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Everything posted by Sophist

  1. Ayoub, as you may know, I am not from Sool; Sanaag is where I hail from. My brother as I have mentioned in that thread lives in Ceerigaabo; so there you have it.
  2. Gudoomiyaha Sporti-ga Ee Gobolka Sool Oo Beeniyey Warar Sheegayey In Uu Xulka Gobolku Ka Qayb Galay Ciyaraaha Gobolada W/Galbeed. Laascaanood( Sporti-ga ee gobolka Sool Cabdi Saciid Abokor ayaa beeniyey in Xulka kubada cabta ee gobolka Sool ka qayb galay Ciyaarahii bishii hore lagu qabtey magaalada Hargaysa ee ay ka qayb qaybqaateen Gobolada Maamulka la magac baxay Soomaaliland. Gudoomiyaha oo u waramayey ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay arrintaasi tahay mid been abuur ah oo lagu been abuurtey xulka gobolka , waxaa kaloo uu intaa ku daray Gudoomiyahu in ay jiraan dhalinyaro yar yar oo aan ka tirsanayn Xulkiisa loo qaaday Dhinac maamulkaasi kuwaasi oo lagu tilaamay in ay yihiin Xulkii Gobolka Sool. Waxaa kaloo uu sheegay Cabdi Saciid in dhalinyaradaas si qarsoodiya looga saaray magaalada , kuwaasi oo ay ku adeeganayeen kuwo dano gaar ah ku watey oo doonaya uun in ay maamulkaasi kaga lacag qaataan ,bulshadana loo tuso in xulka gobolka Sool ka soo qayb galay Ciyaarihii maamulka Lamagc Baxay Soomaaliland. Guddoomiyaha Ciyaaraha Gobolka ayaa waxa kale oo uu sheegay in ay dhawaan xulka rasmiga ahi ka qayb gali doono Ciyaaraha Gobolada ee DawladGoboleedka Puntland, Hadaba waraysi Arrinamaas oo dhan ku saabsan ka dhagayso halkan. C/casiis Saleebaan Axmed Laascaanood Somaliya.
  3. Discreet, Walaalkiis, i wil provide the names for you when I go back to my tuulo.
  4. Jamaal11; beauty all too relative walaalkiis.
  5. I pledge my utter elegiance to the new upcoming governtment. Whoever becomes the head of the State should sincerely command the mojority of the our legislative body. It is not the leader that makes glorious the nation he leads; its the elites of such nation that brings such fruits. The Educated Class of this nation should take their responsibility seriously; we are obligated to support this nascent government. The rebrith of our collective pride should be welcomed and we should all lend our "expertise" to our people. VIVA la Somala.
  6. Nin Soomaali ah oo Loo Magacaabay Golaha Xuquuqda Aadana ee Magaalada Owatonna ee Gobolka Minnesota Sabti, Sept. 25, 2004 Markii ugu horeeysay taariiqda Soomaalida ku dhaqan Gobolkan Minnesota – intaan ka ogahay- ayaa maalintii talaadada, tariiqduna eey aheyd September 21-keedii magaalada yare e Owatonna ee gobolkan Minnesota lagu dhaariyey qofkii ugu horeeyey ee Somali ah oo loo dhaariyey jagada ‘Xubin Golaha Xuquuqda Aadanaha ee Owatonna'. Ninkan, oo magiciisa la yiraahdo Siyad Max'ud Cali (Siyad Geelle) ayaa ka mid noqon doona gole ka kooban todoba xubnood oo laga soo kala xulo qeybaha kala gadisan ee bulshada magaaladaas. Sida ku cad barta eey magaaladaas ku leedahay shabakada caalamiga ah ee Internet-ka, Golaha Xuquuqda Aadanuhu wuxuu qabanayaa howlo kala duwan oo isugu jira: Sare u qaadida tayada xuquuqda aadanaha ee Owatonna, kala talinta maamulka magaladaas dhanka arrimaha xuquuqda aadanaha, la shaqeynta hey'adaha iyo qeybaha kale ee daneeya xuquuqda aadanaha, ka haqab-tirida dadyawga magaaladaaas arrimaha la xiriira midab takoor-ka, Diyaarinta barnaamij hagaajiya dhibaatooyinka ka kaca takoorka iyo xuquuqda aadanaha iyo howlo kale oo badan. Xubnaha golahan ayaa jagada heyn kara 3 iyo 1 sano, hadba inta loo doorto, iyagoo si bilaash ah ugu adeegaya dadweynaha. Waxaana soo magacaabaya duqa magaalada Owatonna , kadibna waa in guddiga magaaladu aqbalaan magacaabidaas. Xulidda xubnaha guddigan waa mid taxadiran oo la doonayo ineey ku jiraan dhamaan qaybaha bulshada, sida; Rag iyo dumar, Sabool iyo hodan, midabyo iyo isiryo kala duwan, Mid guri leh iyo mid kireysta, da'a weyn iyo mid yar, oo eey xitaa ardaydu ku jiraan. Siyad Max'ud Cali wuxuu heystaa laba Master oo kala ah: Shahaadada sare ee Maareynta Ganacsiga iyo Dhaqaalaha, oo uu ka soo qaatay wadanka India . Haddana wuxuu wadaa takhasus la xiriira Human Resource Development oo uu ka diyaariyanayaa Jaamacadda Minnesota – Rochester . Wuxuuna la taliye shaqo ka yahay Waaxda Horumarinta Shaqaalaha (Workforce Development) ee isla Owatonna . Magacaabista Siyad ayeey Soomaali badan oo reer Owatonna ah soo dhaweeyeen, iyagoo u arkay ineey muuqaal wanaagsan ka bixineyso jaaliyadda, isla markaana xoojineyso codkooda. Lama hayo tirakoob rasmi ah oo sheegaya tirada Jaaliyada Soomaalida ee Magaaladaas, ha yeeshee illaa iyo dhowr kun baa lagu qiyaasaa. Waxeey magacaabistani ku soo beegantay xilli eey sii kordhayaan xadgudubyada lala beegsanayo Jaaliyadda Soomaalida ee Gobolkan, guud ahaan. Dhowr todobaad kahor ayaa oday Soomaaliyeed lagu dilay isagoo socda meel ka tirsan koonfurta Magaalada Minneapolis. C/raxman Ceynte Hiiraan Online Minnesota E-mail:
