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Everything posted by SeeKer

  1. ^The nursery is that away----------> Be sure to close the door so as to not awake the other bebes. :cool:
  2. .....The work is published in the European Journal of Operational Research. The researchers studied interviews of more than 1,500 couples who were married or in a serious relationship. Five years later, they followed up 1,000 of the couples to see which had lasted. They found that if the wife was five or more years older than her husband, they were more than three times as likely to divorce than if they were the same age...... Read more Interesting research. And here I thought they married them young due to some other reasons.
  3. ^Bal Nin Yaaban is there a reason you are highlighting St Paul/Minneapolis? Something you want to share with the rest of us perhaps?
  4. ^ Interesting that you would use the term 'within reason'. I am curious as to what are the parameters of reason. Yes, indeed there are certain things out of our control as there is certain knowledge we might never know but should that then still progression? Shouldn't we push against the boundary and see if we can move it a couple inches or so?
  5. ^I am not a fatalist but thanks for your answer.
  6. ^ Just because I get rid of all the fluff. It is borderline nuts especially with advanced gene manipulations but say you had one shot to have a child, and there is a few disease that both parents have that you don't want a child to have. Would you be open to someone going through the set of genes and selecting the ones you need? That is sorta what I am implying when I say scientific. Indhoos, its not the shock factor that bothers me but the level of acceptance. It would require a stretching of the relationship fabric don't you think?
  7. ^Never seen you at a loss for opinion. Indhoos, possibly. I have mapped out scenarios on how my parents will react!
  8. It was a phone call anyone struggling to conceive a child would dread. The hospital handling Kim Whitney's in vitro fertilization was on the line. The process was the only chance for Whitney, 26, and her husband to have a second biological child. "My husband was working," Whitney said. "I was actually doing dishes when our phone rang." Whitney assumed the call was to schedule the embryo transfer. Instead, "the doctor at Ochsner called us and notified [us] that they couldn't locate our embryos," Whitney said, while letting out a loud sigh. "He just said he couldn't find them." Read More The past year or so I have been bouncing this idea in my head i.e. conceiving a child scientifically that is. It is a considerable investment upwards of about 10K per treatment. More and more these stories put a damper on its actualization. What kind of business do these people run when they can't even figure out whose eggs belong to who or impregnate someone else's child in a womb that is not its mother's? :mad:
  9. Who de who trollers! Its amazing how 5 hours of sleep can feel like 15 for insomniacs.
  10. ^He was linked to Al-Qaeda. Its the Higgs Boson particle I tell you. It is ensuring that nuune's black hole doesn't become a reality. :cool:
  11. ^ Not to be condescending but do you really think that there is a fully functional government in Egypt that gives a rat's patuti about its local populace? Shall I suggest a trip to Cairo?
  12. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: I think the wet look is kinda sexy anyways I thought people got over the Golden shower obsession a while back.
  13. SeeKer

    Prayer Beads

    ^No consider yourself inducted!
  14. ^I will have to reread that countless times before I totally understand lol. Are u implying that I have testosterone?
  15. Cowke I remember seeing something about people fighting for bread almost 5 years ago. If I recall right the point of the article when I read it was price controlling, supply and demand.....the usually economy hullabaloo.
  16. ^ Do you buy the theory or not? The article wasn't for entertainment lol I really am curious as to how he mathematically came about it.
  17. American Political Science Association.
  18. Morning folks, Anyone every written in APSA style? I am confounded with their format :mad:
  19. SeeKer

    Prayer Beads

    Is that the word for the day ya Jibreel? Perhaps I said all I want to say on the matter. There is a difference of opinion ultimately everyone is accountable for their own actions.
  20. ^ And your thoughts? You are right about one thing US doesn't get much foreign films. I usually have to hunt them down :mad:
  21. SeeKer

    Prayer Beads

    ^no comment my friend
  22. SeeKer

    Prayer Beads

    No muran.......just diff of opinion which is normal.
  23. This has been making the rounds. African dance
  24. ^ Lol .I was drawn to the fact that he is wiki-ing David Irving. Wonder why :confused: