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Everything posted by Sophist

  1. Great idea for avoiding clients. I use this now for business. A client calls you numerous times, you dont really want to have a long conversation updating the state of play. What oftentimes do is call listen to the voicemail they have left for me and then click # and that connects directly to the voicemail.
  2. Preach the love! Masha Allah. S
  3. Hi Chaps, At the risk of be contrarian and invoking the wrath of many, let me offer this elucidation. Perhaps I am too naïve or think positively on issues of this ilk, but I have heard this sentence before and never thought the negative implication that it might have. It is a linguistically wrong as it evokes images that one doesn’t want to visualise about friend’s wife (or any wife for that matter). I have seen people employing this “ Reerka ayaan soo kala tuuri”. I have always thought this to mean “ I will take care of family’s many domestic issues”. Even for once, have I thought it to mean sexually!!!!!. It was merely a point made in well meaning sort of way—endearing even, as this guy is indeed thinking about his family and family takes precedence over socialising with friends. I will still argue this is what it means. To comprehend sentences of this sort, One should not look at in isolation and from linguistic point view only; it has social meaning of some sort chaps. I hope this clarifies the issue—sorry for taking the issue seriously. S PS: Those men who I have known to use such words are morale and upright human beings who are far from being Dayuusiin. Interestingly enough, geographically they all from one part of Somalia—south of the capital. I don’t mean it Qabiil; but being brought up in that part of the republic is what this denotes.
  4. LX As the song goes: Ceerigaabo iyo Badhan Dhulka wadacagaarka ah Yaa kula caweeyoo Dooxii Jiidali Ceelaayo kula taga......
  5. Xiin; Allah barri is a good start no? Paraganoow hadaad the princes haneefa keeneyso Jiidali; walee anigaad iga taqaan 100 halaad iyo faras suunaari and plus with throw couple hectares of farm land.
  6. Cidu masaajid weyn oo $$ kubaxdey ayay dhisayaan kolkan- Ala barina waa ey qorsheysteen! I am going for the sabta
  7. Haneefah@lol Maandhey biyo iyo dad kaa badanba waa ey ku hafiyaan Hawarwarin, Jiidali iyo Laaso Surad ayaad igu ogtahay!
  8. Xiinoow, waa umaakhireynahayaa! I think I will stick with Jiidali I will stick with Jiidali I think Anoo subax Jarmaada ah Jiidali ku soo dhacay iyadoo barwaaqo ah gu'gu maanta ku ag jabay oo aay jidhaamaha xareedii ka jalac tiri Rahu jalaw ka leeyahay Ubaxa jaadba jaadiyo Geedah cagaarkale Doomartu jiifto Ishii jaleecdaa daymad ala raacda kama daasho aragee Tani waa jid Roobaad Jiilaal kama dhaco Rabiyo na joojo nooga dhig mid aan jabin Jawa iyo labiyo laami uu irmaan yahay La jidayo caanaha Bulshaduna ciyaarah cawaysaa habeenkii Jiiftadaiyo jaantiyo sacabkana la tumaya Nin kii ciyaar guday uu cayaaro fiidkaa Dabadeed Jarmaadad Subaxii baqola Jiidali janaay yar Tani waa jid roobaad jiilaala kama dhaco rabiyo na joojo nooga dhig mid aan jabin
  9. Xiin; Qoow xero xaasid ? Ms DD; perhaps Rako Raaxo might be a better choice. Yes dear is the way of course!!
  10. A mere mortal like I being a role model? That wont be fair. Alburcaawi- infrastructure is exactly what they are are investing; building road, ports, airports etc. Also, the real state is booming; something like 6% of the GDP! Tourism is another area together to alternative energy and power. LX; it is Baasha Sare; sorry to nitpick old chap S PS: Al Burcaawiyoow, the issue we spoke about take it to bed soon Insha Allah. Contract will come out next week said the MD of the group. But I wont celebrate till I sign the dotted line Insha Allah. pps: Laaso Surad iyo Jiidali Paraganoow ayaad igu ogtahay inkasoo ayaantaan Qow iyo dhanka Ms DD la'iiwado Aniga ayaa daris ahaan doona insha Raxmaan.
  11. Talking about Morocco; I just came back from an investment luncheon; guest of honour minister du commerce, Ahmed Chami. The place is fantastic-- the beauty of the landscape the dev is just breathtaking. Anyhow, Morgan Stanley organised the event in the city. The minster gave a great visual presentation around Morocco as an interesting investment destination for emerging markets investors, funds & hedge funds, private equities and funds with a focus on infrastructures....! Great place indeed. S PS: Ahmed was youngish articulate official who indeed made his country proud-- I wish I could say the same thing about our chaps.