  7. This is a fine article, it should be read by all those who care about the rebirth of Somali pride. ----- Now that we have a parliament: What will be the contribution of the Somalis in the Diaspora? By Abdirashid Khalif Hashi These are indeed interesting times for Somalia . On one hand, it seems that we have achieved in Mbagathi what we failed to accomplish in the past fifteen years, that of forming an all inclusive and internationally recognized parliament. On the other hand, if one really looks close enough at this achievement one will realize that it is not totally of our making, after all! It is obvious that this is partially the result of IGAD and the International Community's unwavering determination to bring peace to Somalia . Admittedly, the perseverance of the Somali participants in the Somali National Reconciliation Conference that has been going on in Kenya for the past two years has also got some thing to do with this success. Whatever the reasons, one cannot deny that what is achieved in Mbagathi is indeed a miracle of a sort. The formation of the nascent Somali Parliament is of course the beginning of a long process of National Institutional Building . If this experiment is to succeed, the bulk of the burdensome task will fall on the shoulders of the Somali people, and particularly those who are in the Diaspora. Therefore, the faster the Somalis abroad realize their role and the responsibilities that come with it, the sooner we will all hopefully see a good future for our Nation. What the Somalis in the Diaspora need now is a paradigm shift and a new way of looking at issues, problems, and opportunities. We can no longer maintain our old, detached, pessimistic, and debate-but-no-action posturing. Because of what has transpired in Mbagathi – Charter, Parliament and a general understanding to establish a federal arrangement of governance for the Somali Republic, as well as a new proactive engagement of a united international community - what the Somalis in general and those in the Diaspora in particular, need to appreciate rather swiftly is the new realities on the ground. These realities are: Somalia will soon have a government; the international community will support the new institutions; most of the forces who participated in the destruction of the country will have a prominent role in the new political set up; most of the Somalis who consider themselves as the “good guys†have been marginalized in the creation of the Mbagathi institutions; most of the Somali elite are suspicious of every warlord-centered institutions; neither the warlord turned honorable MPs nor those who oppose them can do alone the required job of reconstituting Somalia. In order to reach amicable solutions to these dichotomies, we need to do a bit of soul-searching and accept to engage positively the new realities on the ground. Otherwise we will be grappling with another five years of vicious circle. The first and foremost thing we all need is to readjust our thinking. For instance, instead of zeroing in on the thirty or so warlords in the new Legislature, we should rather focus on the peace dividend and the immense potential byproducts of their inclusion in the Parliament: things like bringing Somali cities back to normalcy, running water for innocent civilians, schools for Somali youngsters, the return of over two million of our citizens who are languishing in refugee camps, and end of mayhem and violence in the country among other things. This is not to suggest that the new MP-Warlords will be the catalysts for these much-need basic needs of our people. However, this arrangement would make it possible that the millions of Somalis who fled the country could come back to take part in the rebuilding efforts of our shattered homeland. The millions of our citizens who remained in the country but traumatized by the marauding militias, could also start to pick up the pieces and rebuild their lives. Instead of dueling on the possible shorting comings of the two year long process in the selection of the new Members of Parliament, we should seize the moment and appreciate the goodwill of many in the international community who are ready to extend a helping hand so that we can begin the long process of healing our self-inflicted wounds. Instead of complaining about the quality of the MPs and the possible election of warlords as a President or a Prime Minister or as Members in the Cabinet, we should rather concentrate on the bigger picture and the fact that what is being produced in Mbagathi is but a skeleton of governance structures and the beginning of the