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Everything posted by SeeKer

  1. Lol @ KK. Speaking of mutilating lyrics of songs, I used to mess the hook of this Canjeex I never quite liked him in New Edition, BB used to mess the vibe for me. I am listening to and One of the best movies to come out recently and when I was in the theaters this is the song that got everyone hooting and hollering. Watch the entire Om Shanti Om song.
  2. Wow interesting responses to say the least. I have had migraines since I was 13. There was a time they were so severe that the ER personnel used to know me by name and Morphine was my best friend. Alxamdullilah that is all gone. Naden, WOL is right about jotting down triggers. I found out mine are chocolates, so I cut them out of my diet completely. I know other women who have weird ones like cucumbers. Now for the drugs. Imitrex belong to triptans class and from experience and also speaking to other suffers it kind of loses effectiveness after a while. Now the new version of Imitrex that has the NSAID attached is nothing but a marketing plot. My suggestion and it might not work for you is to try to go into preventative therapy. Apart from journaling triggers and keep away from them, try Topamax. Start off with minimum 25mg daily at bedtime and see how that works out. Pamelor or nortriptyline works with some people but I got weary of the side effects. With all drugs its works with or against your body chemistry so its all trial and error and thus its called medical practice. As for the other suggestions, J.Bro's is fascinating cause I heard that from plenty of people. I think its got something to do with the neurotransmitters and perhaps leveling off of hormones. PS:- Castro is right........being on the computer does nothing to aid you. Turn off and switch off.
  3. Rain? There is no rain and its small enough that I could move it. Now the elephant in the room is why are you being so helpful? ~~Trying not to look a gift horse in the mouth~~
  4. ^^^ Are you intent on jumping from the hot oil into the fire maanta?
  5. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ That they forget there are other 'humans' in the room when they meet each other? Wait till I get my hands on you! :mad:
  6. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: I do make one assumption about Somali Sijuis though. I have a feeling I don't want to know what the assumption is. Its never accurate to categorize people though. As for niceness..... A man once said "I am not bound to please thee with an answer". Will let you know if the burn is successful for now I have to get ready to face the minions at work. Have a blessed day.
  7. ^^ You assume I want to be nice Svenska I wanted to learn cause my cuzins live there and when they visit all I hear is that yabbering tongue. I wanted to join in their fun and say brukar inte killar vara snygga
  8. ^^ Will do. Serenity lucky. Those invites are the hot ticket these days.
  9. Hook you up? Hayaay.......nothing is free ya akhi! Will see if I can burn it first though. I tried svenska and spanish. Its a different approach on learning grammar but I think you would have to keep at it. I also tried the swahili to see if they know what they are doing and I was pleasantly surprised. One thing though the pics they use to teach you recognition of phrases seem to be the same, which means if you learn it from one language you are probably going to be familiar with the pic and probably pick up on the phrases a little quicker or guess at it faster :confused:
  10. I got handed a pirated copy of Rosetta Stone with all the languages and all levels. I thought it wouldn't work but lo and behold it did, only thing is it worked on Windows OS only and I couldn't use it on my laptop. So I use it minimally at the moment. I can't believe you are willingly to pay that much for one language :eek:
  11. ^^ Its 9 am here. Its bloody snowing outside and unfortunately my insomnia is on hyperdrive these days. So no wonder you are getting your times mixed up. But I still love you for telling me off!
  12. ^^ Lol you are like my cuz who buys high heels and wears them for a few minutes and the rest of the time they are under a chair or in her closet. I do think you burn calories wearing heals though. Walking in those shoes requires toned gastonemius muscles.
  13. Typical Beantown beauty eh? My signature translated
  14. I think they were being brilliant! :cool: Can they import that idea in the US. I would love to park closer to the shopping doors. My calves can't quiet take the long walk to my car especially in
  15. No I am not of the maple country but I like that I don't come off as a yank! I don't think you know my Amanda. She is too blond.
  16. ^^ Well the question just begs to be asked... Why was your dear classmate Amanda on your mind? . j/k I was just being cheeky. Same named person on FB had just statused something in line with marriage when I read your comment so I just got confused. Lol @ yank passport. I don't think they really care. I went with my yank one and they treated me like they did all others till I spoke in my coastal swahili accent then they were all smiles. I even BSed enough that the customs guy didn't look into any of my five bags.
  17. I have to look into that but I always thought fasad fe al arad had to do with corrupting the earth by destroying the beautiful creation that Allah SWT made. Allahu ya3lam they are the ullama and I can't say much on it.
  18. Erm......let just say the ending is a let down but you might have a differing opinion.
  19. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: LooooL@Amanda..good question? I'm retracing my thoughts, will let you know Please do cause for a minute I thought you were on referring to someone on FB. Jamaal11, for some odd reason I have never come across this. My trip back home was uneventful in that regard. Even at the airport the poor guy working the visa counter at 4 am remember my mug when I came back 3 weeks later.
  20. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: I'm reading this now .... impressive. I will finish the whole series soon Insha Allah ,,, :eek: :eek: I hate to judge people but I have a very low opinion of the folks who read this book. Its absolutely not worth the ink on those pages. I hope you reading it on Kindle 2
  21. Is bragging about sex quarantinable? What will his ban accomplish other than embitter him. Its ridiculous that a government can put such imposition on a person. Oh wait...... I forgot we are talking about Saudi A .
  22. :confused: why ban him from traveling after he has served his sentence?
  23. Morning Trollers, I guess I am going to have to dust off my snow shovel earlier than expected. Bloody Midwest! :mad:
  24. ^^Ever thought the guy was providing this site with a service? Sorta like that screeching warning that pops up as a Public Broadcast.