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Everything posted by Sophist

  1. Good Morning folks, Sophist reporting from Garowe. This conference is NO MORE! that is for the time being. When there is something interesting comes up I will let you know. Sophist PS: Xaaji Xundufoow warkaagu si fiican ayuu iigalay maandhoow.
  2. Insha Allah. JB: Sowtii wiilkii Ingiriis Carre ii dhaartey oo yiri tareesaa kuu qoran hadaad ka degto Hargeisa. Anigu hade maadaama aan Aabe cusub noqdey, waaxaan door bidey inaan Garowe toos uga dego insha Allah oo aan inkaan odeyga ah aanan xiniinyo taaban Kaftan. Insha Allah waxaan idin soo mari sadex usbuuc kadib. Sophist
  3. Xiinoow Khamiistan ayaan u anbobixi Garowe Insha Allah, anigaa warka inoo keenahaya! Sophist PS: This is a good news!.
  4. Ismail is a first class Somali thinker!. S
  5. Afternoon Trollers, Stuck at Dubai Airport, where is Norf when you need him Sophist
  6. Belo hadii uunan hadyadaas kuu keenin sidee loogu aamini Commision oo idil! Wager! War heedhe hargeisa inaan kugu soomaro ayaa laga yaabaa goor aan fogeyn. Laakin hade inaad ii guul wadeyso ayaan quudareynayaa Sophist
  7. JB, miyaadan helin hadyadii ana kuugu soo dhiibey Ciise Xamari? Guys thanks. Duceysanoow maandhoow adiguna mahadsanid
  8. Well done Nadifa, at last you have the book in the stores. Good luck. Sophist
  9. Salaam to you all, Thanks for the warm and lovely wishes my fellow Solers, appreciate it wholly. Suuban has given us immeasurable pleasure and has become our little bundle of joy. Undoubtedly she will continue to bring us happiness that I never thought existed before her arrival. Thank you guys once again. Sophist PS: Thiery, I am in London but will shortly be leaving for warmer climes insha Allah. Drop me a note or call me. LST: Caradii ayaan u ambobixi marka ila soo hadal hade weekend-kan.
  10. JB that is unfair. Nairobi is not that dangerous; I just got back from there 5 days ago. It use ot be Nairoberry but no more!. The city not the safest place but it is not that unsafe. All depends where you stay. Yes you have to be careful but taking Taxis was not an issue. I found Kenyan's very nice though tad bit money loving almost like the Egyptians. Sophist
  11. Ala maxaa meeshaan QARDO la iska dharjinooyaa Sophist
  12. Miles, We need to talk awoowe. I am off to ceelkii Garowe ahaa!. Sophist
  13. Actually he is the Captain. He use to wear 9 but I think he is now 10! Carsanyo is his nick name! Sophist
  14. The goal scored by the captain, my junior! He should be playing for Sanaag but that is his choice I guess. Sophist
  15. I guess Sool is in the final having beaten the boys from Mudug. Are they going to play Sanaag or Sool? Miles, some of the players from Sanaag are native of LasAnod. They didn't meet the cut in the Sool's first squat. It would be interesting if Sool and Sanaag meet at the finals. Sophist
  16. Sorry Duke, Sool's team did well led by none other than ina Maxamed Jamaac. Sophist
  17. Kheyr: Mr Goldman Bernstein! Sophist
  18. Haatu, maandhey maxaa dhacey? Are you denying these chaps to be Salfis? Insha Allah sidaas ayaan urajeyneynaa. Sophist
  19. Che and abusalman, cleared it!
  20. Juje, Walaale I am not being appologist for Al-Shabaab. I just want us to think outside the box and for momemnt understand who gains from this cold blooded killing!. We all know the suicide bombing phenomena is introduced to Somali by al Shabaab. Has this savage attack carried out by suicide bomber? I have no idea. All I am saying there are other capable groups in the region who could carry out such a well planned attack- I dont mean Ahlusuna! Dhubad, ^ Sophist