stabilization process. The potential for free and fair elections is only fives years away from us – that is if we are willing to prepare ourselves for that eventuality and have a lot of patience in the meantime. Instead of expecting the worst from the newly appointed Members of Parliament and politicians, largely of former warlords and their supporters, we should for a moment suspend our emotions and understand that humans can change for the good. And history is full of instances when monster looking individuals matured into a fine and valuable members of the society . Demonizing the dominant political forces in our lives and despairing of them would only add to the pervasive climate of fear, pessimism, distrust, and cynicism in our collective national psyche. However, such negative thinking would not help us a bit, but would only make us adrift as individuals and paranoid as a nation – a psychological disposition that we will do better without. Somalia will definitely rise again; I have no doubt about this. The resilience of our people is unmatched and of a special type. Our collective willpower is indeed what kept us going in the midst of a total insanity. We succeeded to stay afloat in spite of twenty odd years of being sandwiched between the devil and the deep seas. What we need is to take a deep breath and decide consciously to make best of what we have right now - which is the Mbagathi product. Since 1985 and beyond, Somalia 's political scene was characterized and dominated by confrontational, cynic, and rivalry-ridden attitude. The only outcome of this destructive mindset is the appearance of monster after monster, bloodshed, destruction, and devastation of every thing that was good about Somalia including self-doubt and crisis of confidence for our people. This time around, such pessimism must be substituted with a tolerant, positive thinking and a forward-looking mindset. I am not in anyway trying to explain away the problems we are faced with or the kind of people that we have chosen as our leaders. We all agree what the ideal situation is or ought to be. The sad fact is that these are not ideal situations. We are moving from a worse to bad situation, which is positive under the circumstances. Yesterday, what we had was anarchy; today we could have a warlord infested (I am intentionally avoiding to use the warlord dominated ) government structures. We need to get the best out of this scenario. What I am suggesting, therefore, is: let us be positive and face the reality as it is. Let us see what practical steps we could take in order to find practical solutions to our nation's vast problems, bit-by-bit and piece-by-piece. After all, it is said, that Rome was not built in a day, and the healing of Somalia will surely take time. Finally, I will propose the following practical suggestions that the Somalis in the Diaspora could embark on and implement; and I sincerely believe that these ideas could yield fast, valuable and far-reaching results for our beloved motherland: If you have college or university level education, please consider coming back home and help the country in your area of specialization. One year or even six months of voluntary National Service would definitely help. Choose what area you want help and whom you want to work with – the public or the private, in the capital or in the regions. What made Canada , USA , Europe or even Malaysia and Indonesia economic powerhouse, is the educated and skilled workforce. If the Educated Somalis do not return to rebuild the county, peace and progress would not break out in Somalia ; If you are a businessperson or/and a budding entrepreneur, please consider returning to partake the reconstruction of the country; you could also make money in the process, you could create opportunities for others and you could help the creation of conducive environment for the development of the country and the return of foreign investors; If you cannot come back because of other commitments, consider helping others who have the required skills and are willing to return. Such professionals will be the bedrock for the reconstruction of the country's institutions and their role is of immense importance. Most of Somali cities have handful of antiquated professionals and some cities have none. Explore ways your adapted countries such as USA , Canada , EU and others or the cities you live in, or the people in your profession could help Somalia . Consider yourself as an ambassador. For instance, we could try to twin Somali cities with other prosperous cities in Europe, North America or in the Arab world and Islamic countries. If you are a student of higher education, see what your school could do for the fledgling centers of higher