka soo wareeray, waana qowmiyadii ugu horeysey ee gumaystuhu markuu u caal waayey uu kula dagaalamo diyaarado, cirka ka soo weerara. Daraawiishta oo muddo halgan kula jirtey ingiriiska iyo xulafadiisa isla markaana aan haysan hubka loo isticmaalo lidka diyaaradaha waxaa halkaa ku hakaday halgankii iyo dagaaladii ay daraawiishtu kula jirtey ingiriiska iyo ku calanwalayntii, gumaystuhuna wuxuu gacan bir ah ku dhigay wixii daraawiish ka soo hadhay, intaa ka dib halgaankaa galay hakadka iyo qabsashadaa ingiriiska iyo xulafadiisa deegaanka *********** waxaa bilaabmay intii soo hadhay sidii loo gumaysan lahaa, waxaana uu socday ilaa 36sano kuna dhamaaday 1960 marka cidda leh *********** heshiis buu la galay waagaasi, wakaase maxay daliil u hayaan?muxuuna ku macnaynayaa halgankaasi gobonimo doonka ahaa e aabayaashii iyo awoowayaashii ay la galeen gumaystaha, laguna waayey naf iyo maalba Intaasi waxaa u eeg qaybtii kowaad ee waraysigaasi, oo cod daleeyaha amaba istuudiyaha idaacada Lascaanood uu marti ku ahaa Kornayl Axmed Cabdi Cali oo isagu ku magac dheer (Caga cade). Radio Laascaanood Soomaaliya
  9. koley aniga kasii jaqaafiyey!!!! libaax, drop me a line man! perhaps need to speak to you! leave your cell on my private insha allah.
  10. Chapter 1 Part I Underground The author of the diary and the diary itself are, of course, imaginary. Nevertheless it is clear that such persons as the writer of these notes not only may, but positively must, exist in our society, when we consider the circumstances in the midst of which our society is formed. I have tried to expose to the view of the public more distinctly than is commonly done, one of the characters of the recent past. He is one of the representatives of a generation still living. In this fragment, entitled "Underground," this person introduces himself and his views, and, as it were, tries to explain the causes owing to which he has made his appearance and was bound to make his appearance in our midst. In the second fragment there are added the actual notes of this person concerning certain events in his life. --Author's note. Part I Chapter I I am a sick man. ... I am a spiteful man. I am an unattractive man. I believe my liver is diseased. However, I know nothing at all about my disease, and do not know for certain what ails me. I don't consult a doctor for it, and never have, though I have a respect for medicine and doctors. Besides, I am extremely superstitious, sufficiently so to respect medicine, anyway (I am well-educated enough not to be superstitious, but I am superstitious). No, I refuse to consult a doctor from spite. That you probably will not understand. Well, I understand it, though. Of course, I can't explain who it is precisely that I am mortifying in this case by my spite: I am perfectly well aware that I cannot "pay out" the doctors by not consulting them; I know better than anyone that by all this I am only injuring myself and no one else. But still, if I don't consult a doctor it is from spite. My liver is bad, well--let it get worse! I have been going on like that for a long time--twenty years. Now I am forty. I used to be in the government service, but am no longer. I was a spiteful official. I was rude and took pleasure in being so. I did not take bribes, you see, so I was bound to find a recompense in that, at least. (A poor jest, but I will not scratch it out. I wrote it thinking it would sound very witty; but now that I have seen myself that I only wanted to show off in a despicable way, I will not scratch it out on purpose!) When petitioners used to come for information to the table at which I sat, I used to grind my teeth at them, and felt intense enjoyment when I succeeded in making anybody unhappy. I almost did succeed. For the most part they were all timid people--of course, they were petitioners. But of the uppish ones there was one officer in particular I could not endure. He simply would not be humble, and clanked his sword in a disgusting way. I carried on a feud with him for eighteen months over that sword. At last I got the better of him. He left off clanking it. That happened in my youth, though. But do you know, gentlemen, what was the chief point about my spite? Why, the whole point, the real sting of it lay in the fact that continually, even in the moment of the acutest spleen, I was inwardly conscious with shame that I was not only not a spiteful but not even an embittered man, that I was simply scaring sparrows at random and amusing myself by it. I might foam at the mouth, but bring me a doll to play with, give me a cup of tea with sugar in it, and maybe I should be appeased. I might even be genuinely touched, though probably I should grind my teeth at myself afterwards and lie awake at night with shame for months after. That was my way. I was lying when I said just now that I was a spiteful official. I was lying from spite. I was simply amusing myself with the petitioners and with the officer, and in reality I never could become spiteful. I was conscious every moment in myself of many, very many elements absolutely opposite to that. I felt them positively swarming in me, these opposite elements. I knew that they had been swarming in me all my life and craving some outlet from me, but I would not let them, would not let them, purposely would not let them come out. They tormented me till I was ashamed: they drove me to convulsions and--sickened me, at last, how they sickened me! Now, are not you fancying, gentlemen, that I am expressing remorse for something now, that I am asking your forgiveness for something? I am sure you are fancying that ... However, I assure you I do not care if you are. ... It was not only that I could not become spiteful, I did not know how to become anything; neither spiteful nor kind, neither a rascal nor an honest man, neither a hero nor an insect. Now, I am living out my life in my corner, taunting myself with the spiteful and useless consolation that an intelligent man cannot become anything seriously, and it is only the fool who becomes anything. Yes, a man in the nineteenth century must and morally ought to be pre-eminently a characterless creature; a man of character, an active man is pre-eminently a limited creature. That is my conviction of forty years. I am forty years old now, and you know forty years is a whole lifetime; you know it is extreme old age. To live longer than forty years is bad manners, is vulgar, immoral. Who does live beyond forty? Answer that, sincerely and honestly I will tell you who do: fools and worthless fellows. I tell all old men that to their face, all these venerable old men, all these silver-haired and reverend seniors! I tell the whole world that to its face! I have a right to say so, for I shall go on living to sixty myself. To seventy! To eighty! ... Stay, let me take breath ... You imagine no doubt, gentlemen, that I want to amuse you. You are mistaken in that, too. I am by no means such a mirthful person as you imagine, or as you may imagine; however, irritated by all this babble (and I feel that you are irritated) you think fit to ask me who I am--then my answer is, I am a collegiate assessor. I was in the service that I might have something to eat (and solely for that reason), and when last year a distant relation left me six thousand roubles in his will I immediately retired from the service and settled down in my corner. I used to live in this corner before, but now I have settled down in it. My room is a wretched, horrid one in the outskirts of the town. My servant is an old country- woman, ill-natured from ********* , and, moreover, there is always a nasty smell about her. I am told that the Petersburg climate is bad for me, and that with my small means it is very expensive to live in Petersburg. I know all that better than all these sage and experienced counsellors and monitors. ... But I am remaining in Petersburg; I am not going away from Petersburg! I am not going away because ... ech! Why, it is absolutely no matter whether I am going away or not going away. But what can a decent man speak of with most pleasure? Answer: Of himself. Well, so I will talk about myself.
  11. "Somalia in its pre-1990 form, which is a demonstrably failed state united by little besides language and colonial borders." So Somalis have nothing in common bar the above mentioned huh? The case of the borders makes the Sool and Sanaag issue rather clear one huh!!! perhaps we have nothing other than that!!!!! Ala maxaa quraafaad la akhriyey. War Soomalidu waa walaalo go'aan aheyne. Diintii, Dhaqankii maxaa ku dhacay! mise isku diin iyo dhaqantoona ma nihin?
  12. As far as time becomes eternal Of course that is assuming one believes this love business.
  13. Sophist


    uuh such a delightful words oozing that dried lips of yours! I take we all need of moisture sometime in our morbid life. Inspired huh by the bustling streets of Sharic Gawazat
  14. Desert! Sophistication my dear is an attire that those who are naturaly naked try to cover themselves on! get my drift? Above chaps, you guys are threading very dangerous paths-- careful or the light will go off!!! Walee inaad istebi like I once did!
  15. Waraysi Aanu La yeelanay Garaad C/salaan Xasan Max'med Laascaanood(RadioLascaanod)28-1-04(Arbaca):- Waxaanu waraysi la yeelanay Garaad C/salaan Xasan Maxmed, oo kamid ah Isimada Gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn, warasigan oo dhinacyo badan taabanaya wuxuu u dhacay sida tan. RadioLascaanod:-Garaad waxaad nooga warantaa, xaalada guud ee deegaanka sida aad idinku hada u aragtaan, siiba arimaha taagan hadeer?. Garaad C/salaan:- waxaanu u aragnaa in ay jiraan xaalado colaadeed oo abaabulan, una baahan in la nabadeeyo, hadii nabadu shaqaynweydana , la is difaaco oo dalka iyo dadkaba la ilaashado. RadioLascaanod:- Garaad Taas macnaheedu ma malayshiyada Somaliland ee hada deegaanka ku sugani, hanaga baxaan baa.? Garaad C/salaan:- Haa, waa in ay naga baxaan Ciidamada Somaliland ka yimi , oo hada gudaha deegaanka ku jira in gaadhaysa 100km;Yagoori RadioLascaanod:- Dhawaan waxay Isimada Gobolka qaarkood soo saareen Bayaan ay ku muujinayaan mawqifkooda ku aadan ciidamada Somaliland, waxayna sheegeen in uu maamulka Somaliland dusha u ridan doono wixii halkaasi ka dhacay, ma iskummawqif ayaad arrintaas ka tihiin.? Garaad C/salaan:- Haa , waan ku raacsanahay Mawqifkaas ay Isimadu soo saareen, waxaana ugu baaqayaa Ciiidamada Somaliland in ay dhagaha u furaan baaqaasi oo ay ka baxaan dalka. RadioLascaanod:-Wax Xidhiidh ah , mala yeelateen ,Salaadiinta Gobolada Waqooyi?Hadiise aad Xidhiidh yeelateen maxaad ka wada hadasheen?. Garaad C/salaan:- Haa , waxaanu xidhiidh joogta ah lahayn Boqor Cismaan Maxmud (Buurmadow) iyo Salaadiin kale ,waxaanuna kawada hadli jirnay Ciidamadaas iyo dadka ehelka ahi sidii aysan isugu dhici lahayn, isla markaana colaad riiq dheer ugu fidin dadka deegaan wadaagta ah. Radio Lascaanod:- Ma kala hadasheen sidii Ciidamada Maleeshiyada Somalind looga qaadi lahaa deegaanka?. Garaad C/salaan:-Wallaahay annagu waxaanu nahay Hogaamiye dhaqameedyo, waxaanuna kawada hadalay sidii loo xoojin lahaa nabada, iyo wada noolaanshaha dadka walaalaha ah. RadioLascaanod:-Boqor Buurmadow oo aad wada xidhiidhi jirteen, hadda xabsiguu ku jiraa, taas mala odhan karaa waxay ka turjumaysaa, in Maamulka la macagbaxay Somaliland aanu nabada diiyaar u ahayn?. Garaad C/salaan:- Wallaahay Boqorka Si gaar ah ayaanu u wada xidhiidhi jirnay, isla markaasna nabada uga wada shaqayn jirnay, waana ka xumahay xadhigiisa , dadkuna hadeer maba jecla qofkii nabada ka shaqaynaya, maamulka Somaliland waxaad moodaa in aanu gacan ku siinayn cidii nabada ka shaqaynaysa, waxaana ugu baaqayaa maamulkaasi in Boqorka sida ugu dhaqsaha badan , loo sii daayo ,looguna soo celiyo sharaftiisii iyo maamuuskuu ku lahaa ummadda dhexdeeda, iyadoo lawada ogsoon yahay sidii qiimaha lahayd ee uu uga soo qayb qaatay nabadayntii Maamul goboleedka Puntland. RadioLascaanod:- Hadda Ciidamada Maleeshiyada Somaliland ee ku sugan Yagoori maxaad u soo jeedin lahayd.?. Garaad C/salaan:- waxaan u soo jeedin lahaa , sida lawada ogsoon yahay dalka Soomaaliya wuu bur buray, wuxuuna ukala Dhaqaaqay ,qabiil qabiil,soohdimihiisuna waa soohdimo beeleed,sidaas daraadeed waa in ay ku noqdaan soohdimihii u dhaxayn jiray beelaha walaalaha ah, ee daris wadaaga ah. RadioLascaanod:- Sidee u aragtaan Hawlaha uu Maamul Goboleedka Puntland hadda ka wado Gobolka gaar ahaan guryaha ay baneeyeen iyo hawlha ay ciidanku boolisku ka wadaan deegaanka?. Garaad