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Everything posted by Sophist

  1. Ninkoo reer Xamar ah ayaa maalin maalmaha kamid ah yimi magaalada Buuhoodle (waa 1977 dagaalkii gaalada madowka aan kula jirney. Ninkii ayaa makhaayad yimi. Xoogaa markuu joogey oo cidina u iman weydey, ayuu kor u dhaqaaqey! "waraa kabalyeeri ku aaway". Inankii kobta kashaqeynayey ayaa u iyimi "Maandhoow maxaan ka iibiyaa"? Adeer hilib iyo bariis ii keen. Xoogaa markuu joogey, ayaa wiilkii ukeeney hilib iyo Bariis. Cadkii loo keeney ayuu saluugey, markaas ayuu yiri "duqa iga soo badel nooh". Inankii intu sidaa udhugtey ayuu yiri "maandhoow, maxaa jira" Duqa waa laf kaliya nooh, hilib masaarnaa!! Inankii intuu dhoola cadeeyey ayuu yiri--- Adeer yaa kaa itaalyar oo lasiin doonaa cadkan!!!
  2. Caamir! you must be easily amused huh?
  3. oh bugger; will have to get rid of my BB!! PS: he is in hot water as iphone is registered to Cisco systems I think.
  4. Your continual pasquinade against ICU is indicative of your dislike towards them--- I find it terribly difficult to digest you are doing this out of satirical parody sake. It is incongruous matey to continually desecrate the good name of the defeated brothers Shame on you!!!!
  5. Mogadishu belongs to Somalis-- it is the capital of the country mate. Qabiil iska leh majiro!! historic or no historic.
  6. Lander! With elation I shall! Oh bugger, realised that time is an expensive commodity. I am sure other with more time in thier hands would be happy to ulicidate the above raised issues.
  7. Me: I have a well paying job Alhamdulilah!!!! If I ever get the courage to take up a public service; I should do so without being paid!!!!!!!!
  8. ^ because the mighty godlets of south Mogadishu urinate their vomit every time huh!!!!!
  9. ME: Tsar of Somaliland-- that is the post I have applied!!!
  10. I am pro peace; whatever will save the lives of my people ayaan kudadaalayaa. Me: Unless aad uurkubaali sheeganeyso, anigu in badan ayaan kahadley inaad taageere C/laahi aheyn--- I just thought I should say this for the last time. Wadanku nabad ayuu ubaahan yahay. PS: Baashe waa nin odey ah, odayaashuna dhibaatada majecla. Nabad doon ayaanu nahay walaale. PPS: Tan kale, ayaantaan afkiibaa juuqda gabay! amakaag ayaa naheysta maandhoow. laakiin Gunta Rabi ayaa jebin doona insha Allah.
  11. Me; the above is a fact mate. Gaalo raac ayaa maanta naleh umada hala xoreeyo!! War ooyinta orgiga kaweyn.
  12. I for one was not happy to see Tadhasayaal invading (with the permition of our givernment) Somalia. Sad day for Somalia and Somalis indeed. Sophist PS: I am sure Ahmed Gurey, Sayid Mohamed and Siyad Bare are truning in their graves!! wayy oo wayy!!!!
  13. Che-- you are not (or atleast I hope you aren't) I was reffering to othere here who all over sudden become Mullahs and Nationalistic!!!! Soomaliya Hanoolaato
  14. Brown!The "army" and ragtag malitia take order from adeer Tadhase!!!same shite if you ask me!
  15. Che--- I just dislike dishonesty walaalkiis. I don't like AY personally but want peace to prevail brother. No more bloodshed under some fancy pretext I say!!!.
  16. "I don't like him, and we share same lineage. Not everyone that opposes this man hates his qabiil." True but some do hate him because of his DNA!!!.
  17. Other issues aside (soomalidiidnimo iyo wixii lamid ah); I think the Garaad has a duty to voice his concerns about the recent calamities of our people. He should see himself as a ISIM for all-- this is what he promised at his coronation.
  18. Xiinoow rag lama xasdee Xaakim baad tahaye, Xilkas baad tihiyo tooshka xaaliga'e Xirfadaadu waa ta naxli nagu beerin, Naasilo iyo Xaqba waa taqaan waa iga Xanaane* EE ha Xuurtoobin ileen magac laga miiskiin maahee. *Xanaan waa Alaah.
  19. brown! sorry matey! to disarm the Sophisticated SL army--- how about that! happy now