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Everything posted by SeeKer

  1. Funny men seem to be into the body and women into the brain. Someone once hypothesized that women are ultimately driven to find a mate who will produce a perfect offspring with them and then help to take care of said offspring. There is nothing else a woman needs from a man! Are we using men or are men using us? Better yet are we mutually taking advantage of each other? Finally whatever happens to the outliers?
  2. Originally posted by Norfsky: Does anyone wear contact lenses? I'm might do one of those free trials. I do sometimes. Its all a matter of preference it took me two tries before I found ones that didn't make my eyes itch. Each year the technology advances. These days there are ones you can sleep with since they are breathable lenses. Morning folks.
  3. ^What shaydan do you see lurking in here Jacaylbro? Cara lol you did way better than I did, I am still working on my stacks. Chubacka some of those movies I haven't even heard of. I will have to look for them at the video store. Naden add Seven Years in Tibet to your list, I sorta pictured it when I read the Seven Year Itch, and in lieu of Halloween Friday the 13th and Valentine's day. Good job gals!
  4. ^I am a mad scientist and I hypothesized that I could turn flamingoes from pink to white by changing their diet
  5. Mornings are never complete without perusing the NYTimes. I noticed there was a column about a competition by the experimental Parisian literary movement Oulipo – Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle (The Workshop of Potential Literature). The rules of the competition are simple one only has to stack their imaginary library according to any category they desire. The library can be of movies, books or music. An example could be: The Green Mile,The Color Purple, Purple Rain, Moulin Rouge. Lady in Red, The Hunt for Red October, Crimson Tide, A White Christmas, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, White Chicks, Pink Panther I & II, The Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Pitch Black, Black Hawk Down, Black Knight, The Golden Child. How high can your stacks get?
  6. Originally posted by Khayr: For men, its really about 36-28-38. Yep yep......for some that is all that is necessary. :cool:
  7. Morning! The end of day light saving time is always irritating. Wish they would give you the whole weekend to get adjusted not Sunday alone. :mad:
  8. Generalisimo bene, its all in the brains and we are programmed. We are programmed by our environment and we learn that a man/woman with brains=better mate right? Just like back in the days men sought women with wider hip or 'baby making hips' as they call it. These women had a higher rate of success when it came to childbirth. So due to those advantages men naturally selected those women. Now my Q was geared towards understanding in the pecking order where does a mate with brains fall? Yes, its ok to have it but does it, say, rank higher than financial stability/physical prowess/mental stability/religion/skills? Hatu my apologies. Malika and Buuxo thanks for the honesty. Eng, Cadde you could perhaps fall under Malika's category of 'geeks'? Paragon fill in the blanks my friend.
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: Is sex itself not in the brain? i.e. all the physical action is nothing we get most of the joy up in the brain. First off you grace as with your presence. Second of all I wasn't speaking in terms of sex per se but attraction. What we value in the opposite sex and in what tier does brain fall in. Malika thank you for your response. A follow up Q would be, does matter if he is smarter than you or does he just have to be at your level?
  10. ^There are no good boys in Neverland.
  11. ^Lol are you pimping him out?
  12. I was just curious on how many of us find brains to be sexy. What priority is it when you are selecting a mate? Is it even a priority? I remember when I was writing my senior paper on flamingos and what factors they take into consideration when choosing a mate, I read a ton of studies on birds. Here is an example. Brainy male birds are more sexually attractive to female birds, scientists have discovered. Researchers gave male bowerbirds a set of cognitive tests to evaluate their problem solving ability.Bowerbirds that performed well in the tests also mated with the most females, when compared with their more stup!d rivals. This is the first study to show that males who are better problem solvers also mate with more females. Scientists studied satin bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus) living in the forest just south of Brisbane in Australia.Bowerbirds are famous for their complex courtship behaviour and construction of elaborate bowers considered by some to be a true natural wonder. Bowers consist of intricate structures built out of sticks that take the birds hours to create. Males will decorate these structures with colourful objects including flowers and even bottle tops. Female bowerbirds visit the bowers and then select a mate. "Bowerbirds are the kind of birds that make you realise that bird brain should be a compliment," says Jason Keagy of the University of Maryland, US, who led the research, which is published in the journal Animal Behaviour. The research team wanted to find out if male cognitive performance played an important role in sexual attractiveness. Due to the complex nature of the birds' mating ritual, scientists suspected there may be an advantage to birds that are more intelligent. Read Full Article Here This time around I am more interested in homo sapiens.
  13. ^Acha I will try to remember to look for it.
  14. ^ For some of us in the states that video is inaccesible. Any remedies?
  15. Its a blah day! Hallows eve around the corner and I am learning that in Somalia there used to be a night where bonfires were lit all over.
  16. .......The Palestinians were playing the Jordanians. But more significant was that the women’s teams were playing, and for the Palestinian side it was the first international match played outdoors at home. In front of a roaring crowd of at least 10,000 — about three-quarters women and a quarter equally enthusiastic men — the Palestinian players imparted a collective sense of achievement that had eluded their male compatriots for a long time. Read Full Story and watch Video
  17. Interesting points raised by the author though I got to say he comes off a bit biased himself. I like the closing nonetheless. Anyone who reads the history of Islam fairly has to be impressed by the high status it accords to women, because from the time of the Prophet Muhammad until the fall of Andalusia, Muslim women mixed with men, were educated, worked and traded, fought and had financial responsibilities separately from their fathers or husbands. They had the right to choose the husband they loved and the right to divorce if they wanted. Western civilisation gave women these rights many centuries after Islam. As far as arousal of men by siblings or parents, I recently heard a story from Saudi where a son impregnated his mother by drugging her tea and having his way with her when she was uncounscious. Can't find a lick of the story online so I am not sure if they completely shut down any leaks or what? :eek: Finally, But the extremist ideology is naturally biased in favour of the man and hostile to the woman, and considers that she alone is primarily responsible for all sins. so the Bible says so. Its all boils down to Eve giving Adam that da!m apple and since then we have always been blamed for every sin! :mad:
  18. ^ Its lower in Utah. I think 13 or 14?
  19. SRK is not the best bollywood actor. His films are all the same and his remake of DON suxed. As for the stats.......could it be that just a few of them have internet access and those few people are bollywood followers?
  20. Wsc Wr Wb, Hope you get better ibtisam. Che, International Law is a budding field. Are you planning on sitting in on the Hague?
  21. ^Did you not pick up after yourself Johnny? I usually make up those signs. Just because you are not home doesn't mean you can be a piggy.
  22. ^Go for it only if you are passionate, all the other things (excuses) consider them white noise! Morn folks!
  23. ^Saw the article the other day. I guess that takes care of the fear of running out of domain names.
  24. ^28 years and counting since he assumed 'presidency'. I only went to Cairo in '07 and trust me I wasn't walking around with a pen and a paper trying to gauge if things got worse or better. I was lucky that I always ran into people who desired to talk about life in Egypt and consequently I learnt a lot about the place without aiming to. For a full analysis......
  25. ^I apologize. I thought you could take a bit of a barb.