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Everything posted by SeeKer

  1. A while back I heard about S korea and their pink parking spots. I remember thinking how odd to have parking spots designated to only women. Now since its October and everybody is pink crazy I googled the bit about the parking spots. The parking spots are wider than normal and next to entry/exits. Some say its because women are bad drivers and others say its to give women who wear heels shorter walk times. What do you think?
  2. Who is Amanda? TIA miyaa I don't think sheltered is a word I would use to describe her. She just probably didn't believe corruption was that well spread and accepted willingly by its victims.
  3. SeeKer


    Inshallah will be going next year. My friend and her hubby will be my tour guides. I can't wait to see Isfahan, Shiraz, Qom. Visit Soltaniyeh, Persopolis ruins and go to see the Ali sadr caves. Definately a must see destination. I just get goosebumps thinking about it. I was so jealous when I saw the pics they took while they were there last year.
  4. This is a true story told by a friend to me and I promised to write it out for her. It is just a draft and I have yet to plug in some aspects of the tale but I wanted to know how many of us have heard these tales? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Malyun sat holding her husband's hands and marveling at all that happened to her in a week. She finally was married after ten years of patience. She shifted her head as she focused on the scenery she was leaving behind. She was on the way to Kenya from Addis. She was anxious and excited at the same time. She knew it had been a decade since she left her childhood home and here she was about to return as a married woman. She instinctively squeezed Yoshi's hands. The bus started slowing down. Malyun peered ahead and saw that the land wasn't green any more. There was sand and dust everywhere as she saw the uniform of the Kenyan police walk up to the bus. There was a brief discussion with the conductor, lots of gesticulation and finally the conductor stepped aside as the soldier clambered aboard the bus. The man had beady eyes that focused on the back of the bus. See, when the passengers were seated on the bus, they were told for their own well being the foreigners should sit at the front, mixed races/monetary abled people in the middle and finally the displaced refugees seeking new life should sit in the back. Everyone, in the interest of a safe journey, did what they were told. Malyun handed over her Kenyan passport as did the rest of the passengers in the middle and back of the bus. The police man looked at her's and looked at her husband's Ethiopian passport. Yoshi had lived in Nairobi for years before returning to Addis to visit his parents and thus understood as the policeman asked Malyun if she was traveling with him. Yoshi replied for his wife and the policeman handed over their passports and proceeded to ask all the men who were in the back of the bus with foreign passports to get off the bus. The men quietly lined up to exit the bus. Malyun wondered what was going on? She watched as the men stood outside and the conductor once again started gesticulating. After about five minutes she saw her fellow travelers reaching into their pockets and removing money. Each of the men handed a couple notes to the conductor who collected them and then passed them along to the soldier. Malyun continued watching as the men were handed their passports back and boarded on the bus. The conductor then gave a signal to the driver and off they went. Malyun turned to Yoshi and asked him what had just happened? Yoshi explained to her that this was common occurrence to any displaced people making their way into Kenya. Malyun turned in her seat to look at the passengers behind her. They were poor, they weren't dressed in any garments that screamed money and most of them looked like they had squeezed all they have in life into the bag in the overhead compartments. Malyun coudn't believe that anyone in their right mind would wish to burden these folks anymore than they already have been. The bus was slowing down again. It couldn't be another road block? It was except this time..........the scene played out much faster since all parties seemed to be well versed in the script. Another five miles and again the bus slowed to a stop. This time Malyun was seething as she watched the expectant hand of the policeman. She told Yoshi to do something! anything! Yoshi gave her a furtive look and eventually turned in his seat to face the displaced. He told them in habashi to not give up any money and instead say they didn't have any. The passengers looked fearful as one of them told Yoshi that they didn't want any trouble. They just wanted to cross into Kenya and continue their journey to a new life. Yoshi turned back to Malyun with a "I told you so" look. Malyun bit her tongue and clenched her fist as the bus moved again. She hadn't even reached 1000 in her counting when the bus yet again screeched to a halt. This time the soldier that walked into the bus was Somali. Malyun bristled as she stared him down. How could he? He was a muslim and he could clearly relate couldn't he? Her eyes blazed as the man looked down in shame. He walked up to Yoshi and asked for the passport. Yoshi gave up his and was told to step off the bus along with the rest of the men. Malyun held on to Yoshi's hand as she followed him off the bus. The men were lead to a clearing aways from the bus and asked to fork over the money. One of the older men searched in vain for the asking price but all he had was 500. "Ati amesema nini? What did he say?" yelled a voice from behind them. Malyun turned around to face an army vehicle with three captains seated on it. There was a gunman with an AK 47 trained at them. "Kama hana pesa ataregeshwa mpakani If he doesn't have the money he will returned to the border ," continued the fat bellied captain as he lumbered towards them. Malyun trembled with anger. How dare they? These were poor people running for their lives and here were these porky, good for nothing men wanting to rob them blind? She couldn't keep silent anymore. She turned to the Somali soldier and yelled at him for being a coward and hypocrite. She vilified his manhood. She then whipped back to the captain and just as she was about to hurl abuse at him, she heard the cocking of the gun. She had never been embarrassed to call herself a Kenyan in her life. She hated herself as much as she hated the Somali soldier as she reached into her purse and threw money at the captain. She watched as her husband picked up the money from the ground and respectfully gave it to the soldier on behalf of the traveller who couldn't afford the fee. She numbly walked back with her husband as he steered her away from the soldiers. AS the bus moved away from the soldiers, Malyun felt hot tears burning against her eyelids. She wasn't listening to the scolding her husband was giving her. She was mad and pissed that she didn't think of recording the whole thing on her phone. She didn't want to call this place her home anymore. She wanted to leave Kenya as soon as she got to Nairobi.
  5. SeeKer