education in Somalia . The new Somalia would need bilateral and multilateral assistance from other donors, if you are an expert in the ways the world works why not help? If not now, then when? Everywhere one looks at, there are opportunities for Somalia, if you know someone, some organizations or institutions which could assist us in our endeavor to make Somalia better, please approach and see how we could make use of the experiences of others. When I use the world help , I am not suggesting we seek for a free lunch. No, I only mean that we need to catch up with the world and to do that we must scan the horizon, seek and seize available opportunities. Take the Aids problem as an example. This catastrophic and deadly disease is an endemic and a worldwide problem. It almost engulfed the sub-Saharan part of Africa, and East Africa is Aids infected and endangered neighborhood. We need a national strategy to safeguard our people from the scourge of Aids. There are tons of researches done in this front and we can seek help in this area; we could also learn from the preventive strategies, experiences and outcomes of other nations. Seeking assistance in matters of live and death such as the Aids problem is not begging – rather it is prudence of the highest order. Because of the civil war, Somalia lost it best brains. If we want our new government institutions to function well and produce worthy results, we need highly educated civil servants and experts in every field. The fact that we self-exiled ourselves from the international scene for close to two decades further necessitates the rapid assembling of top-notch experts who can help us navigate in this complicated yet interdependent global village. The fact that we have new leaders and MPs - who mostly are not up to date – to put it mildly, underscores the need for our experts – both the old and the new - to come back home. We must all think about not only how best we could organize the Somalis in the Diaspora, we must also figure out the best ways we could educate and bring up-to-date the non-Somali actors who mostly could be suffering the twin diseases of African Pessimism and Somalia Fatigue. We must all work very hard to create and foster a new atmosphere of cooperation and unity; we must instill in our people upbeat vision for the future and spirit of brotherhood; we should all embark on uplifting the spirit of our people and we must focus on all the good things we could attain if we all resolve to be a force for good and join forces for the noble end of unshackling our nation. We should never be delusional about the task at hand and we must all understand that first, we must work very, very hard and toil the soil – and then we can reap; and this is the gist of my message; Let us forgive one another and move on, for how long are we going to be at each other's throats; Let us all for a moment visualize where our motherland is as we squabble and where the rest of the world is. Let us all resolve and set out to make Somalia in par with other nations within ten years. Yes! We can do it. Remember Japan and Germany , think about Malaysia and Indonesia , do not underestimate the ingenuity of the Somali people. To borrow a line from Bill Clinton It Is The Attitude, ****** ! If there is will, zeal and vision we can consolidate the peace, establish strong foundations for the new government institutions and then, development is just a decade away. Finally, let us celebrate the peace, let us propagate the peace, let us proclaim the peace, let us perceive the peace, let us pray for peace and let us live in peace. Peace be with you. Adirashid K. Hashi is currently an observer of the ongoing Somali Peace Conference in Mbagathi , Kenya . Comments are welcomed; Email:
  8. For London People, The best Somali restaurant has to be Tayo. This places oozes with Soomalinimo. There are no waiters, you have to get your food from the counter where you can see your meat; you can choose which meat you want to be served. If you are not happy, then you can happily leave for waiters have no time. It is not just the meal, a journey to have a meal changes into delightful Somali experience; where everyone tucks in with their bare hands, no spoons no forks and definetly no table cloth to speak of. Tayo provides dinning in Somali way. It is located between White Chapel and Stepney Green, opposite the Somali mosque Al-Huda. Great place to eat if you interested in Somali way of dinning. Nabad. PS: No women allowed; full of Cabdulaahi's
  9. Gediid, maandhoow calaacalka igadaa caaqil baan ahaye.
  10. Gediid, Awoowe, malaha af-Soomaliga ayaadan aqoonin. Xagee baan shaqsi ahaan aan dagaal calanka uqaadey? Sheekhsupeer iyo Kambpirijba adigu qaado, nugaal iidaa aniga.
