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One more thing; As my reliable grass has told me; Mr Riyoole had a meeting with B grade Civil servants from the Home Office yesterday. It is alleged that the discussion they had delimited as to how Britain can set up a vetting asylum camp in Hargeisa. By God this would have a catastrophic effect on those who want to join us in the “Land of Hope and Glory”.
Mindless Euphoria, what happened on 17 March? NOTHING
Sophist replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Qudhac, the Somaliweyn Camp did well. It seems they are very well accustomed to political manupilation. They argeed wholly to organise a demo against HIM would only be counterproductive-- he will get some air time in Britian; that is why they aborted the demo;; what a clever bunch. -
Dear Old Boy; you never disappoint me-- as much as I have enjoyed in the past; it is becoming so tediously bore. By know I should have become accustomed to this habitual heave of yours. I wonder retrospectively why I have indeed asked you cordially not to initiate your customary ritual of vomit; you remind me that Great 21st Century Lawyer/Judge ("the greatest and most colourful judge this century has known ) Lord Denning while appearing infront of a notorious judge; he made inapt comment to some petty hostile witness; the infamous Judge he was in his court blurted; My boy you are being rude; to which the young witty Mr Denning Replied “ Yes indeed my Lord, I am trying to be discourteous; but YOU indeed can not help being boorish”. Here my fellow you accuse me something I can not even try where you can not help but engage in it any given apportunity---hate who and whom? Such primitive emotional diatribe would only lead you to a consecrated dark side of your psychological gateway; of which the entry will only lead to your complete psychosis. My dear old boy, it is not healthy to label others what you with the benefit of hindsight suffer terribly. I hate no Somali other than those who are holding hostage our entire nation; leaving them in gloom where they themselves prosper and gain untold wealth. The iniquitous Old Boy wrote “3- As to whether he had met as you put it the "Big Men" of England,....let us see as to who he had met so far of this writing,....he met the foreign secretary Mr. Jack Straw,....he met the Deputy Prime-Minister Mr. John Prescott,....he met the Mr Hillary Benn, the secretary of state for the international development, he met Mr. Chris Mullin the minister for the Foreign Office in-charge of the Africa Affairs,....he met the Speaker of the House of the commons Mr. Tony Martin,....he met the leader of the opposition Conservative party, Mr. Michael Howard,....he met the opposition's foreign Affairs Spokesman(both the conservative party and the liberal democrats),....and the spokes-persons for the both opposition parties's portfolios of the Department For The International Development(DFID),....and lastly, but not least he also met the entire members of the select committee for the foreign affairs of the house of lords (i.e. the Upper House), consisting of both the government benches and the opposition's benches, he also met the entire select committee for the Foreign Affairs of the house of the commons (i.e. the Lower House), headed by the "Chairman" Mr. Donald Anderson,....” Such spectacle you make yourself; verily you make Mr Comical Ali sheepish. I shall recommed to the “Holly Grail” to pick you as their ominous PR Officer. My fellow, it would indeed be even inane to nit pick with you. As you may not know, I am in the know how as far as Somali Politics goes and indeed have had a lunch today with your Junior Minster of Health (Wasiirudawlaha Caafimaadka) Mr Ahmed Ali Shire whom I am sure you know since he belongs to same clan as you—though more noble perhaps . He indeed confirmed with me that they have yet to see any official other than those rundown MPs whose daries haven’t been filled for donkeys of years. With elation you have found out the rules of the Chamber; you in more than many times joyously declared that the Parliament would be summoned and he will give "Historic" Speech. Dear Boy, boastful is something I am not; many here were present while I deilivered speech at House of Commons (One of the most luminous Committee Rooms in the HOUSE); unlike your head of your feifdom; I was not welcomed to some Hall full of discoloured attired Somalis with excessive make up. Whether you beliefe it or not is something that matter very little to me—actually come to think of it, matter NONE. Why would I care the mental state of a chap who believes in apparition “State”? My boy, I shall leave you with your overweeningly outlandish psychological state which of course you relish being in it. Much happiness my Old boy. Hate kills the Hater not the Hatee. Sophist PS: Soomaaloo Idil are my Brothers and Sisters.
Odweyne, without trading Insults my old boy; what happened to that promised speech at the chambers of House of Commons? Has it come to this Pictures of Riyaale I sincerely expected more grandiose welcome from your former masters; at least an audience with the big men Blair perhaps or even lesser man Straw. I am deeply thwarted with the whole spectacle. You have geared us up like a big mountain in labour just to be disappointed with the birth of something lesser than vein of cotton. Oh well I should have known; actually I did knew it as I have many times said going to the parliament and giving speach is not that of a bigger deal--- actually I have done so myself and didn't feel particularly in high spirits. Anyhow, I am sure you will let us know different conceptualisiation of the whole thing. I look forward to it eagerly.