    A Mandera fella? Kwani tangu lini mandera ina andikwa Mandhera? Thanks for the compliment even though you attribute the unattainable to me. Jamaal11, could you be platosizing? A moment is a breath, a heartbeat, a smile, a kiss, a tear, a burn or a silent prayer. You expect far too much my friend when you ask for a definition of a moment. It is but what your soul determines i.e. subjective. PS:- I think I saw a while back in a deserted haunt of yours that you had a video clip of my home (Mlango wa papa). I am feeling nostalgic so can you pass it along so I can weep tears
  6. ^^ Thats helpful. I hope you don't mind getting dirty but I need to finish my miniature replica (minus the faces) in the next few weeks.
  7. Eloquent in her approach ............I can't help tearing up when I listen to
  8. Oh God I forgot how ugly starehe boys uniform was. So ugly! You would think after all this time they would realize blue pants with red shirt is just a NO NO
  9. ^^Nothing that matters to anyone but GS boyz and apparently this girl I think of all these stup!d songs with dances attached I hate the ricky bobby
  10. Originally posted by Jamaal11: Seeker, what about you? What's chasing you out of sleep? My recent tormentor has been a three legged creature. Got a cure?
  11. ^^Should you be up this early? Lack of sleep is detrimental for your persona as evidenced by the drip drip of your comment
  12. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Anybody, seriously what did this man accomplish? He hasn't done anything yet but neither did Gorbachev when he received it but you have to recall that Nobel's will stated that the prize was to go "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." Hopeful he will do enough to have earned it. Not many people get recognized for their goodwill by the Noble committee anyway so why not give it to Obama as incentive?
  13. Originally posted by STOIC: Smart Kido! He is so cute, I used to think he seemed very smart in the show my Wife and Kids. @ Serenity. The poster lied that ain't no stanky leg!
  14. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: quote: The Overly-Enthusiastic Reciter: Then there is that guy who enjoys reciting surahs out loud along with the Imam. Please note that the followers are not allowed to recite the surahs in the congregational prayer loudly. [*edited] The Tall Grass in the Wind: You might notice during Qiyam that some people constantly sway and swerve back and forth. If enough people are doing this, it forms a group known as Tall Grass in the Wind, which is basically what it looks like from afar. Jzk Ibtisam especially during Jumaa prayers. I personally find that the above two are my biggest pet peeves. By Slaves of Allah on FaceBook. Wow facebook is good for something. :cool:
  15. :rolleyes: The things people do. I always wanted one of these
  16. ^^^ You do know that the beast also has something tattooed on his/her head
  17. Top of the morning to trollers! I am too excited to sleep.
  18. Are you saying I should be up this early huddled in a blanky in 40F weather to watch this event from my deck? Should be a thrilling sight can't wait!
  19. Who trolls these halls at this hour?
  20. *** Jumping up and down watching MNF........Go Favre/Go AP/Go Chester/Go Williams/Go Vikings*** I so hope they don't screw up in the next 9 mins.
  21. My friend made a comment that women start early nonsense. This video was the proof.
  22. I think last summer it was 3K but I think its up to the couple. Its not payment but a sign of respect. I heard a year ago in Ohio someone requested 10K. Ps:- What was your assumed going rate anyway?
  23. Alright folks. I finished doing what I came to do (finish reading Ng's somaliliand visit). I am going to go catch some more sleep before work. Salaams