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Everything posted by SeeKer

  1. ^Just use the old edition there isn't much difference and you can get them for pennies on the dollar online.
  2. ^Lol.....the heavens felt like wetting Utopia with its tears Hot weather is our forecast for Sunday supposedly 90F. Sounds like a reason to have bbq LOST party.
  3. Really girls when a man takes it upon himself to find a cheaper way to provide sanitary products for women in poor communities, what are you to say? .....In 2006, Muruganantham, a high school dropout, perfected a machine for making low-cost sanitary napkins against all odds. Along the way he'd taught himself English, recruited local college professors to help him draft letters and surf the web for suppliers, worn panties (not to mention a sanitary pad and a football bladder full of blood), and spent many times the cost of his TVS Motors moped on laboratory analyses. He even invented an alter ego to get past the gatekeepers at the U.S. firms that supplied the pine wood-based cellulose — not cotton — that he discovered was the raw material he needed........... Eventually, he triumphed. Capable of producing around 120 pads per hour, the machine Murugantham developed costs only about $2,500 — a tiny fraction of the hundreds of thousands of dollars that Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and Procter & Gamble (P&G) spend on their plants . And while output of 120 pads an hour hardly offers much in the way of economies of scale, Muruganantham's invention has created its own business model for small “self help groups” of low-income women — creating jobs that earn them twice what they made as ordinary laborers........ His napkin machines are already in place in more than 200 locations across India, where they are empowering local women, and taking the stigma away from menstruation and feminine hygiene by turning it into a lucrative trade. Though many have flourished, some self-help groups have floundered without management expertise — raising doubts whether a legion of grassroots organizations could truly handle the mammoth job of supplying sanitary napkins to the country. But Murugantham argues that if the government supports him instead of P&G or J&J, his machines cannot only solve India's feminine hygiene crisis but also provide employment for a million women...... Source Hopefully the government will use one of their own inventions instead of partnering up with J&J for their free sanitary program
  4. Ngonge admit it, you love being contrary What does a political Islamist stand for anyway? Another coined phrase is fascist Islam.....I mean really :rolleyes:
  5. Friday just heralds unpaid work days. Blasted rain I wish it would stop so I can get in some planting
  6. ^ long does it take one before they got bored? No wonder its a drinking game
  7. ^^ I think they call that natural selection or if you are spiritual it might be Armageddon. If humans are meant to die off its nature's way of correcting an imbalance :cool:
  8. ^Ingenious method I love it! For this to be happening at U of W-Madison is a surprise since that campus is very diverse.
  9. ^ What is that game? throwing matchsticks into a box? I only used to play with the system when my mother wouldn't let me go outside. If I was allowed to go outside then I played soccer, baseball, kode, kati or one of my fav climbing trees Ah....the good old days.
  10. ^ Care to explain how this is a step too far? The scientists in question aren't building human beings they are building bacterial cells. When Einstein wrote the equation that lead to the invention of the atomic bomb he couldn't foretell that it would be used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Science will march forward for God gave us a brain to use. It is not science that is flawed it is humans and personally I think it is exciting news for all the good this breakthrough will bring to society, and if it brings any bad it will be human beings who will be behind it. So don't worry Archdemos, rejoice for you never know this cell might lead to a cure for GVHD or something to that effect
  11. I don't know about kids but University of MN has a Somali language course taught by poet and playwright saciid salax. Been meaning to enroll in the course I hear it is excellent.
  12. I remember kicking every body's a$$ playing mortal kombat on my gaming system ..... KO!
  13. SeeKer

    PLayOffs '10

    Originally posted by *BOB: Tuujiye & Seeker Kobe ONLY demonstrates the sign of greatness which is something all the great players before him had, the likes of Magic, Bird, Jordan, Pippen etc. Ummm.....what happened to he is the GREATEST? You humanized him I could care less for the guy.......I get a foul taste everytime I speak his name, hence most of my friends steer clear of me on LA game nights Celtics-Lakers would be incredible but I ain't predicting anything because I am enjoying the series going on this week PS:- BOB there is no way you compared Jordon to Kobe :eek:
  14. Speaking of oil, since Uganda found oil in Lake Albert's basin has there been significant increases in GDP? Whats the average cost of living? Is there a pipeline of foreign investment into the country's infrastructure?
  15. First off, mad respect for the album. Way over due for both parties Erm but In Tribal War when K'naan goes :- Its me and my nation against the world, its me and my clan against the nation, its me and my fam against the clan....... isn't that copywritten somewhere even Rudy has it as his signature....
  16. Che, thats true hence the quotation. Its a game that has no winners
  17. ^ You reminded me of an upcoming docu movie about a girl who sets out to meet all the people that she has on her FB. Good luck on the meeting I hope she isn't a serial killer or worse a man
  18. Originally posted by Ducaysane: seeker ma nin baa horta mase bilcaan horta? I will tell you only when you tell me what bearing that has on the point of contention.
  19. Che, spoken like a true 'man' lol Ducaysane, 34 expired miyaa? I wonder what you think of cougars
  20. Che, again its a fickle emotion sxb. No decision should be based on it :rolleyes:
  21. Che, should it matter what love it is? Marriage is sustained by something more than love and will only be long lasting if both parties realize that. Love might help you get through those rough patches but other than that marriage shouldn't be based on such a fickle emotion No wonder our divorce rates are on the increase :cool:
  22. ^Lol @ the nerve. Its not nerves but more they feel justified by their beliefs and American constitution. Ailamos, Let sleeping dogs lie Its amazing how many people I have met while traveling that as soon as they hear my accent have a certain idea about what I believe or think. Blah its the sole reason I just smile beguiling and let people talk till I can figure out what personality I am dealing with.
  23. Ken Boothe-Silver Words. Wishes the weekend was here already
  24. SeeKer

    PLayOffs '10

    ^^lol @ haatu only if it floats your boat. Its a great environment to watch games just don't go to bars where you are the only one wearing a Lakers jersey
  25. ^I don't watch much TV it rots the brains in my opinion lol. I just asked restraint in this particular discussion because it muddies the waters. As for its old news it is actually relevant because it sets a precedent. My initial post said it was controversial to begin with but what makes it all the more so is the news of a second mosque being built in the same area. The board gave the approval , I believe on May 5th, but many community boards have given approvals before that have been retracted. Here is one of the board members defending her views on the issue dated yesterday. That there is a planned protest over the approval means that some New Yorkers believe that they shout enough something might be done. I wouldn't be too quick to discount what symbolism this center might mean for Americans, Muslims, American-Muslims, New Yorkers or the rest of the world. Ps:- I ain't no waraa