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Everything posted by Sophist
Just Cause, this is far more sophisticated forum in comparison to that wretched place Somnet. I would highly recomend you to join if you think you have what it takes--in terms of politeness, and being a good contributor to this highly regarded forum for the young Somalis in the diaspora.
oodweyne, You shall see whether I am reading a degree in theorotical physics or law when I see you soon! Baashi, some may have difficult fathoming why he did what Xassan has done. But knowing him -- dhowr odey ayaan kala tirsanaa- he is young ambitious man who will try to realise his ambitions without or with his people. I am not particularly happy what is going down in Puntland at the moment, but that does not mean i will forsake and be dishonest to my people and what they stand for. Anyhow, it is with delight I acknowledge that he vacated the possition for more suitable men who can fulfill the needs of this post. Anyhow, hangaraarac lug uma uu dhutiyo. #Thus Spake I
Hi there my fellow, welcome to the family. This is a place intended for men and women who have desire to cultivate their minds. As you can see some of us go thier way to indulge things that are bordering on metaphysics-- others are merely happy to be bland like I. I am glad you like the place so far; have fun and share your thoughts-- some of us are getting old as time goes by and ideas are becoming tired as a result. Sophist
Mob Deep! Ceergaabo cidii leh baa leh! it won't change its character because Gediid or someone else's claims! Defected aah! waraa sheekaa keentey walaahi! Anyhow, Wasiirka wuxuu Shaqo qaran kutegey dhulkiisa. He is indeed from Sanaag-- [ February 19, 2004, 04:40 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]
Hangaraarac hal lug uma uu dhutiyo! Laakiin waxaan leeyahay "markii talda habar Saar leh iyo Sebiyo loo dhiibay ayey saancadaa iyo nin ragi sibir dhaqaaqeene"
I can with assurence tell you (this assurence is based upon secter info recieved from the Somali camp) that he is not coming but Adna will be doing so; for "they" don't want this thug looking to known by the world-- in anycase he is not true Somalilander in the very sense of the word.
Jamaal! how dare you? I shall summon you to my court and command you elucidate why in a such audacity you have to pretend to be vulgar infront of I Yasmin iyo Jamal, i am off to bed, i am so tired I shall reply to you guys beri insha Allah.
Mythical stories Jamal11 don't count as evidence. I don't believe the premise that the current husbands are better husbands than our fathers. It cheap to claim that our fathers use to beat our mothers as a general rule. This is disgustingly idiotic to suggest. There might have been incidents that some men had done so, but so as now. the maltreatment of some men continues. I remember the first maah maah I learnt in piribaatiyadii xamar was; look before you leap; now examine the evidence before you write about a subject that can invoke profound sentiments. Cheerio.
Magnoon! that means some of the ladies have to stay a bit longer in the cold for there are meagre Farahs who are superlatively rich! perhaps waiting isn't that bad?
Salamas, The above question is a suggestive one. It is one that pre-determines that the our father’s generations were less favourable as husbands than our generation. This of course is based nothing short of hearsay. There is no methodological reseach which had been carried out to support the above bold statement; thus I shan’t get into the merits of the general issue involved but indeed speak of my family and particularly the relationship between my darling mother and loving father. Without no hesitation, I can assuredly tell you that my father is and will continue to be better husband that I can never dream of being. This of course is based upon not only his gracious behaviour towards my mother, but also the embacable personality of my mom. The maritial relationship is based upon two indivituals giving their inner most value to each other. Naturally, they are different human beings but they share certain things which connects them together. In the case of say my family, my mother although more educated (certificates wise) than my father, she knew what her role was. This made easier my father to fulfill his role as a husband. Due to her love, humility, undersatnding and the respect for her religion my mother created an environment which my father can blossom both as husband and father to all of his children who love him deeply. Now in our present Somalis in the diaspora, the vital role has seemed to change. Most of the females whom I meet are nothing like my mother and of course I am not like my father either. This of course have a potential of being rather disasterous adventure if I were to partake such a voyage which isn’t on the outset one that will go smoothly. In order to be “good” husband in out era where women have no clear understanding of what their role as wives are and where men are not the real men like our fathers were; the future of the Somali family seems to be bleak. And a marriage to survive it requires servile husband to be adoptable to the WANTS of his wife--- and this seems not to happen. To be a good Somali husband, one requires a culturedly clever wife. Thus Spake I