  11. Og Girl, Idaa kalamit al-amiira, laa buda an nudiicuhaa excuse my broken Arabic.
  12. Elysian, welcome. May Allah grant us all a place in the Elysian feilds that are promised in the Quran.
  13. Kuwaan been badanaa! Multiple Intelligence A Short Definition of your Highest Score Linguistic - the ability to use language to describe events, to build trust and rapport, to develop logical arguments and use rhetoric, or to be expressive and metaphoric. Possible vocations that use linguistic intelligence include journalism, administrator, contractor, salesperson, clergy, counselors, lawyers, professor, philosopher, playwright, poet, advertising copywriter and novelist.
  14. Multiple Intelligence: A Short Definition of your Highest Score Logical-Mathematical - the ability to use numbers to compute and describe, to use mathematical concepts to make conjectures, to apply mathematics in personal daily life, to apply mathematics to data and construct arguments, to be sensitive to the patterns, symmetry, logic, and aesthetics of mathematics, and to solve problems in design and modeling. Possible vocations that use the logical-mathematics intelligence include accountant, bookkeeper, statistician, tradesperson, homemaker, computer programmer, scientist, composer, engineer, inventor, or designer. ---- Quite a tosh I would say. And about the IQ test, I am happy to annouce I have scored on Congratulations, Sophist! Your IQ score is 141 This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is Word Warrior. This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take an unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary. Even without trying you're able to come up with lots of new and creative ideas. And that's just a small part of what we know about you from your test results.
  15. Ala maxaa rag badan lagu eedeeyey danbigaas (being a "player"); maxaa yeeley si raad toosan ayey gabdhaha ey kehelaan ulahadlaan-- speaking to them in fashion that shows the lady HE (the speaker) is man of intense confidence and knows how to articulate his "wants" Common phenomena weeye baan umaleyn.
  16. Jaceyl iyo waxeynaan aqoon baa maskaxda inaga wareeriyey. Maxaa heley, guurkii kusaleysnaa dhaqanka iyo isdoonista-- in certain circles labixida huh?
  17. War ileen tanoo kale, Maandheey; xurmooyinka lama aan yooyoo tamo; marka hade, bilcaan aad dacas dacas wada ciyaartaan kobtaan ka raadi. Allow umada usahal. Horn, Inaadeer, hadal badani haan ma buuxsho. Soomaalidu waxay ku maah maahdaa "Ninkii soo joog laga waayo, soo jiifso ayaa laga helaa", marka bal giraantani meesha ey ku danbeyso weynu eegnaa. Reerahani waa dad warankoodu isyaqaan, malaha qolyahaan fog fog ee hargeysa ayaan rasaasta nugaaleed hore u dhadhamin
  18. Beynoow waa dadma dadkaan "we" aad dhaheyso. Tankale, afka yuusan ku qaloocan ee isimada reeraha afkaaga kadeyso. Nin Ceytamaayi caroow.