For me it is simple; colour is not indicative of beauty. I have actually said to a friend but his retort was; think about the Chinese! do you really think we could stand them if they were dark skined? I laughed so much that I could not reason with him for a while. I had then regained my composure and said; mate; it is not the colour that makes them bad looking bunch generally (i have a feel that some guys who have fetish for the orients will disagree with me wholly) but the other characteristics; say that egg shaped head and perhaps their fishy eyes--- of course this is measuring against the western ideals of beauty; we are all infected by those images that ooze from Vanity Fair, Vogue and their likes. Anyhow, I say Maarin does it for me; unless Latino goldishly olive colour comes in which case i would indeed fell over my chair cheerily. Waa idinkaas; maandhayaal isku kalsoonaada gp'aan aheyne. Let me give you untold secret; Real men are attracted by confidence plus intellect; if you want to attract simpletons then go right ahead dance to their tune and bleach yourselves. Sijui: Have you heard this creature by the name of metrosexuals? oh well; the big stores are currently creating this ilk; men who are supposedly hetrosexual but are obsessed with the way they look-- imagine spending £100 on skin creams; lotions and what have you! such men perhaps fall into this! though they will argue that they are indeed taking care of themselves and are no inflicting harm on their skin; unlike the Dian consuming lot.
This is Disgrace. I have to say that Most of what is written here are not FROM ME> I have already explained that I used some's computer and left without logging he posted this vile filth wasaqkh that reeks in this place. Wal Ciyaadu bilaah, ma nin Caqli xoogaa yar leh ayaa waxan qori kara waaba yaab?
what if we tell each other what we study?
Sophist replied to nuune's topic in Developement | Projects
Nar......... with name like that in Middle school! hana soo marin markaa secondariga aad gashid! yaakhey walaahi dad qatar ah aa soo korooyo!!!!! Socrates! good man mate. Keep evading is! and no pro bono work man! I need the dosh! if your bank account is not eking then hit the road man!! -
I urge the moderators to take the appropriate action against this boy Nasir. You have bounced Jaamac Bootaan for he had breached the rules of the forum. This man is doing graver things than that. I assume there will be an action taken against this man or a sea of ........... will unfold.
How do you motivate yourself (Mr/Mrs Student)?
Sophist replied to Dhagax-Tuur's topic in Developement | Projects
This perhaps would sound extremely superficial; but I have this castle picture affixed opposite my learning table! whenever I looked at it i feel driven to read. Oh well whatever energises our minds! -
Any Lawyers? Law students or graduates that is
Sophist replied to Sophist's topic in Developement | Projects
International Comercial Law would good source for work. You have already have the Islamic Degree. Anyhow, how come though you are not OUR Mufdi in cheif? From Henceforth we shall appoint you to be the Mufti of Somaliaonline.com -
Cons, give me a call Cas
Dustiyeey maandhey, hade anigu Soomaalidii hore ayaan kaharey oo; dumarka lama aan googaaleysto.
Okay I will write in a very simple English language so perhaps most of us we fathom it without much effort. . We the people of Sool, Sanaag and Ceyn (formerly Hawd, Buhoodle) don't want to be part of your little feifdom. The same argument which sister Rahima put forward can be utilised here; that is don't beg us we are with our felow Somalis. If you wish to secede from the rest of Somalia then that is your decision; but we don't agree with you. Is this simple for you guys. Just like YOU want to be respected for your wishes we in turn wish to do NOTHING with your little feifdom. Hadii Soomalinimo aad diideen, dee Waa lakum diinakum Waliyadiin.!!!!!!!
Verily those who caused the death of these innocents will meet their punishment. Miskiin, I am truly captured. Words can not convey what occupied my mind right now. May Allah give us the courage to accept our mistakes and prepare for better world in the future. Somalia needs us ALL.
Rahma Wrote "For example, I’m sure you would get offended by an individual who claims that Bossaso, Garowe or any other Puntland city was the Somali city of homosexuals and they were full of the grotesque qawmu luut simply because of the case of the two dykes. For one to make such comments would be disgusting, vile, inappropriate and undoubtedly tribal orientated because we all know that such comments are false and these cities are full of God fearing Somalis who would never commit such xaraams. " Walaal, that incident you refer to has never taken place. It was false info released by those who have tribal hatred towards the god people of the Punt.