Salaams, To hear myself reproached and blamed Of all things that I love most fair For then perchance her is named (1) Whose mention bids me not despair. I quaff reproached, as though a cup I drain with purest camel milk replete, And after, having drunk it up, Devour my lover’s name for sweet. 1. Her is the representative of the Somali female. Such are amongst many sonnets our contemporary Somali men penned down for love; love they have given to their beloved Somali sisters;. Perhaps words that are valued only the refined can never be understood by many of those who complain out apparent lack of romance. Romance needs to be defined. If buying chocolates whenever the man wrongs his wife is Romance and continue to wrong her for he found a way to get to her then that is not my darlings a romance but the exploit of the week sprits among us--- this does not mean we should not buy worldly delicate things to please those who are dear to us all; wouldn't you be happy to see her being swept by joy; that sudden weeping for your love (though I doubt most of the Somali females shed tears of delight for their beloved-- ladies men are like seeds, the tears of your joy will caltivate and blossom them to be whatever you desire them to be-- I am not suggesting that you should cry for happiness when he does a little thing like going shoping with you to New bond street and buys whatever your heart desires! that would just be lame). I think this sweeping generalisation needs to be in check. I know not only one by numerous Somali brother who are valued greatly by those none Somali females they are romantically involved—women who have grown up with chimera of a romance. They hold Somali men at great esteem. It is pity to witness such slurs oozing from our sisters who just have a vogue (yes the magazine) idea of what romance is. Until you define what Romantic love is, then please do us favour and stay away from instantiating topics which you have a slight grasp of it. DnB: Darling you are so well enlightened. Ameenah: Well done; that was spot one Walahi. Thus Spake I
noone, Don't you speak Irish? Anigu waxaan aqaan uun SOOMAALI.
Og Girl, Ma kusiiyaa anaa adeer u ah wiilka eh! 200 oo geel ah ayaa kaa xigta.
Astonishing! What a self-loathing bunch some of us are! are we (the men) so revolting--- so ugly kulahaa!
Despondent!! Darling are you out of the woods now! how come you haven't consulted with your BIG Brother? I am deeply hurt ayaan kudhahay! I will take the matter to Ayeeyo Waa inoo tahay
Baashi walaalkiis, Alaylehe meeshaan ka heenseynlahaa ayaad kaqabatay. Malaha gabanku (da'a maaha hade) selected amnesia ayuu leeyahay. Gabartii ey isku cida ahayeen waxay tiri: Sheeqaanta cidu shaaci bixiwaaye, Shanta shuun ee Herti hadaan utago ama Layara sheekeysto, oo shir..... utago sharaf mawaayeen eh. Watuu awoowgeen yiri: Nin la maagay aasaan midho yaraan lagu malaynaynin oo maansada ilaahay baroo macalinkeeda in ma dhoodho loo soo tirshaa wa macno la'aan Baashi, waad mahadsantahay Walaale.
Dawaco, what matter makes you awake this late hour! it is with assurance i tell you that this sort of late nights catalyses old age!!! eye patches and what have you! or perhaps the body shop helps well- some creams do wonders I have been told!!!. :rolleyes: Sophist
Geedi maxuma in odey la isku sheegee, laakin hade, anigu amaan kaa weynin beenoow? Sida Baashi, Anigu kormuraayadleey mar hore ayaan calmadey! rabi nolol dheer hanoogu guuleeyo. Adigana hade, hadii kobtaas aad joogtid aad kaga sari weydey, heerin baan kuleeyahay! . Mr oodweyne, Hade, waqaan jiro oday iima duurxulin. Adigu hade, isku xeydaar baad sheegeysaaye, walaahaan damaareheenuna daran uwada daaqin! Anigu sanaag ayaan ka imi adigana hade magacaaga ayaaba sheegahaya-- calaa kuli xaal, kaama suurtowdo xitaa inaad haasawdo caadiyan! siyaasad nin ey saranka kagashey ayaad tahay. anyhow, hadii labaaro gene-keyga xileyhey wuxuu kufuran yahay oo caradiii jiidali midh midh looqaadaa inaan laga heleyn ciida oodweyne! laakiin boosaaso iyo garoowe lagahelayo. Pure noble blood weeye adeer :cool:
Gediid! you are imposing your own reality upon sisters!. Trust me there are some who would shame the coocking skils of Nigela Lawson (Get that book Nigela Bites; good thing to have)-- Some of them are here! it would be waste to go to the Ivy when you can a sister coocked meal!!!
To avoid the problem why not find yourself a guy with a fat wallet (not full of papers and reciepts) and then hire a maide!!!! that would do it! :cool:
Amaanta waa reebantahay! ciid inaad madaxa dadkaan uga shubto waaye--if you remember that Hadith in Muslim. I think you need to make it more lucid! other than that it is OKAY. Alaah haku daayo.
barwaaqo! why the gloom and despondency? anything I can help with? or is it some face you are going through-- we have those moments walaashiis! don't bottle it; share with those who are close to you. cheerily merry! Sophist