  12. ME- very droll indeed old chap! Saw you yesterday on bishopsgate, could not talk as I was walking with a client! How was that delightful young damsel?
  13. Thus spake the ignoramus of SOL- the son of hides man ! Awoowe, you have once again missed the point—not astonished at that really. You see, trading foul language with you is tempting as you are more weakling of a person with a voice of maiden soul struggling to shake off her manly body; but I dare not go there. Language is the medium in which thoughts are expressed- nay, thoughts wont be without language thusly if a man is inarticulate or has not mastered the art of writing (simple composition of letter or more polemic treatise on matters pertaining meta-physics) that man will indeed fail to express his thoughts intelligently. Now, in your case, you have fallen for the apparition that commands “the more prolix the argument, the better it is” . Flowery language adorned with intelligible words are delight to read, yours though dear boy is a collection of disjointed words with grammatical errors thus making your argument incomprehensible (or may be you have no argument worthy of debate perhaps?) Now let me get back to the issue at hand. From what I know history (you need to read my earlier writings on the ICU; in particular my opinion of Sharifka), Sharifka is shrewd man who is keen in public life- politics is where he sees his abode. This is not a necessarily a bad thing (though a lot of Ulma will disagree with morality of that). Sharifka is different ‘breed’ of ‘wadaad’ to those we have known in the past 30 years. His ideological believes are different to Garcase’s lot as far as politics goes. Do I agree with his politics? Not necessarily! Am I apposed to peace? Nope. I am practical man when it comes to politics. Shariifka Kabo kawaaweyn ayuu gashadey ; I have always thought that!!! Garguduud might need to be recruited to the Dirin otherwise this peace accord will not be worth the paper it was written on.
  14. Awoowe Oodweyne, With such loquaciously unhinged words of injudiciously impolitic, I am left no choice but to ignore the first part of this pungently odoriferous that is your vomit which is induced by mere pusillanimity from your part. Jidali isn’t the topic of discussion, then again you know that but like a feeble coward son of a hides merchant, you had to celebrate the only ‘victory’ ever won by your lot against the gallantry paternal relatives ! Your obviation from the subject at hand and trying (or perhaps you can not deal with the topic as it is beyond the sphere of your expertise) write ill thought out arguments which when one rummages through the thigh fog that is incoherent words and muddled up sentences; the dearth of substance emerges with devastating clarity—the light of course will be there for all to see. This of course does need au fait; it is all there to see; anyone with proficiency in the English language can see the incoherency of these incongruous sentences!. You might fool the younger people of SOL with limited familiarity of the language and logic, but an old fox like see it what it is: derisory. NGONE I never said our brother was genius; I think he is a man of above intellect and that he is not easily led—that does not mean he won’t play the game in the way in which he sees fit. Now that game has indeed not been favourable to his ‘Boss’. Sharif had painted the picture the why he wanted—I know this will make both camps miffed! The important issue is this; will the resistance disappear with his apparent peace making with TFG? I think not. Xiin The caravan has trouble ahead old chap. S PS: Ngone, aniga iyo xiin waxa aan udanleenahay waa maxay? I support practical politics in that I mean making peace with Hassan will bring the desired affect (Sharif regardless of his personality has not enough power within the boys in Mog).
  15. The issue is will Sharif's apparent "somalinimo" and good intentions affect a change on the ground? I suspect the real power (the insurgency) lies with Garcase as such darinta in loo fidiyo weeye xaajiga.. Xiin; the road is littered with bambooyin aan indhu qabaneynin! NG: Unlike your guru, I think Sharif is a man of above intelligence- not easily duped; certainly not by men of average intellect
  16. Oodweyne is happy Now, if this is true (I have a feeling it is) then "Darinta" waa inoo fidiyaa Sheikh Hassan. After all he is a man of peace who cares about the plight of his nation
  17. Marx, we all hate the BIG MEN who has brought Somalia to its knees and committed despicable crimes. WE ALL DO-- or so I hope. The question I have asked was merely to substantiate the specific allegation you have made against Morgan which goes against a 'widely' held believe!. S PS: We will now see the usual suspects coming out in droves trying to rewrite history--- one I have personally been a witness of. Some of us tend to defend the indefensible.
  18. "Early History of the people of Somalia"
  19. MS DD; is that a fetish or intense passion to see through the Sunnah! I have a feeling it is the former. PS I am Surwaal gaab at hear
  20. "His military campaign in Southern Somalia in 1992 was one of the main causes of the famine in Somalia in that same year. As a consequence 300,000 Somali may have died" Can you susbtantiate that my dear fellow? S PS: The only person allowed to call me Faqqash, Siyadist or a Morganphile is Oodweyne, the rest :mad:
  21. I see; that is a bit pricey! North, just pm'ed you.