  19. Shir Looga Hadlayey Difaaca Dalka Ayaa Maanta Ka Dhacay Garoonka Cabdi Bile Cabdi Ee Magaalada Laascaanood. Laascaanood(Radiolascaanod)27/09/04-Isniin- Dibad Bax Balaadhan looga hadlayey Difaaca Dalka iyo Xaalada Colaadeed ee uu Hurinayo Maamulka Riyaale ayaa maanta lagu qabtey garoonka kubada cagta Cabdi Bile Cabdi ee magaalada laascaanood,shirkaasi oo ay ka soo qayb galeen Maamulka Gobolka Isimo Cuqaal Waxgaradka deegaanka iyo dadweyne aad u tiro badan . Waxaa ugu horeyn warbixin lagaga dhagaystey Wafti Cuqaal iyo Odayaal iskugu jiray oo ay ka mmid ahaayeen caaqil Siciid Cashuur Abyan,Caaqil Aabi ,Caaqil Caaqil Caydiid Gangoome Caaqil C/risaaq Falaalug Iyo Cuqaal kale oo badan oo shalay gaadhsiiyey Diigniin Saraakiisha Maamulka Riyaale,waxayna Cuqaashi iyo odayaashu u sheegeen dadweynahii halkaasi iskugu soo baxay wax yaabahii ay kala soo kulmeen Safarkoodii ,waxayna intaas ku dareen in ay isku afgaran waayeen hawadalkii dhex maray iyaga iyo Saraakiishii maamulka Riyaale. Ka dibna waxaa kalkaasi ka hadlay Garaad Saleebaan Garaad Max’ed waxuuna sheegay in warbixnta odayashii tagay Oog ay ugu filantahay dadweynaha deegaanka Xog, isla markaana loo baahan yahay in loo diyaar garoobo Difaaca Dalka,waxaa kaloo uu sheegay Garaadaku in ay muuqato gardarada iyo Colaada ay hurinayaan Beeelaha Waqooyi Galbeed ,waxuuna ugu Baaqeyu Garaadku DawladaPuntland iyo Dadweynaha deegaanku in ay u diyaar garoobaan Xaaladan Colaadeed. Garaad C/salaan Xasan Maxmed ayaa sheegay in maanta ay tahay xilligii deegaankeena aynu xorayn lahayn ay ku sugan yihiin nimanka gardarada ku soconayaa, wuxuuna dadweynihii halkaa isugu yimi u sheegay in loo diyaar garoobo dagaalka ay beelaha Waqooyi Hurinyaan Sidii looga gaashaaman lahaa iyo sidii cadowga laysaga dhicin lahaa, wuxuuna ugu baaqay bulshada deegaankan dal iyo dibadba in aan la dhayalsan damac beelahaasi oo loo diyaar garoobo sidii loo difaacilahaa sharafta iyo dalkaba. Waxaa isaguna halkaasi ka hadlay Ugaas C/laahi Ciise Nuur waxuuna sheegay Ugaasku in ay tani tahay gardaro cad oo aan geelna loogu soo gaban sidaa daraadeed waxaa looga baahan yahay dadweynaha iyo Dawlada Puntland in ay qaataan talaabo Difaac ta ugu agad,waxaa kaloo uu Ugaasku in taa ku daray in wixii hada ka danbeeya hadalka Ficil loo badalo, waxa kale oo Isimada halkaasi ku sugna ka mid ahaa Garaad Maxmuud Mashqare.......... Waxaa kaloo halkaasi ka hadlay Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Sool Max’ed Cawad Baaruud waxuuna sheegay in haday yihiin, maamulka Gobolka isla markaana ka wakiil ah maamulka Dhexe ay ku farax san yihiin midnimada ka muuqata dadwewynaha gobolka ,waxaa kaloo uu intaa ku daray guddoomiyuhu in loo baahan yahay in loo diyaar garoobo Difaaca iyo ilaalinta Nabad galyada Guud ee dalka. Waxaa ka loo shirkaasi ka hadlay Isimo Cuqaal Waxgarad iyo Xubno ka tirsan maamulka Gobolka iyo Degmada waxayna dhamaantood ku noox nuux sadeen in maanta loo baahan yahay midnimo iyo Diyaar garoow taasi oo looga gonleeyahay Difaaca Dalka balse aanay ahayn dad colaad hurinya. Sawirada Halakan ka fiiri: Laascaanood Puntland Somaliya
  20. In Britain it has be Oliver Cromwell; if it was not for his disdain of the monarchy we would not have a parliamentary democracy.
  21. Boolbaro; pray tell old boy, have thee become bromidic? Oh well drink with the afflictive and you are granteed for a possition at the higher ranks of the dolorous bunch.
  22. Woe betides those who broke asunder the continual flow of this thread!
  23. Why do you think it won't help "humanity"? Trust me I am no fan of many so called champions of female liberation (whatever that is), but pray tell why you think that it is a waste?