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These men would include in the government, 1. Shaati Guduud, 2. Osman Ato 3. Cali Jaamac Jangeli 4. Maxamed Gacmadheere 5. Qanyare 6. Buubaa 7. Culusow The above men would take the most important seats in the cabinet: Finance Defence Reconstruction/Implementation of Federalism Home Office Foreign Deputy Prime Minster Economy and Technology Notice one clan has three important seats--- this will only happen if the Hassan Abshir's advice is taken.
I will take two towering individuals, both hold the office of primership. Both men had shown leadership of great stature, they are; 1.C/risaaq Xaaji Xuseen 2. Ali Khalif Galaydh I shall pen down their entries later today or early in the morning-tomorrow Insha Allah.
My suggestion would be Somali names-- anyhow, there are no Islamic names; that is apart from Abdulrahman and AbdulQadir which the propher SCW had said are loved by Allah SWT. Gabdhaha Suuban Sureer Abyan Wiilasha Sarman Shirwac Faahiye
Fataale, one imposes her own reality upon thee huh
Maxaa quraafaad la akhriyey! this something out of a trashy newpaper!
One should not trivialise something as consecrated as marriage. This should not be a point scoring about male vs. female. One has to be objective if one can in the midst of such pandemonium; you see there should not be any confusion about the choice and the right of the groom or the bride. Since, the subject in discussion is about Somali male species travelling (heermaya) to another country in order to secure a wife, such an endeavour should be encouraged—it shows that the groom is putting a lot of energy in order to secure a “good†home; what a worthy cause !!!!. It is his prerogative to seek his “partner†else where. As my old man use to say, SON the only time you should be selfish is when it comes to courtship and marriage; you should aspire to marry a lady who is not only worthy of you, but indeed better-- the old man perhaps was not beguiled about the matters of love! he is a very pragmatic man, and such a tanet has not disappoint him! I wish I could say the same about those who follow the workings of their chemical componants. Now, having said that, I must add this is where I depart from this post. I begrudge the idea that “ there are no ladies befitting for partnership or marriage in the west in general or in North America in particular†such an statement is foolish to say the least. Just like there are men who are “goodâ€, there are many more sisters who are better. I know many who would make fine wives and mothers who are indeed who are also in search for their hubby in our community, but lack has not been good to them. Let us not delude ourselves, many of our sisters are great but I admit some of them had been influenced by their host country—this of course goes without saying in regards to the men. Naba Sophist, PS: oh, as Jamal11 had once penned down, the idea of heermin is great of our development, I am sure he will elucidate if there is need for elaboration. *Heermin, is an act of travelling for marriage purposes. In the olden days, the Somali women had sought hand in marriage by travveling to distant lands. Perhaps such act would be rather fitting for those disillusioned ladies in the west; oh well fat chance of that happening.
Sophist replied to Wiilo's topic in Developement | Projects
On the Point of Correction, Sanaag comprises 6 districts, Ceergaabo, Laas Qorey, Badhan Dhahar Ceel Afweyn Hadaaftimo That was the six districts that the last Regime left in 1991. -
As the old you to say! Darling, all things are at their best!
Qofkii meeli bogtaa isageey belbashaa! soo sidaa maaney aheyn maah maadii asalkeedu? Calaa kulixaal, bal nooga faa'iidee maahmaahyadaas. Nabad Sophist
Waxaan ka baqi inuu noqdo Buurtii foolaneysey sanadka ee irba umushey . baashi, soo xeroow ma aan aheyn--saalixi- intaan iman dhulkaan gaalo;; NINKII SAALIX AH AYAA WANAAGA HELEE WALAALAHAYOOW KASOO KACA'E.
Gediid, Amiin to that
Caashaq wuxuu kudhacaa ninkii naftiisa u ogolaada soo maaha?
"Kormuraayadleey waxay jirtaa kooska jiidali eh" Hadalkaas awoowgey ayaa kayiri maalin uu cadan kaboodayey. Baashoow, Maansadan waxaan inoogu soo xuley, rag badan ayaa waxay yiraahdaan, abwaanada ciideed waa looga xeel dheer yahay arimaha qalbiga. Marka waxaan bal is iri malaha tusaale kan maad u keentid. Nabad Sophist NB: Ma heysataa Buugii ugu danbeeyey oo uu qorey Idaajaa ee uu ku ururiyey gabayada Abwaankii caanka ahaa: Aadan Carab? Waa inaad raadisaa, anigu mid ayaan kahayaa. Waa buug qiimo leh walee.