C/salaan :- Si fiican ayaanu u soo dhaweynaynaa, lamana qarin karo hawlaha wanaagsan ee ay hada ka wadaan deegaanka ,waxayna soo celiyeen maamulkii , nabadgelyadii kala danbayntii iyo nidaamkii dawladeed oo dhan, waxa dhibaato oo ka dhacday deegaanka ma jiraan intii ay joogeen ciidamadu, taasina waxay cadaynaysaa oo ay ku tusaysaa sida ay dadweynuhu u taageersann yihiin , hawlaha ay ka wadaan gobollada. RadioLascaanod:- Maxaad u soo jeedin lahayd dadka deegaanka u dhashay , gudo iyo dibadba?. Garaad C/salaan:-Waxaan ugu baaqayaa in ay nabada Culayska saaraan sidii loo ilaalin lahaa, lana dhawro daris wanaaga , hadii la waayana lays difaaco. Radio Lascaanod.
  16. Galad Airlane ha joojiso Duulimaadka Laascaanood hadii kale Ka hargaysa bay waayeysaa hadalka waxaa Yidhi Riyaale kaahin Abu-dhabai(Radiolaascaanood)Sida uu noo soo sheegay Agaasimaha Guud ee shirka Galad Airlane Mudane C/laahi Dalmar Mahad waxaa la soo hadlay maamulka Riyaale xalay goor danbe Maamulka hargaysa waxay u sheegeen Agaasimaha Shirka Galad Airlane C/laahi dalmar mahad in uu joojiyo duulimaadka ay diyaarada Galad Airlane ku tagto Laascaanood oo dhawaan bilaabmay hadii uu sidaa yeeli waayana uu ku waayi doono duulimaadka ay Diyaaradaha Galad Airlane Hargaysa ku yimaadaan. Mudane C/laahi Dalmar mahad waxa uu sheegay in uu si toos ah ula hadlay Riyaale laftigiisa uuna ku yidhi "Waxaad gayso Laascaanood Waan ogahay,oo hub baad keentaa Magaalada" Agaasimaha ayaa u sheegay in Shariqa aan hub laga soo dhoofin wax hub ahina laga saari karin Carabta balse ay tahay marmarsiinyo lagu cuna qabataynayo shacabka reer Sool oo Transit usoo mari jiray hargaysa. Galad Airlane ayaa bilowday duulimaad toos ah oo Khamiis kasta ku tagta Laascaanood iyo Shariqa C/laahi Dalmar waxuu u sheegay Riyaale in uuna marna badalayn mowqifkiisa ku aadan tagida laascaanood xataa hadii uu ku waayayo kii diyaaradaha Galad ku tagi jireen hargaysa waxaa kaloo sheegay inay iyana ka mamnuuci doonan duulimaadka ay iyana ku yimaadaan Gobollada Puntland hadii arimahaas lagu dhaqaaqo. Waxaa kaloo jirta in Diyaaradaha hargaysa laga lee yahay iyo maamulka Riyaale isla shaqeeyaan oo dadka saaran qaarkood magacyadooda ay usii gudbiyaan hargaysa hadhoowna Garoonka lagala degoWaxaana xaqiiq ah xadhigii loo gasytay jaamac maxamed qaalib markuu xamar ka soo duulay isagoo Jabuti u socday iyo asbuucan la soo dhaafay xadhigii loo gaystay ilaa hada hargaysa damiinka ku jooga Baashe Cali Jaamac oo isna markuu shariqa ka soo dhoofay garoonka hargaysa lagu sugayey halkaasna xabsiga loogu taxaabay Radiolaascaanood
  17. Areey tanoo kale? Waraa yarkaan ookiyaala xirtee reer london wuxuu doono moo qoraayaa isaga! calaayataxaal, cunigaan isaga ayaa qorey reportkaan. Ani sifiican aan ukasaa, last weekend aan isla joogney walahi! waan kuqabsaddey warka ah lacagta Debeda laga diro 50% kabadan waxaa loodiraa "Somaliland-Noprwest of Somalia". Warkaas meeshee kakeentey aa dhahay! wax uu ku jawaabo waa kasiwaayey. Midkoo kasto wax lee qoraayaa ! Laakiin ah , al aah ha usiyaadiyo dhaqaalaha walaalaheena soomaali oo idil. Sophist
  18. How Somaliland can be a principle that one holds beats my logic walahi. Principles ought to have intrinsic values; or perhaps I am being silly. Oh well may be Qabil principles coated with other names; I suppose that make it alright huh!!!! perhaps Qabiil has instrinsic value????