Mr Odweyne, Oday haye; are you still vomitting your hate and distorted history? vanquished kulahaa! war ileen tanoo kale. Waryaa hade, why din't you respond to my PM???
Guraad, thanks for the article mate. Rahima, My dear Puntland does not want to secede from the rest of Somalia; that is the difference.
Any Lawyers? Law students or graduates that is
Sophist replied to Sophist's topic in Developement | Projects
Salaams, Practicing Kuf Law is Haram; but readin Law isn't. Legal education is quite benifitable; it predisposes you to have skills that are trnasferable in real world-- good writing skills, logical reasoning and perhaps the ability to argue once's case in sophical way. I think studying modern common Law would help one who want to study Islamic Law and want to practice. Most of Laws whether godly or kufr have great similirity--- before the man made Law there was God's Law; thus much influence had been had on man made law. Anyow, these days there are Islamic commercial firms in the world which global firms like- Cliford Chance practice; in the middle East. -
None of the Above. Laakiin hade hadii aan taan heysano iska jaf jafaneyno; This is my list. Perhaps Save Ina Abdule Hassan, I would say 1. C/risaaq Xaaji Xuseen. Very shrewd and intelligent man altered (was in the middle of doing) the formation and the function of Somali Civil Service-- while at Office, it is reported that he indeed reduced the level of fraud and nepotism to more than half. Sophist
May Allah show us the light. This madness need to stop. Innocent young men dying because of some political game. We have moral duty to speak against these killings of our youth while the big men indulge all the pleasure they can have in their respective cities; the innocent young men die in oblivion. -=-------- Askari Somaliland Ah Oo Ku Geeriyootay Dagaal Dhexmaray ciidamada iyo Maleeshiyooyin Taageersan Boqor Buur Madow Maxamed Raambo "Hargeysa" Hal askari oo ciidamada Somaliland ah ayaa geeriyootay laba kalena waa ay ku dhaawacmeen shalay markii deegaanka la yiraahdo Dararweyne oo ku dhow Ceerigaabo ay fooda isku dareen ciidamada Somaliland iyo maleeshiyooyin taageersan Boqor Cismaan Buur Madow. wararka halkaas ka imaanaya ayaa sheegay in askarigaas uu ku geeriyooday iska hor imaadkaas laba kale oo ka tirsan ciidanka Somalilanda ay ku dhaawacmeen iyadoo dhinaca kale aan la sheegin kooxihii maleeshiyooyinka ahaa qasaaraha soo gaaray. Ciidamda Dararweyna tagay ee la rasaaseeyey ayaa ka yimid Ceeri-Gaabo waxa ayna wateen baabuur Land curser iyadoo saraakiisha dowladana ay sheegeen in baabuurkaas uu siday askar Ceel Afweyn ku socotay oo ciidamada dowladda ka tirsan. Ilaa iyo imminka ma jirta war rasmi ah oo ku saabsan arrintaas inkastoo hadana sida uu qoray wargeyska Haatuf ee ka soo baxa Hargeysa uu saaka qoray waxaa la rumeysan yahay in maleeshiyada magaalada Dararweyne ku helay askartaan ay yihiin kuwa taageersan Boqor Cismaan Ow Maxamud "Buur- Madow" oo hadda ku xiran xabsiga Hargeysa. Taliyaha ciidanka qaranka Ceerigaabo Maxamed Abokar oo la weydiiyey in meesha wax ka dhaceen ay ciidan u direen iyo in kale waxa uu sheegay in ay amar ka sugayaan taliska guud ee Somaliland. http://www.hornafrik.com/Newspage/newsid714.htm
Intermidate School back home: Arabic and Maths College/Secondary school in Britain: in College, philosophy, and English Lit. And in Secondary school: English Lit and Biology
Intermidate School back home: Arabic and Maths College/Secondary school in Britain: in College, philosophy, and English Lit. And in Secondary school: English Lit and Biology
http://www.radiogalkayo.com/videoclips/drawiishta_puntland.rm I wonder why we are spending enormous amount of money on defence?
Unlike Burmadow's fate! C/qani can air his personal sentiment without the fear of being of being jailed by our Admin. We have respect for the Article 10 of Human Rights convention Rights! Freedom of Expression. He spoke not as a Garaad of Faarah Garaad but in personal capacity when he said the above seemingly innocent words which Lander seems to decipher big political......!
Sam Thanks! nice pic