Yaa maali jirayeey! bal waa kaase weedh udhiganta "Siiqatul Mubaalaqa" hala keeno.
ina Taree ma la soo saari karaa topikyadii af somaliga ahaa
Sophist replied to nuune's topic in News - Wararka
Juquraafigu waa badan yahee, bal ka fiirso maandhey -
Emtions, Emotions!!!
Anigu odey madaxeed ayaan ahay, laakiin hade inaan jalaqsan ka yarahay waan hubaa; nuunana uu Baashe la da' yahay Af-Soomali laqoraa da'a uma aha calaamad. Nabad Sophist
Cabdiyow ninkii caashaq wado, looma caal helo Dad ninkii ka caawa-caawiyuu, kala colloobaaye -- Ala maxaan tan usoo taagnaa
Waa sawiro dhaaha aad ugu wacan; mahadsanid walaal.
Baashe, hade waleee inaad nin raga dhaaftey oo aad haatan mareyso maqaamka loo yaqaan NIN RAGEED-- Siiqatu mubaalaqa. Checkmate, Ha durqamin walaal rag waa kii daahiroo jiraye, Daduub gabey rag baa daa'imoo wada'e Diiwaanka nimanbaa kuqora oo u daacada'e Ee Dantaada raac wiilyahow, ragwaa kii aan doorin hadalkeyga.
Cali dhuux Aadan ayaa wiil uu adeer u ahaa gabadh jeclaaday Calina kuma raacsanayn go'aankiisa wuxuuna u tiriyey gabaygan si uu uga fiirsado do arrintaas wuxuuna abwaanku yiri. Cabdiyow ninkii caashaq wado, looma caal helo Dad ninkii ka caawa-caawiyuu, kala colloobaaye Inaad culustahaan moodayee, kuma canaanteene Carrabkayga kuma daaliyeen, cod aadan yeelayne Cirro kaama soo bixin timahaan, coofkan igu yaalle Anoo maduxu caynkaan i yahay, wadana caar yeeshay Waa laga ciraab qaadan jiray, caynka aan ahaye Cishriin ninkii jirey ma yara cad iyo dheeraade Haddaan talada caad lagaga rogin, caaqil waa yahaye Bal cutubi cabbaar gabana baa la cilmi qaataaye! Anigaba cusayb-doonadkii, waa i cood tiraye Waa kaa cadaadda u kallahay culus raggeediiye Inamaha Cambaro -Naado iyo Caasha iyo Luula Cagtoo aadan dhigin adoon Cadar la haasaawin Ceebaal rag kugu maadsadiyo cadanyo kuu laaban Cindallaahi coodkaa u bixi ciilna haw qabine.
Roobka da'ey, ramaasyada baxay, maqasha baanowdey, Ceelka gurey, geelii gun go'ay iyo gamaskii ceydhoobey Guntii guuleysatey, geesigii jabay, guurtidii naafowdey, Giyigii barkacay, morryannta Maaleysatey, Dacartii miidowdey, --- Hadaan doonaayo inaan hilfaha kuuqaado saas ayaan kubilaabi lahaa afarleydeyda; laakiin maadaama tol iyo xidid layahay, waxaan ku oran: Baashoow murtidu waa maanso kaa maqan'e Beynoow fudeyd iyo carsha caan ku aheyde Hadurxamin suufigu waa walad aqooneede Waa wiil miinsaanka saara maanso oo idil e, Waa wiil aan mahiif iyo aqoon malawga baaruude Waa wiil mahiigaan sidiisii loo mahadiyaaye Waa wiil Wanaagiyo yaqaan War-ka hadalkiisa Ee beynoow hawiiqamin ragwaa kii hawaarsade. ......... Halkaa haka sii butiriso.
Shabella, thanks bringing out this thread from oblivion DD, I have read Dan Brown's books, it was fantastical almost bordering illusory; but was fan read. Now I am reading One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marques. Also another great book by the same author-- Love at the time of Cholera.