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Everything posted by Sophist

  1. Cambaro; oh thanks for the pm! we should catch up walaalo? Any kids yet?
  2. Garaad of Sool, Sanaag and Hawd!! (like the Boqor in Bari)
  3. Oh! it is disarm the SL malitia-- the rumour has it; Hamar's disarmament was delayed because some said, Puntland should first disarm and Puntland predictably asked Somaliland to do that first;;; I wouldn’t be surprised if Ade or Afqudhac go to Addis within the next couple weeks.
  4. The oldest Isim (in terms of lineage) within the somali royal order oo hada nool. He is the Garaad of Garaad's of SSC. Cambaro, you are back I take it?
  5. Telegraph uttered the truth; they can afford indeed! laakiin what is up with Al-Jazeera? Disgusting indeed. Aloow noo gargaar.
  6. Caano why? Castro: I don't but the people in Mogadishu do!!!
  7. "Over my dead body" then go and take part the Jihad will you!!! This is a sad day walahi; out boys being slaughtered like they are sheep! we will evenge one day insha Allah.
  8. What are you on about old chap? what makes the above statement a "false dilema"? Are you denying the detrimental consequence that mutinious uprise within Mogadishu may cause---- thousands of Somali being killed!!!?
  9. Courts could have played the game well-- young men and older boys without knowledge in practical politics!!!. Their rhetoric against America and Ethopia didn’t do much for them. The incredible silly call (though Indhocade was singularly responsible for this) for foreign mujaahideen to the country was terrible calamity--- Even Hisbullah and Mullah Omar didn’t make such a foolish call. The trouble with the ICU was their politically disunity—at least the voice wasn’t united. Though Shariifka and Hassan dahir would have not taken this self-destructing path (you might say Hassan Dahir was not as toothless as Shariifka; trust me he didn’t command the majority of the hard core dervishes within the camp; their ears were only open to other young men; namely Fuaad, Abu Hassan and Ceyroow – Abu Dijaana); both were mature enough to understand the threat--- laakiin dadka qawf ayaad ku abuureysaan was the mantra within the shabaab circles. Castro old chap I would rather choose dishonour than the mass annihilation of my people.
  10. Mutiny within Mogadishu is not an option—trust me a lot of people want this for various reasons. It will only be detrimental to the people of this city. Educating people about corruption, good governance and accountability is all good, but I object to taking up arms against this powerful “enemy”. Somalia Hanoolaato
  11. Castro, how do you plan in acheiving this?
  12. Inaa Lilaahi Wa Inaa Ileyhi Raajicuun! Aloow Umadaada u gargaar.
  13. Is Abdulahi Yusuf the most deserving person to lead this Nation? A categorical NO should suffice-- anyone who thinks otherwise is either thoroughly blind or barking mad. The issue isn’t whether AY or that of the TFG morally good or best boys to govern!! Nay my people, we are interested in saving innocent somali lifes. Xoogsade wrote “Castro is no clanist. Kuwa isaga ku eedeynaaya qabiilka oo sophist u ka mid yahay ayaa qalbiga ka daxalysan. runtii qof TFGda u arka wax wanaagsan waa qabiil qof aaminsan ama qof diinta islaamka neceb. Nothing in between” oh bugger, do you think I will dignify this with a response? Castro, Suspicions, allegations and counter-insults aside, what do you propose now? Insurgency I hear, would you think that what is happening in Iraq would be beneficial to poor souls in Somalia? Killing, maiming and mass rape would be the result of any mutiny within Mogadishu—remember these guys are looma ooyaan kill them in droves and they will return the favour in kind. Castrow as the latin maxim goes “mendacem memorem essee oportet” when the ICU were in control in Mogadishu, I supported the peace they brought to the people of Mogadishu and I now like I was supporting the peace couple months ago I am continuing to do so. Marka eedeynta aan asalka laheyn jooji maandhoow. Let the peace reign and Somalia Hanoolaato
  14. More like smiles of hope!!! Castro, my suspicious mind leads me to believe that your painful loathing isn’t directed primarily towards Ethiopians or Abdulahi Yusuf!! It is the blood running through the veins of AY that you wholly dislike or dare I say hate? This my dear boy is what a lot of us are suspicious about. Many who supported the ICU now are welcoming the return of the notorious warlords—others are positioning themselves and dressing Ghedi with silken presidential robes in the hope that the old man will either be challenged or hopefully nature will take it’s course:: remember few days ago congratulations were exchanged on the “news” that the old man’s time on earth came to a rapid halt. What our brethrens in Mogadishu and rest of Somalia need is peace; without it we shall all suffer. I would rather have unjust occupation than the demise of thousands of Somali muslims. We are full of hope that Somalis will unite against corruption, warloridism, clannism and all the other isms that has plighted our nation. It is our duty to stand up for our country’s liberty and its resurrection from inflicted oblivion--- we should take our deserved seat in the global forums. I would rather have a puppet government than warlords and anarchy. Somaliya Hanoolaato!!!
  15. Naxar: Experiance, intellect and diplomatic insgight is not required for this post mate. Look at our incumbent Amb to China (the most important country Somali needs to deal with economically); trust me Koshin will be seasoned diplomat. Somali politics is indeed caecus est!!! But of course I must add that I trust the sagacity of our leaders
  16. Liqaye: Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem PS: Of late Latine loqui coactus sum!!!
  17. Surely IS AAMIN WAREYSI might be the correct term? I like the idea, but how do you enforce it and also, who would be evaluating the performance? PS: I nominate myself to be the ultimate judge who deliberates this without fail! as I will discharge my duties effectively but with some bias!!!! Vanitas vanitatvm; Omnis vanitas
  18. Ngone, be gentle with the novice; he will in no time become accustomed to the norms of SOL politique section;; that is unless nature resists nurture. Keep them coming.
  19. Cynical Lady "Experto credite" woow! Shall we trust you because you have an experiance in this!! very logical indeed. The Rest! Everyone has a right to do whatever they like so long as it is not an detrimental to their partner's emotional and physical health. Ask a question and you might be pleasantly/poorly surprised by the response you get.
  20. Can you post the pictures here as my work platforms are resticted? Much appreciated. Eid Mubarak and Jolly New Year to you all.
  21. Jacaylbaro! When you whent to LA did you go to the Shaleemo Shaadguduud where they will serve you the best camel meat in Somalia-- it is xadeed borough; northwest of the town.?
  22. JB: I didn't know holly featured part of your vocub! then again perhaps you are taking a dig or may be this is a new religion you are fond of?