  19. Libax what is happening with the community section brother? that would increase his chances soomaaha?
  20. Horn, brother can we for a moment disremember the inner conflicts!!!! Samurai; ga'a kasiiyo wiilka nooh! that goes for the other warior Smith!
  21. War Deg deg ah: Boqor Cismaan Aw Maxamuud (Buurmadoow)Oo Xabsiga Hargaysa loo taxaabay Hargaysa(Radiolaascaanood) war hada na soo gaadhay baa waxuu sheegay in Xabsiga dhexe la dhigay Boqor Cismaan Aw maxamuud (Buurmadoow) Oday dhaqameedkaas oo ka soo jeeda beesha **** sababta loo xidhay ay tahay colaada uu wado riyaale Uu hor istaagay, kuna yidhi Riyaale colaad dadkayaga lagu barakiciyo doonimayno, isagoo Boqor Buurmadoow ka soo jeedo Degaanka Ceel afweyn ee Galbeedka sanaag. waxuu noo sheegay nin ka mid ah maamulka Riyaale magaciisana doonayn in la sheego ayaa waxuu noo sheegay saldhiga Boliska ee ku yaal bangiga agtiisa ee Qeybta boliska. Boqorka la keenay laguna yidhi waad xidhan tahay ,markuu yidhi maxaa la igu xidhanayna uu u shegay Ninka Booliska haysta ee la yidhaa Maxamed Cige Cilmi waxaad la kulmi doontaa Wasiirka Arimaha gudaha ninka lagu magaacbo Ismaaciil Yare, waxaana boqorka loo shegay in lagu sii deyndoono Damiin hadii Odayaal damiinta la helo, loona haysto Qaran Dumis waa sida hadalka uu u dhigay waa Ninka wasiirka arimaha Gudaha ah, ilaa hada Boqorku waxuu ku jiraa Xabsiga dhexe ee jeelka markii la waayey Oday damiinta maadaama Xili habeen ah Gurgiisa lagala soo baxay xiligaasna la soo jeedin cidina damiinan karin..Afadiisa oo ka hadashay sida Boqorka loo jajuubay kuna tilmaantey wax dhaqanka Soomaalida ka baxsan gaadhi weyn baa dalaq lagu siiyey bay hadalka sii raacisay isagoo sii qeylinaya waa nalaga ka xaystey waa siday hadalka u dhigtay Afadiisu, waxaa ber yahanba jiray maamulka isku magacaabay Somaliland inay xidh xidhayeen dadka wax garadka ah oo fikir ahaan diidan kala go'a somaliya tana uguma horeyso, in falkan oo kale lagu kaco waxii war ah ee ka soo kordha xaalka Boqor Buurmadoow waan idiin soo gudbin doonaa Radiolasscanood
  22. Rabi ha usiyaadiyo Walaalkiis Maasha Allah.
  23. Do people graduate from college at 18 in the states? I am just asking! 22 PHD? is that the normal age one can obtain his doctorate?